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Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»

В.И. Журавлева, Н.А. Журавлева

Сборник дополнительных грамматических упражнений и текстов для студентов экономических специальностей

Рекомендовано к изданию УМО «Ядерные физика и технологии»

Москва 2014

УДК [811.111:33](07)

ББК 81.2Англ я7 + 65я7

Ж 91

Журавлева В.И., Журавлева Н.А. Сборник дополнительных грамматиче-

ских упражнений и текстов для студентов экономических специально-

стей. М.: НИЯУ МИФИ, 2014. — 68 с.

Пособие составлено к учебнику Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis «Intelligent Business», Coursebook, Intermediate. Основная цель пособия - помочь студентамэкономистам в освоении делового английского.

Пособие состоит из 15 уроков. В каждом прорабатывается активная лексика, закрепляется грамматический материал при выполнении упражнений; предлагается современный аутентичный текст с заданиями, направленными на совершенствование навыков чтения, перевода и пересказа, а также на развитие умения высказывать собственное мнение, общаться в группе, вести дискуссию. Тексты представляют практический интерес для студентов, изучающих экономику.

В пособие включены материалы по обучению краткому пересказу, информация о типах презентаций и правилах их проведения, список наиболее употребительных сокращений в деловом английском, правила написания и произнесения числительных, а также рекомендации по организации и оптимизации самостоятельной работы по изучению английского языка. Пособие предназначено для подготовки студентов-экономистов к сдаче государственного экзамена по английскому языку.

Подготовлено в рамках Программы создания и развития НИЯУ МИФИ.

Рецензент д-р филолог. наук, проф. Н.Б. Боева-Омелечко

ISBN 978-5-7262-1887-8





ядерныйуниверситет«МИФИ», 2014

Корректор М.В. Макарова

Подписано в печать 15.11.2013. Формат 60х84 1/16

Уч.-изд.л. 4,5. Печ.л. 4,25. Тираж 170 экз.

Изд. № 1/17. Заказ № 6.

Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ». 115409, Москва, Каширское ш., 31

ООО «Полиграфический комплекс «Курчатовский» 144000, Московская область, г. Элнектросталь, ул. Красная, 42



Предисловие ..........................................................................................


Unit 1. Companies....................................................................................


Unit 2. Leadership....................................................................................


Unit 3. Strategy ......................................................................................


Unit 4. Pay..............................................................................................


Unit 5. Development .............................................................................


Unit 6. Marketing ..................................................................................


Unit 7. Outsourcing ...............................................................................


Unit 8. Finance ......................................................................................


Unit 9. Recruitment ...............................................................................


Unit 10. Counterfeiting .........................................................................


Unit 11. Markets ...................................................................................


Unit 12. Lobbies ....................................................................................


Unit 13. Communication .......................................................................


Unit 14. Logistics .................................................................................


Unit 15. Innovation ...............................................................................


Useful to know: How to make a presentation ........................................


Rules for Writing and Saying Numbers ................................................


Business Abbreviations .........................................................................


How to Make a Good Summary ............................................................


44 Ways to Improve English .................................................................


List of Reference Books .....................................................................................




Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов экономических специальностей, занимающихся по учебнику Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis «Intelligent Business», Coursebook, Intermediate.

Пособие имеет целью развитие навыков чтения профессиональ- но-ориентированных текстов, закрепление экономической терминологии и лексики профессионального характера, совершенствование грамматических навыков, а также развитие навыков устной речи на базе аутентичных текстов по экономической тематике.

Пособие состоит из 15 уроков, посвященных наиболее актуальным проблемам современной экономики. В каждом уроке разбирается базовая лексика, прорабатывается грамматика при выполнении упражнений, дается текст, сопровождаемый рядом заданий, направленных на развитие навыков устной речи в рамках профессиональной тематики.

Материалы, включенные в раздел «Useful to know», способствуют развитию у учащихся навыков пересказа, проведения презентаций, умения самостоятельно организовать работу по изучению языка и повторению базового грамматического материала.

Пособие может успешно применяться при обучении студентов с уровнем языковой подготовки Intermediate. Весь материал основан на оригинальных источниках.




