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Analyze the translation of the following sentences.

Type of emphatic sentence

English sentence

Russian translation

Prominence and emphasis are achieved by placing the attribute at the beginning of the sentence.

Attribute placed in the front position of the sentence especially emphasizes the nature of the main character.

Dictatorial and flamboyant, this was a man who rose from obscurity to become deified by the fabulously rich …

Dapper and mustachioed, dressed from head to toe in velvet, a beret perched on his head, a cigar between his ostentatiously be-ringed fingers, he would greet clients while reclining on a divan.

Этот властный, яркий человек вышел из безвестности и достиг сказочного богатства ...

Элегантный мужчина с усами, с головы до пят облаченный в бархат, с беретом на голове и с дымящейся сигарой, которую он держал усыпанными кольцами пальцами, Уорт обычно принимал клиентов, полулежа на диване.

Emphasis is achieved by placing the object at the beginning of the sentence.

With her quotable wit and her talent for mixing with the right crowd, Coco fits right into our alternative history of fashion – one that emphasizes the power of marketing.

A darling of the media, he followed Dior’s example by licensing his increasingly marketable identity …

Благодаря ее остроумию и умению завязывать отношения с нужными людьми, Коко четко вписывается в нашу альтернативную историю моды, где важнейшая роль отводится именно маркетингу.

Любимец прессы, Карден шел по стопам Диора …

Emphasis is achieved by placing the adverbial modifier of manner at the beginning of the sentence.

More than anybody before him, Dior realized that luxury could be repackaged as a mass product.

Briskly, controversially but effectively, Bravo took the matter in hand.

Диор лучше всех своих предшественников осознавал, что производство предметов роскоши можно поставить на поток.

Роуз Мари Браво взяла дело в свои руки, действовала энергично, и хотя ее методы кому-то казались спорными, главное, что они были эффективными.

Emphasis is achieved by placing the negative adverbial in the front position of the sentence.

Possibly I’ve become better at camouflaging my mistakes but no sooner do I congratulate myself on the superb control that I’m demonstrating, than I make a mistake.

Возможно, я научился более искусно скрывать свои ошибки, но не успею поздравить самого себя с превосходно продемонстрированным контролем, как тут же совершаю новую ошибку.

A discourse marker Not only that placed in the front position is used to add similar information.

Not only that, he considered it the key to the survival and profitability of a brand.

Также он рассматривал это как ключевой фактор для выживания и дальнейшей рентабельности любого бренда.

Cleft sentence is a sentence which has been divided into two parts, each with its own verb, to emphasize a particular piece of information. Cleft sentences usually begin with It plus a form of the verb be, followed by the element which is being emphasized.

Remember this structure: It is / was … + relative clause.

For example, the sentence Mrs Smith gave Mary a dress can be turned into the following cleft sentence:

It was Mrs Smith who gave Mary a dress.

It was Mary that Mrs Smith the dress to.

It was a dress that Mrs Smith gave to Mary.

You can also use the structure What … is / was … to emphasize either the subject or the object of a sentence.

So we can emphasize any member of the sentence.

Analyze the translation of the following sentences.

The structure What … is / was … to emphasize the object of the sentence.

What is required is a strategic perspective aimed at identifying the relationship between all four dimensions.

Что в этом случае требуется, так это стратегическое видение ситуации, цель которого заключается в определении отношений между всеми четырьмя измерениями.

The structure it is … that is used to emphasize the importance of the process described.

it is the actual process of thinking through the issues in a formal and explicit manner that is important.

именно реальный процесс тщательного продумывания вопросов представляет наибольшую важность.

Cleft sentence is used to emphasize the tendency of the company to develop innovation and creativity.

What’s so exciting about it from a technical point of view is how innovative the company has been since it was set up in 1815.

Что любопытно с технической точки зрения, так это как с момента своего основания компании удается постоянно быть инновационной.

Cleft sentence is used to emphasize the subject of the sentence.

