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Державний заклад «Київський коледж зв’язку»

Зошит для робіт з англійської мови

за професійним спрямуванням студента/студентки групи _________


(прізвище, ім’я, по батькові)

Київ 2013

Заняття 1.

Тема Інфінітивна частка «to». Вживання частки «to» та її відсутність з деякими окремими дієсловами. Телекомунікації

As a rule the infinitive is used with the particle to. If two infinitives are connected by the conjunctions and or or, the particle to is placed only before the first infinitive.

At the end of the sentence the particle to is sometimes used without the infinitive if the infinitive is understood from the context.

Why didn't you come? You promised to. Чому ви не прийшли? Ви ж обіцяли.

The infinitive is used without the particle to:

a) after modal verbs except ought, to have, to be and partly after need and dare:

May I ask you?

Можна запитати вас?

You shouldn't have come.

Вам не треба було приходити.

How dare you ask me?

Як ви смієте запитувати мене?

b)after the expressions had better, would sooner, would rather:

You had better go back to the manager. Ви б краще повернулися до менеджера.

I would sooner come with you.

I'd rather not talk about these things.

Я краще піду з вами.

Мені краще не говорити про це.

c) in the Objective Infinitive Complex after the verbs of sense perceptions and after the verbs to make and to let.

She made her brother talk of himself. Вона примусила брата розповісти про себе.

The infinitive without «to»

We use an infinitive without «to»:

1.After can, could, may, might, must, needn't, shall, should, will, and would

We could go to a night club. I must speak to the manager. It might rain later.

Sarah will be away for three days.

2.After had better and would rather

It's cold. You'd better wear a coat.

I'd rather listen to Elvis than the Beatles.

3. After make + object and let + object

That programme was funny. It really made me laugh.

Trevor will be here at five. His boss is going to let him leave work early.

4. After see or hear + an object

They saw the lights come on. We all heard the bomb go off.

Activity 1. Fill in the blanks with the particle «to» where necessary.

1.She watched him _____open the door.

2.The job will enable him _____have a home of his own.


3.I tried to make him _____ see a doctor.

4.Women always want you _____write them letters.

5.I'd love you _____see my little daughter.

6.You can't make me _____say what you want me _____ say.

7.She begged him not _____be disappointed.

8.Don't let it _____ trouble you.

9.She watched him _____ open the safe and_____ hide behind the curtains.

10.You could hear a pin _____ drop.

11.She begged me to let her _____ know when Mother would be back.

Activity 2. Complete each sentence using what/how/whether + one of these verbs: do get go ride say use

1.Do you know how to get to John's house?

2.Can you show me _______________________________ this washing machine?

3.Would you know __________________________ if there was a fire in the building?

4.You'll never forget ________________________ a bicycle once you have learned.

5.I was really astonished. I didn't know____________________________________.

6.I've been invited to the party but I don't know ____________________________ or not.

Activity 3. Comment on these situations. Join each pair of sentences using a to-infinitive.

Mike will give you a lift. He promised. You: Mike promised to give me a lift.

1.You are having a rest. It's nice.

You: It's___________________________________________________________

2.Will Rita speak to Nick? He wants her to. Nick______________________________________________________________

3.Daniel can't repair the video. He doesn't know how to.


4.Claire and her sister are going to Bali. They have decided.


5.Melanie is visiting David. She has gone to the hospital.


6.Vicky is doing some studying. Unfortunately she has to.


7.Sarah must ring the office. It's important.


Activity 4. Put in the missing verbs. Usually more than one answer is correct.

I've been repairing the car. I really must wash my hands.

1.What's in the letter? Why won't you let me ___________________ it?

2.Did you see that lovely old car _____________________ past a moment ago?

3.It was a terribly sad story. It made me______________________.

4.I don't want to do anything energetic. I'd rather___________________ on the beach.

5.It's very cold. I think it might____________________ for the first time this winter.

6.I keep getting this pain in my leg. I think I'd better ____________________ a doctor.


Activity 5. Practise reading the following words. Mind the pronunciation of the vowels in stressed position.

man, thanks, than, gas, inhabit, expanses, began, attach, actual; change, made, shale, take, creator, labour, later, became, nature, automation, inflation; art, large, start, harness, remarkable; cloth, stop, beyond, belongs, complex, profit; role, mode, ago, over, control, social; worth,

work, world; more;

but, under, usher, judge, construct, production, multitude; use, fusion, produce, nuclear, computer; turn;

sense, engine, mental, benefit, century, development; even, these; service, interpret, observe, material;

his, this, spin, bring, fission, limit, system, physical, recognition; time, wide, type, crisis; first; fire.