1. Give Russian equivalents to:

Holding company, joint stock company, public limited (or listed) company, subsidiary

Competition – compete – competitor – competitive – competitiveness Entrepreneur, freelance, hierarchy, merger, share, trade union

Present Simple and Present Continuous

2. Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs. Use the same verb for each sentence in the pair. Choose the present continuous if possible; if not, use the present simple.

1.a It _____ us a fortune at the moment to send our daughter to dance classes.

b It _____ a fortune to fly first class to Japan.

2.a I _____ sitting down at the end of a long day and reading a good book.

b It's a wonderful book. I _____ every moment of it.

3.a We've always wanted a house in the country, but we _____ on where it should be.

b. When they agree with each other on so many important issues, I can't understand why they _____ now on this relatively minor matter.

4.a With growing concerns about the environment, people _____ to use

recycled paper products. b He doesn't like publicity, and _____ to stay firmly in the back-


5.a 'Can I speak to Dorothy?' 'She _____ a shower. Can I take a message?'

b My brother _____ three children, all girls.

6.a Although he _____ three cars, all of them are extremely old.

b In the north of the country, fewer and fewer people _____ ,the houses they live in.


3.Use present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1.The coffee (boil). Turn it off.

2.Hush! She (write) a report.

3.Jerry is very sociable. He (know) a lot of people.

4.I often (go) to the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

5.He (read) the Financial Times every week.

6.Look! What this manager (do)?

7.Why you (stand) here? You (wait) for someone?

8.He is not in the office now. He (have) lunch.

9.How often you (attend) lectures on Economics?

10.I hate telephone answering machines. I (not like) talking to them.

4.Put in these words: are, aren’t, is, isn’t, do, don’t, does, doesn’t.

A:Who _____ Michelle talking to?

B:I can’t see Michelle.

A:You _____ looking in the right place. She’s over there.

B:Oh, that’s Adrian. He’s new here.

A:Really? Where _____ he live? _____ you know?

B:No, I _____ .

A:What _____ they talking about, I wonder?

B:Well, he _____ look very interested. He’s got a very bored expression. And he _____ saying anything.

5.Complete the sentences, using correct forms of the verbs.

1.It (snow) outside. It (come) down quite hard, look.

2.Normally I (start) work at eight o’clock, but I (start) at seven this week. We’re very busy just now.

3.Usually I (read) two newspapers, but not the same ones every day. On Sundays I (buy) four or five.

4.We (build) a garage next to our house. We (want) somewhere to put the car.

5.I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I (go) to work on the bus this week. Usually I (drive) to work.

6.The sun (rise) in the east, remember. It’s behind us, so we (travel) west.


7. We (go) camping every year. It’s a good cheap holiday. Hotels (cost) too much.

6. Read the text, find out general ideas and share your ideas with the partner. Translate the text.

Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is the direction an organisation takes with the objective of achieving business success in the long term. It is the overall glue that binds the organisation together. In business and in life, we sometimes relate strategic thinking to something very expensive or very clever. In reality, this is not the case. A strategy is typically an idea, a style of thinking, which sets a course of action that promises a winning future position.

Corporate strategy is the process of using organisational resources, processes and systems, keeping in mind the factors prevalent in the business environment, to attain long-term goals and objectives of the organisation. Conceptualising and evolving an effective corporate strategy is a significant activity not only for the employees of the organisation, but aiso for its shareholders. The company organises a few simple themes towards designing a management tool for evolving corporate strategy.

More recent approaches have focused on the need for companies to adapt to and anticipate changes in the business environment. The formulation of corporate strategy involves establishing the purpose and scope of the organisation's activities and the nature of the business it is in, at the same time taking into consideration its position in the marketplace and the competition it faces, Corporate planning and business plans are used to implement corporate strategy.

Strategy encompasses the decisions made by an organisation in order to obtain outcomes which are consistent with the organisational mission and goals. A contemporary business theorist, Mintzberg, sets out five Ps for the creation of a successful strategy.


What is the main idea of each paragraph? Make notes. Reproduce the text using you notes.