Competence was what counted.

Знания – вот что принималось во внимание.

Cleft sentence is used to emphasize the subject of the sentence.

What counts for the newspaper publishers is business.

Чему владельцы общенациональных газет придают особое внимание, так это бизнесу.

As for the predicate it can be emphasized with help of the auxiliary verb to do which is used to intensify positive statements and commands:

I do like your new house. – Мне так нравится ваш новый дом!

Do hurry! – Ну же, поторопись!

However, protest did lead to the introduction of “family viewing time” from seven to nine o’clock in the evening. - Тем не менее, протест все-таки привел к тому, что на телевидении появилось время для семейного просмотра программ – с семи до девяти вечера.

Emphasis is created by the following words and word-combinations: (See Inversion of the adverbial word)

Analyze the translation of the following sentences.


Only once did he meet his match in tennis.

И только раз они встретились на теннисном поединке.

not only … but

Not only training in principles and procedures but also in the human relations skills are necessary.

Not only training in principles and procedures but also in the human relations skills are necessary.


so … that

The ultimate purpose of developing a human resource strategy is to ensure that the objectives set are mutually supportive so that the reward and payment systems are integrated with employee training and career development plans.

Конечной целью разработки стратегии использования человеческих ресурсов заключается в том, чтобы гарантировать, что поставленные цели взаимно дополняют друг друга так, что системы расчетов и вознаграждений интегрировались бы с повышением квалификации сотрудников и планами профессионального развития работников.

the or possessive determiner + very + a noun (is used as an intensifier)

This is the very man I want to see.

His very name struck terror.

Это тот самый человек, которого я хотел увидеть.

Одно его имя уже приводило в ужас.


Whatever he says, they won't believe him.

Они не поверят ему, что бы он ни говорил.


Wherever you go, I go too.

Куда бы вы ни пошли, я последую за вами.


Whenever I see him I think of you.

Всякий раз, когда я его вижу, я думаю о вас.


However effective the speaker, it is unlikely that more than 20% of what was said will be remembered at the end of the day.

Каким бы ярким ни было выступление, к концу дня запомнится не более 20% из сказанного там.

Negative-emphatic constructions

Analyze the translation of the following sentences.

Emphasis is achieved with the help of the negative pronoun no, followed by a noun.

He is no linguist.

Compare with:

He is not a linguist.

Он вовсе не лингвист.

In some cases antonymous translation is employed when rendering emphatic negative structures into Russian.

People can’t be reminded too often.

Лучше людям реже напоминать.

In English the constructions with two negations are widely spread. In this case both negations exclude each other and the negation becomes affirmation.

not until - только; не раньше чем

It was not until three centuries later that the state took the responsibilities of education.

Только три века спустя государство взяло на себя отвественность за образование.

Especially emphatic are the constructions with the words derived from the negative pronoun no.

Nowhere is the issue of journalistic freedom more sensitive than in the case of the BBC …

Нигде в мире независимость журналистской деятельности не является таким больным вопросом, как в компании ВВС.

Elliptical constructions

Elliptical constructions are incomplete subordinate clauses which usually consist of the following elements: a conjunction + an adjective or a noun with or without a preposition. Such sentences lack one or two main members. For example:

Poor me!

Who, him?

There are several types of elliptical constructions.

The elliptical constructions with the conjunctions although, though, once (стоит лишь ..., если), when, while.

Once heard this song can’t be forgotten.

Услышав эту песню один раз, вы никогда ее не забудете.

The elliptical constructions like if any, if anything have an expressive, intensifying meaning and are translated as conditional clauses or the words почти, пожалуй, вовсе, вообще, etc.

At the start of every month I have to send him an account of my earnings, if any.

В начале каждого месяца я должен посылать ему отчет о моих заработках, если таковые имелись.