Activity 6. Memorize the spelling and pronunciation of the following words. Write the transcription.


['pi: p(ə)l]



























Activity 7. Read and translate.


In the course of his historic development man gradually learned to use the forces of nature and created our civilization. Man is also the creator of the innumerable spiritual treasures of mankind: the wonderful works of art, literature and science. All this became possible thanks to man's labour, his ability to learn, to understand and explain different phenomena of the material world.

In this progressive advance of man a particularly significant role belongs to energy.

First man learned to use the energy of fire. Many thousand years passed before man learned to use the energy of wind, water and steam, and later — electricity. For producing electricity man discovered and began to use different energy resources: coal, oil, gas, peat, shale, hydropower and nuclear energy.

The discovery and use of electricity brought about the industrial revolution. A multitude of machines — mechanical, steam and electrical — began to do man's most difficult and complex work. But man's brain still had to control the machines doing the work. He had to start them, guide them and stop them. He had to judge their work and correct errors.

The machine made a great contribution to the spread of information and the advance of learning. The machine system made it possible to include science in production on a large scale.

The second half of the 20th century begins an entirely new era — the era of the scientific and technological revolution. It is due to complex mechanization and full automation.

We live in the epoch when science becomes direct productive force of society. All-round automation determines the social consequences of the scientific-technological progress. Automation will take over man's manual work and electronic computers will relieve him of much of his mental work, leaving him time for creativity. It obliterates the distinctions between physical and mental labour.


VOCABULARY NOTES in the course of

thanks to (due to, owing to) to judge smth.

mode of production to bring about

to make (a great) contribution

spread of information (of knowledge, of science)

advance of learning to take over

Activity 8. Form words after the models and translate them into Ukrainian.

a) V -+ -ment: to move — movement

to achieve to employ to advance to attach to treat

to judge to equip

to establish;

b) V -+ -ion (-tion, -ation): to recognize — recognition

to observe to inform to irrigate to obliterate to interpret to react

to civilize to construct to invent

to contribute

c) V + -er (-or): to weave — weaver

to create to construct to use

to produce to invent to build to observe

to contribute


d) A + -al: historic — historical

electric physic mechanic technologic scientific electronic automatic

Activity 9. Form words with opposite meaning by adding the prefixes un-, dis-, im-, in-, irto the proper group of words.

regular advantage appear important usual able direct possible probable

progressive productive significant limited easy qualified natural complete

Activity 10. Translate the following words into Ukrainian and state their part of speech.

science — scientist — scientific — scientifically

physics — physicist — physical — physically

conduct — conductor — conductive — conductivity

to discover —discoverer — discovery

to create — creator — creation — creative — creativity

Home task: _____________________________________________________________________


Заняття 2.

Тема Інфінітив. Вживання частки «to». Telecommunications

Activity 1. Some of these sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If the sentence is incorrect, cross out the unnecessary word and write it in the space.

?I'm used to driving in heavy traffic every day.

?Although offeeling tired, Polly didn't want to go to bed.

1.It's important for to sign the form.

2.Peter broke his arm in playing rugby.

3.A woman accused Martin of stealing her money.

4.I wasn't sure whether to write a letter of thanks.

5.Do you remember a young man bumping into you?

6.The girl's parents wouldn't let her to stay out so late.

7.The book is too difficult enough for children to understand

8.Police found the woman for lying dead on the floor.

9.Cars are always expensive to repair them.

10.The man died as a result of falling asleep while driving.

Word order with too and enoughToo goes before an adjective or adverb.



Claire doesn't want to marry Henry. She thinks he's too old.

Zedco are in trouble. The company reacted too slowly to the rise in


Enough goes after an adjective or adverb.

The water isn't hot enough. It needs to be boiling NOT enough hot

You didn't put the screws in tightly enough NOT enough tightly

Too many, too much and enough go before a noun.

No wonder you're tired. You've been going to too many parties. Andrew spends too much time working.

There'll be fifteen people for coffee. Have we got enough cups? Everything is so expensive. Did you bring enough money?

We use many with a plural noun and much with an uncountable noun.

Compare these examples with enough.

