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GRAMMAR: The Noun: Number and Case. The Article

The verbs to be and to have in the Present Indefinite Tense The Construction there + to be

Reading drills

1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

а) stress the first syllable:

state, high, quality, training, prominent, manager, national, programme, various, leading, goal, nowadays, purpose, study, student, knowledge, excellent, found, founder, industry, trade, faculty, railway, maintenance, science, scientist, public, skill, field, figure, theory, number, president, major, institute, technical;

b) stress the second syllable:

economy, economist, establishment, provide, position, direction, renown, coordinate, prestige, progressive, objective, equip, contemporary, professional, commercial, result, towards, transform, restructure, among, statistics, inventor, academy, autonomy, decision, activity;

c) stress the third syllable:

university, economic, economics, managerial, orientation.

Text A

Kyiv National Economic University is a prominent economic establishment of higher learning1. It provides a high quality training of economists and managers for various fields of national economy and coordinates economic and managerial training programmes in Ukraine.

The leading position of the University, its prestige and renown are the results of its orientation towards progressive goals and objectives of nowadays. The main purpose of the University is to equip students with2 contemporary knowledge of economics and to provide them with excellent professional skills.

The University was founded in 1906 as a commercial school in the field of industry and trade. In 1908 it was transformed into Kyiv Commercial Institute. The students studied at three faculties: economic, commercial and technical, and railway maintenance3. In 1920 the Institute was restructured and named Kyiv Institute of National Economy.

Many prominent scientists and public figures4 studied and worked at the Institute: the founder of the school of statistics Ye.Slutsky, one of the inventors of the theory of numbers Academician D.Grave, President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.Bohomolets and many others.

In August 1992 the Institute was transformed into Kyiv State University of Economics and became the leading higher school of economics in Ukraine. In February 1997 according to the President decree the University was given the status of National Economic University. At present it is granted autonomy in making decisions5 on the major directions of its activity.


1. establishment of higher learning — вищий навчальний заклад

2. to equip students with — тут: надавати студентам

3. railway maintenance — залiзнично-експлуатацiйний

4. public figures — громадські діячі

  1. ... it is granted autonomy in making decisions ... — йому надано само- стійність у прийнятті рiшень

Vocabulary exercises

I. Find equivalents:

1. establishment of higher learning а. залiзнично-експлуатацiйний

2. in the field of industry and trade б. прогресивні цілі й завдання

3. commercial school в. розробник теорiї чисел

4. railway maintenance г. iнститут народного господарства

5. progressive goals and objectives д. вищий навчальний заклад

6. to make decisions е. комерцiйна школа

7. public figures є. приймати рiшення

8. inventor of the theory of numbers ж. головний напрямок дiяльностi

9. Institute of National Economy з. Академiя наук України

10. major direction of activity и. громадськi дiячi

11. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine і. засновник школи статистики

12. founder of the school of statistics ї. надавати студентам

13. to equip students with й. у сферi промисловостi та торгiвлi

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