‘I'm no help at all,’ Miss Cranshaw said. ‘If anything, I antagonize everybody, who might otherwise be likely to put money in the play.’ (W. Saroyan, ‘Mama, I love You’, ch. 25)

Я ничуть не помогаю делу, - сказала мисс Крэншо, - а, скорее, наоборот: восстанавливаю всех тех, кто мог бы финансировать постановку.

The clauses of concession introduced by the conjunctions whatever, however are translated as complete clauses of concession with the conjunctions какой бы ни, как бы ни.

The British people have to submit to new taxation however high.

Британцы вынуждены подчиниться новым правилам налогообложения, каким бы высоким оно ни было.

Lecture 5

1. Definition of style

2. Translation and the Problems of Style

1. Definition of style

Style is variation in a person’s speech or writing. Style usually varies from casual to formal according to the type of situation, the person or persons addressed, the location, the topic discussed, etc.

A particular style, e.g. a formal style or a colloquial style, is sometimes referred to as a stylistic variety.

Some linguists use the term register for a stylistic variety while others differentiate between the two. (522)

Register (регистр, стиль; уровень (произношения, чистоты речи и т. п.)) is a form of a language associated with a particular social situation or subject matter, such as obscene slang, legal language, or journalese.

Register is concerned with the overall tone of a text or conversation, and the relationship that is built between the speaker and listener, or reader and writer. It is important to speak and write in the appropriate register for the situation.

Translation and the Problems of Style

The problem of style affecting translation may be subdivided into two major categories:

1) the problem of functional styles;

2) the problem of stylistic devices.

A functional style of a language is a system of interrelated language means which serves a definite aim in communication.

A functional style is thus to be regarded as the product of a certain task, set by the sender of the message.

Functional style appears mainly in the literary standard of a language. In English there are the following major functional styles:

1) the language of belles-lettres (poems, emotive prose, drama);

2) the language of publicist literature (oratory, essays, feature articles in newspaper and journals):

3) the language of newspapers;

4) the language of science (scientific prose, exact sciences, humanitarian sciences);

5) the language of official documents (diplomatic, business, legal, military).

Text belonging to different functional styles such as official documents, technical manuals, news items is characterized by a number of distinctive features that vary from language to language.

These variations effect the composition of the text, its syntactic and semantic structure and the choice of stylistic devices for each type of a text.

Official Documents

Official documents are replete with set-phrases for which there are usually standard equivalents in the TL.

Ex: the High Contracting Parties - высокие договаривающиеся стороны

we the undersigned ... - мы, нижеподписавшиеся, …

Their syntax is usually characterized by complex structures and their lexicon – by the highest degree of formality.


Scientific and Technical Texts

Scientific and technical texts are characterized by the use of special terminology, equivalence for which should be selected on the appropriate style level.

In these texts the word-order is strict and the inversion occurs only in case the sentence is the continuation of the previous one.

The paragraph plays an important role because each paragraph starts with a key sentence containing the main idea.

To stress the logical connection between sentences the special set-phrases are used.

Ex: to sum up - суммировать; обобщать; подводить итог

as we have seen in chapter 5 ... - как мы показали в главе 5 ...

The adverbs, conjunctions and connective words serve the same aim.

Ex: finally, again, thus (adverbs)

that, and that, than, if, as, or, nor (conjunctions and connective words)

Some conjunctions are used in pairs (correlatively): not merely, but also, both … and, as … as.

The expressiveness in scientific and technical texts is quantitative. The following phrases are typical of this kind of texts.

Ex: much the same - почти такой же, похожий

to note that - отметить, что

another point of considerable interest is … - другой момент, который представляет для нас значительный интерес – это …

it is by no means trivial - это отнюдь не банальный, тривиальный факт

On the whole the most common features of such sources are:

  • the use of technical and scientific phraseology;

  • preference for compressed structures;

  • the use of the Passive voice;

  • paragraphing;

  • the use of special set-phrases in order to stress the logical connection between sentences;

  • quantitative expressiveness.