After an adjective: The coffee isn't strong enough.

Before a noun: You didn't put enough coffee in.

We leave out the noun if the meaning is clear without it.

Just add a little water. Not too much.

We'll need fifteen cups. Have we got enough?

Other structures with too and enough

We can use a phrase with for after too or enough.

These puzzles are too difficult for children. This coat isn't warm enough for winter.

Have we got enough cups for everyone?

We can also use a to-infinitive.

It's too dangerous to walk home at this time of night.

There are too many museums here to visit in a single day.

Are you fit enough to run a marathon?

I couldn't get close enough to see properly.

Vicky didn't bring enough money to buy two CDs.

much or enough with these words:

clearly, complicated, difficult, expensive, food, hastily, mistakes, rain, sweet, traffic

?You should have stopped to think first. You acted too hastily.

?This quiz is rather easy. The questions aren't difficult enough.

1.Can I have some more sugar in my coffee, please? It isn't ___________________________

2.I can't afford a new stereo. It would be __________________________________________

3.There's a water shortage. There just hasn't been___________________________________

4.I can't read your writing. You don't write_________________________________________

5.Try to be more careful, please. You're making_____________________________________

6.The roads are very crowded. There's simply_______________________________________

7.I can't understand these instructions. They're_____________________________________

8.Thousands of people are starving because they can't get____________________________

Activity 3. Comment on the situations. Use too or enough and a phrase with for or a toinfinitive.

?A taxi would have been best. But you didn't have the money.

I didn't have enough money for a taxi.

?Sarah can't take a day off. She's very busy.

Sarah is too busy to take a day off.

1.A picnic would be nice. But it's wet.


2.All your guests will need chairs. But you haven't got very many.


3.You couldn't carry the equipment. You had such a lot.


4.Natasha wants to be a professional musician. You think she's very good.


Activity 4. Read and explain the meaning of "s" in the following words.

roads, plants, reads, works, years, mathematics, opens, speaks, colours, scissors, trousers, electronics, news, mechanics.


Activity 5. Read the following international words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

construction, civilization, irrigation, literature, progressive, locomotive, machine, revolution, production, control, contribution, introduction, correction, complex, source, horizon, role, constructive, destructive.

Activity 6. Choose English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words.



a number of















декілька (ряд)
























Activity 7. Arrange the following words in pairs according to.

a) similar meaning (synonyms):

important, vast, beautiful, significant, large, unlimited, wonderful, limitless;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): direct, simple, impossible, indirect, complex, difficult, possible, easy, unproductive, to start, to ruin, to stop, productive, to build.

Activity 8. Insert articles before nouns where necessary.

1._______importance of _______scientific research and _______discoveries is growing with every . _______year.

2.Due to _______ achievements of _______world science _______ lot of _______things are brought to _______ life.

3.Science opens broad _______ opportunities for _______development of _______ country's productive force.

4.All _______ scientists of _______ world value _______our scientists for their brilliant discoveries.


5._______state should provide scientific and educational institutes with all necessary

_______equipment and facilities.

6._______role of _______science increases in all spheres of our _______ life because it became _______direct productive force.

Activity 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


The new scientific revolution (to raise)_________________ in a most acute form ethical questions of the social responsibility of scientists. How far (to be) _________________scientists responsible for the application of their work? If they (to be) _________________, how can they best (to fulfil) _________________this responsibility?

Basically, we (to study) _________________nature because knowledge of nature (to give)

_________________us the power (to use and control) ________________________nature. Scientists always (to point out) _________________the mutual interdependence of the progress of production and science. Science (to help) _________________us (to understand)

_________________our world. This (to determine) _________________the most important and most fruitful aspect of the social role of science and as a result the social responsibility of scientists (to grow) _________________. It (to be) _________________cynical if not a crime to be indifferent as to whether people (to be) _________________better or worse off as a result of scientific achievement.

Activity 10. Put questions to the words in bold type and translate them Into Ukrainian.

1. V. I. Vernadsky was Ukraine's great scholar of encyclopedic knowledge.

2. Our scientists are pioneers in research on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

3.Albert Einstein compared the discovery of atomic energy with the discovery of fire.

4.The steady progress of science and technology ushered in an entirely new era of supersonic


5.Science today is an instrument in planning and promoting scientific, technological and social progress.

6.Science becomes a direct productive force only if its discoveries are introduced in the

process of production.