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l.Read the text and answer the questions to the text.

2.Read the text and express your opinion on the idea touched in the text. Prove your point of


English is an international language. It is the chief language of international business and aca­demic conferences, and the leading language of international tourism. A lot of people in Russia study English as foreign language. It gives them benefits in their further career.

Nowadays English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. People in Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand speak it as a mother tongue. It's one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. It's one of the official languages of the United Nation Organization and the other political organizations. Half of the world scientific literature is in English. Today it's the language of computer technology. It's abso­lutely necessary to know English for every educated man, for every good specialist, as nearly all jobs re­quire certain knowledge of foreign language. People in many countries study English as a foreign lan­guage. Russian people study it in kindergarten, schools, colleges, universities. Courses of foreign courses of foreign languages are extremely popular. The knowledge of English gives people benefits in their ca­reer. They can read scientific articles, communicate with foreign specialists, take part in international competitions, improve their skills abroad. If you possess the knowledge of English language it broadens your possibilities in using a computer and internet. It's a great pleasure to read the great literature of Wal­ter Scott, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift in the original. You can listen to popular music and watch films in English. The great German poet said "He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one." That's why in order to understand himself and environment a person ought to study foreign language.

3.Dramatize the situation. Your foreign friend often goes to Macdonald's. Explain him that it may be rather harmful for his health. Give at least two reasons. Give him a piece of advice what he/she should eat to be healthy.

  • Hello Mike! Where are you hurrying to?

  • Hell! I'm going to Macdonald's I want to have dinner there. Join me.

  • You are eating in Macdonald's! Sounds strange!

-1 like these restaurants they are the same everywhere. So you know what to expect. The restaurants are quick and informal.

  • But the food is very plain!

-Oh, I like the food served there. I'm keen on hamburgers and cheeseburgers and like fried potatoes very much. And the food there is fairly cheep for young people.

  • But it's very harmful for you. The food contains a lot of fat and it's unhealthy. It's often called junk food. If you often eat in Macdonald's you may have problems with your nutrition.

-1 think it isn't as unhealthy as you say. You are exaggerating!

  • Be careful with the dissection, in other way you may suffer from stomach diseases.

  • So Macdonald's is unhealthy. But what food do you consider to be healthy?

-1 advice you to keep on well-balance diet?

  • What do you mean?

  • It should contain fibre, proteins and fat. And all these ingredients should be well-balanced.

  • What products do you consider to be healthy?

-1 think you should eat more fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish and bread.

  • And how many meals a day should we have?

-1 think you should eat three or four meals a day and at regular hours.

-1 see. And what do you recommend me as a healthy breakfast?

  • For breakfast you ought to have porridge, a glass of juice a slice of bread with butter or cheese, tea or coffee. You may add an egg three times a week. But not more.

  • Well, but it's not so tasty.

  • But if you eat in such a way, you'll never get problems with your health.


l.Read the text and answer the questions to the text.

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