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Вариант III

I. Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутой глагольной формы.

1. The professor delivering lectures at our university is a well-known scientist.

a) читающий b) читая c) читает

2. Making experiments, students use many devices.

a) проводящие b) проводя c) проведение

3. They are discussing the plans for the next year

a) обсуждая b) обсуждают c) обсуждающий

4. The gas being compressed, the number of molecules in the same volume increases.

a) сжимаемый b) сжимая c) сжимается

5. The device (измеряющий) a temperature is called a thermometer.

a) by measuring b) measuring c) is measuring

6. (Переводя) the article he consulted the dictionary

a) translating b) is translating c) being translated

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции герундия в предложении.

1. I remember you having objected to this schedule.

2. Did you have any difficulty in solving this problem?

3. They insisted on the question being reconsidered.

III. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции причастия.

1. The problem solved attracted our attention.

2. The problems being discussed by the students are interesting.

3. Having improved the qualities of a device, the engineer used them at the plant.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания после текста.


In 1989 millions watched on television as a powerful earthquake rocked San Francisco shortly before baseball's World Series. That quake's tremors brought death and destruction around the Bay area.

Today we know that the shifting in the earth's crust causes earthquakes. This movement sends "seismic waves" across the earth's surface, much as dropping a pebble in a pond sends ripples across water.

People living in Han China believed that angry spirits caused earthquakes to express their displeasure with society. Scholars studied quakes closely, believing they were interpreting a divine message.

In A.D. 132 Zhang Heng invented the world's first seismograph, an instrument for detecting and measuring earthquakes. Zhang's device resembled a domed, cylindrical urn. Each of eight dragons around the top held a ball in its jaws. At the base of the urn sat eight toads with upturned heads and open mouths, each directly under a dragon.

When a tremor occurred, a mechanism caused one of the balls to fall into a toad's mouth. This action showed that somewhere an earthquake was taking place. The side of the seismograph where that toad was sitting indicated the quake's direction. As the ball popped into the toad's mouth, the loudness may have indicated the tremor's strength.

Zhang Heng's seismograph had one quality that today's instruments lack: it was also a work of art.

1) Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания:

  1. to express displeasure a) поднятая вверх голова

  2. to resemble an urn b) произведение искусства

  3. to cause destruction c) напоминать сосуд

  1. upturned head d) выражать недовольство

  2. a work of art e) вызывать разрушения

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