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1) Подберите русские и английские словосочетания.

    1. a certain amount of smth

    2. to make a discovery

    3. to convert into smth

    4. to reveal the secret

    5. to get interested in smth

      1. раскрыть секрет

      2. заинтересоваться чем-либо

      3. превращать во что-либо

      4. определенное количество

      5. сделать открытие

2) Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1 to change a) alter, b) save, c) modify, d) convert

2 right a) wrong, b) true, c) accurate, d) correct

3 elaborate a) careful, b) exact, c)careless, d) detailed

4 cure a) remedy, b) care, c) treat, d) infect

5 contributed a) influence, b) help, c) prevent d) support

  1. Вставьте пропущенное слово.

1. Alchemists searched for a way to change ____ metals, like lead, into gold.

2. The experiments the alchemists ________ were sometimes very elaborate.

3. He was a great philosopher, encyclopedist aid alchemist, an Oxford _____.

4 The Catholic Church got __________________the works of Roger Bacon.

5 The scientist spent 20 years _______ which he had no right to speak to anybody.

4) Дайте краткие характеристику алхимикам, пользуясь таблицей





5) Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. What did alchemists search for ?

  2. Who was Roger Bacon?

  3. When did Roger Bacon live and work?

  4. What is the 'Philosopher's Stone'?

  5. Where did the Pope give Roger Bacon a laboratory?

Вариант V

I. Выберите правильный вариант для подчеркнутых слов или словосочетаний.

1. Могу я воспользоваться этим компьютером?

  1. can b) must c) have to

2. Нам разрешают пользоваться этими словарями.

  1. must b) are allowed to c) should

3. Должно быть, это задание очень трудное.

  1. Must b) can c) should

4. Не может быть, чтобы это задание оказалось таким трудным.

  1. mustn’t b) can’t c) shouldn’t

5. Наверное, это задание было очень трудным.

  1. must b) can c) might

6. В прошлом месяце мне пришлось работать и в выходные дни.

  1. must b) have to c) had to

II. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1. You will be able to get a grant if you pass all your exams well.

2. A new deep-level tunnel was being completed in London.

3. I don't know what book he is reading.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена группы Perfect.

1. He told me that he had never been to doctors.

2. Several attempts have been made recently to produce artificial rain.

3. Have you had a holiday this year?

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


About 6,000 years ago people discovered that copper could be made harder if mixed with tin. This alloy is called bronze. It was so widely used for many years that this period of time became known as the Bronze Age.

Tin was the fifth metal discovered by man. It is a soft whitish substance. Various proportions of the two metals produced different qualities in the bronze. Most early metal-workers used about eight parts of copper to one of tin. Because weapons made of bronze were harder and stronger than those of copper, tin became very important. However, there was little tin to be found in western Asia - still the centre of the metal-working world. Mostly it was found in Europe, and the merchants of Troy, who brought their goods to Europe, began loading their boats with tin on their return journeys. In England, tin was discovered and mined in Cornwall and was a main export for a long time.

When zinc was discovered it was used to produce an important alloy in combination with copper. This alloy was brass, a hard-wearing, yellow metal which was valued more than bronze. The exact date of discovery is uncertain but it was probably about 200 BC.

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