Unit 2


1. Give Russian equivalents to:

Annual appraise, performance appraisal

A great deal of authority - public health authority - authorize coach

Motivation – motivate – motivational Encourage

Objective – goal – aim – target

Staff – personnel –employees – workers – staff morale, staff turnover Subordinate

Supervise – supervision – supervisory Manage

Task, duty, assign/delegate the task, task-based, task driven, task force


2. If necessary, correct these sentences.

1.Sri Lanka has the wonderful climate.

2.The organisation's aim is to educate the public about the dangers of smoking.

3.We need an environment free from pollution.

4.She has worked in a fashion industry since she left school.

5.The wind is blowing dust all the way from Africa.

6.We can look forward to a warm southerly wind this weekend.

7.The USA is a country with the high level of immigration.

8.How can we combine economic growth and respect for an environment?

9.Car exhaust emissions are having a major effect on a world's climate.

10.That's Terry - he's the third person on the right.

11.She has become the important figure in Norwegian politics.


12.It's a most important issue and we need to discuss it in detail.

3.Put in a or the.

1.Is there _____ table I can put these parcels on? — Oh, just put them on _____ floor, can you?

2.Would you like _____ tomato? There’s one in _____ fridge. — Oh, yes please. I’ll make myself _____ cheese and tomato sandwich.

3.Can you post these letters for me? — I’ll take them to _____ main post office. I have to go into _____ town centre in any case.

4.I have to get _____ visa. Do you know where _____ passport office is? Someone told me it’s in this building. — Yes, it’s on _____ fifth floor. _____ lift is along the corridor. — Oh, thank you.

5.Why haven’t we got _____ swimming-pool in this area? I like _____

swim now and again. — Yes, I think _____ Council should build one, shouldn’t they?

6.I’ve got _____ pain in my stomach. I’ve had it all day. — Perhaps you ought to go and see _____ doctor. He’ll be at the Health Centre until six.

7.It’s my lucky day. I’ve found _____ ten-pound note on the pavement. — Well, you really ought to take it down to _____ police station.

4.Complete this story. Put in a, an or the.

(1)_____ man walked into (2)_____ bank in America and handed

(3)_____ note to one of the cashiers, (4)_____ young woman. (5)_____

woman read (6)_____ note, which told her to give (7)_____ man some money. Afraid that he might have (8)_____ gun, she followed (9)_____

instruction. (10)_____ man then walked out of (11)_____ building, leaving (12)_____ note behind. However, it was not (13)_____ successful crime. (14)_____ man had no time to spend (15)_____ money because he was arrested (16)_____ same day. He had made (17)_____

stupid mistake. He had written (18)_____ note on (19)_____ back of (20)_____ envelope. On (21)_____ other side of (22)_____ envelope was (23)_____ man’s name and address. This information was quite enough for the police to get their man.


5. Read the theories of motivation and add your own. Translate the text.

Motivating Your Team

Frederick Herzberg coined the phrase, 'hygiene factors', which relate to the work setting rather than the work itself. They concern adequate pay, comfortable and safe working conditions, fairness, and job security. Motivational factors, on the other hand, relate to the content of the work and include achievement, being recognised, being involved having responsibility, and opportunities for advancement.

Herzberg's theory suggests that, assuming hygiene factors have been met, managers should focus on motivational factors by providing opportunities for achievement, participation, and advancement.

Douglas McGregor developed two contrasting views of management. Theory X managers assume that workers are basically lazy and must be forced to do their jobs. Theory Y managers believe that employees like to work and that, under proper conditions, will seek out responsibility in an attempt to satisfy their social, esteem, and self-fulfilment needs. Theory X managers keep tight control over workers, while Theory Y managers maintain less control and supervision, do not use fear as a motivator, and are more democratic in decision-making. Theory Z, which was developed by William Ouchi, emphasises the importance of employee participation in all aspects of company decision-making. In a Theory Z company responsibilities are shared by managers and workers; the management style is participative; and employment is long-term, even lifelong.

Make a list of motivational factors mentioned in the text. Put them in order of importance. Explain your choice.

Unit 3


1. Give Russian equivalents to:

Analysis, campaign – to campaign – advertising campaign – marketing Campaign – political campaign