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040 Human Performance & Limitations - 2014.pdf
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Basic Concepts 1

The Relevance of Human Performance in Aviation

Aviation in itself is not inherently dangerous but, like the sea, it is inordinately unforgiving of any carelessness, incapacity or neglect.

Human Performance (sometimes referred to as Human Factors) is relevant wherever and whenever the human being is involved in aviation. Thus it plays a fundamental and vital role to promote efficiency and - above all else - safety in every facet of the aviation industry. It promotes:

Safety and efficiency.

Health, fitness and well-being.

Operating skills.

Awareness of the common areas of human error.

Judgement and decision making.

Leadership qualities.

Crew coordination.

Efficient design of:

Aircraft, cockpit, instrument and control layouts.

Operating procedures.



Training procedures.

Efficient and comfortable working environments.

Efficient personnel selection.

Efficient communications.

These can be summarized as the:

Safety and efficiency of the operation




Well-being of the individual

Basic Concepts 1

ICAO Requirement for the Study of Human Factors

Since the inclusion of Amendment 159 of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention, which came into force on 16th November 1989, ICAO has made the study of Human Factors a mandatory part of obtaining a professional pilot’s licence.


1 Basic Concepts

Concepts Basic 1

The Pilot and Pilot Training


The most flexible but the most error-prone component within aviation is the aircrew. Thus selection, training, maintenance of morale and monitoring of aircrews make the largest contribution to flight safety.

The Competent Pilot

When assessing the competency of a pilot a number of qualities are sought. Among the qualities that go towards making a safe, effective and competent pilot are:

A high sense of responsibility

Ability (academic and flight handling)


A good communicator


Physical fitness


A balanced personality

A team player

Calmness under stress

An eye for detail

Competency in Risk Assessment

Competency in the skills of Stress and Crew Managements


There is a myriad of pilot training methods and techniques : Flight Simulator, Crew Resource Management (CRM), Line Oriented Flying Training (LOFT), Self-development, Leadership, Flight Safety, Survival and Correspondence courses are all available to aircrew. To ensure the future competency of pilots, courses should designed to be:



Clear and concise



Include course reading and revision material


Self-training is a process aimed at developing specific skills, knowledge or attitudes. As pilots you will, throughout your careers, be subject to continuous and regular training. It is of fundamental importance that you do not rely solely on the formal training to maintain your aviation expertise. Every opportunity should be taken to increase your competency, knowledge and professionalism. Always self-debrief after every flight. Read, research, discuss and discover as much as you can of this enormous and fascinating field.

As your competence and expertise increase so will your self-confidence. This, in turn, will arm you to tackle new aspects of your profession with enthusiasm and conviction.


Basic Concepts 1

Aircraft Accident Statistics


Statistics play a fundamental role in accident analysis. It is only by the production of comprehensive and wide-ranging statistics that the root cause of accidents can be established. The Safety Data Department of the CAA regularly distribute a number of publications in this field of which Aviation Safety Review, Data Plus and Global Accident Review are but three.

When compared with other forms of transportation, aviation has the best safety record (the risk of death per person per year in a car accident is 1 in 10 000 in the UK and 1 in 4000 in the USA).

As can be seen from the graphs below – which we publish with the kind permission of Flight International - the aviation fatal accident rate over the last 10 years is approximately 1 per 1.2 million flights.

Figure 1.1 By kind permission of Flight International

2012 was an exceptional year and has been dubbed as “the safest year yet” in which the rate dropped to 1 per 2.3 million flights. Unfortunately experts, at the time of printing, are generally of the opinion that it is expected that the rate will return to approximately the norm of 1 per 1.2 million flights in future years. It is of note that in 2012 almost all of the accidents were precipitated by pilot misjudgment or mismanagement.

Basic Concepts 1


1 Basic Concepts

Concepts Basic 1

Figure 1.2

The sad fact is that accidents are still occurring. This is in spite of enormous technical advances in:

Aircrew training and selection

Aircraft manufacture and design

Weather tracking and prediction

Mechanical reliability

Systems monitoring equipment


Accuracy and range of navigational equipment

Cockpit and cabin layout

Safety equipment

Air Traffic Control expertise and capabilities

Control and weather radar equipment

Airfield lighting and facilities

Even with all the above technical successes, and the overall standards of safety that have been achieved, the art and science of advanced aeronautics in all types of flying conditions are not yet fully perfected. Nor has the complex relationship between technological progress on the one hand, and human frailty on the other, been fully resolved. In aviation, perhaps more than in other fields of human endeavour, mankind remains as much a victim of himself as of the elements around him.

Causes of Accidents - General

Approximately 73% of all accidents are caused by Human factors. Historically this figure has not changed since the 1950’s. CFIT (Controlled Flight into Terrain) remains the most common general form of accident.


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