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Unit 2. Crime

Сrime – 1. violation of the law (usu. of a serious offense);

2. wicked or forbidden act;

3. (military) offence against regulations;

Crime – 1) the intentional commission of an act usually deemed socially harmful or dangerous and specifically defined, prohibited, and punishable under the criminal law.

2) whatever conduct the laws of a particular jurisdiction designate as criminal.

crime control – сдерживание преступности;

crime prevention – предупреждение преступности;

crime rate – уровень преступности;

crime investigation – расследование преступления;

crime statistics – статистика преступности;

crime wave – рост преступности;

crime income – преступная нажива;

crime industry (business) – преступный бизнес;

crime committer – субъект преступления.

Criminal 1. a person who committed a crime;

2. adj. connected with a crime;

1) criminal law; criminal act; criminal action; criminal activities; criminal career; criminal code; criminal court; criminal conduct; criminal identity; criminal litigation; criminal mind; criminal offence; criminal office; criminal responsibility; criminal science; criminal treatment; criminal wrong.

criminal act – преступление;

criminal action – уголовное дело;

criminal career – преступное прошлое (лица);

criminal identity – личность преступника;

criminal litigation – судебный процесс по уголовному делу;

criminal mind – преступный умысел (намерение);

criminal office – управление уг. розыска;

criminal science – криминология;

criminal treatment – 1) обращение с преступниками; 2) прест. обращение с к-л;

criminal wrong – уголовное правонарушение;

  1. to aid and abet in a crime (пособничать и подстрекать);

  2. to accuse smb. of a crime (обвинять в преступлении);

  3. to assist in a crime;

  4. to cause a crime;

  5. to commit a crime;

  6. to convict of a crime (осудить за, признать виновным в);

  7. to define a crime;

  8. to encourage in a crime (поощрять, поддерживать);

  9. to implement a crime (осуществлять преступление или снабжать, обеспечивать инструментами);

  10. to investigate a crime;

  11. to perform a criminal act;

  12. to prevent a crime;

  13. to provoke a crime;

  14. to punish for a crime;

  15. to suspect of a crime;

  16. to be arrested for a crime;

guilty - виновный;

harmful - вредный, пагубный, губительный; тлетворный;

innocent - невиновный; неумышленный;

innocent of crime;

lawful - законный, правомерный; syn. legal; ant. unlawful;

punishable - наказуемый, заслуживающий наказания;

severe - строгий (о наказании);

violent – насильственный;

1. Make up sentences using the necessary prepositions.

for; of; from; on/upon; against; to; into

  1. Her employer / accuse / her / stealing / money.

  2. His mother / punish / him / being rude / to their neighbour.

  3. The lock / prevent / burglar / breaking / house.

  4. The jury / convict / him / murdering / his wife.

  5. His son / be / arrest / selling drugs to teenagers.

  6. They / sentence / him / death.

  7. The police/suspect/her/forgery.

  8. His colleagues/assist/him/this crime.