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Unit 11

  1. After reading the text p/138, do the ex. 3-4 p.139

  1. Comment on the statements about beauty and write a short abstract summarizing the aspects stated

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.  ~John Muir Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see.  ~George W. Russell I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.  ~Author Unknown By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.  ~Rabindrath Tagore Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.  ~Kahlil Gibran Against Him those women sin who torment their skin with potions, stain their cheeks with rouge and extend the line of their eyes with black coloring.  Doubtless they are dissatisfied with God's plastic skill.  In their own persons they convict and censure the Artificer of all things.  ~Tertullian That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.  ~Ninon de L'Enclos Had the price of looking been blindness, I would have looked.  ~Ralph Ellison, "Battle Royal" Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.  ~Martin Buxbaum Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its own excuse for being ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Rhodora" It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.  ~Leo Tolstoy In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty.  ~Christopher Morley Beauty always promises, but never gives anything.  ~Simone Weil What humbugs we are, who pretend to live for Beauty, and never see the Dawn!  ~Logan Pearsall Smith

The most beautiful view is the one I share with you.  ~Author Unknown When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.  ~Chinese Proverb Beauty comes in all sizes, not just size 5.  ~Roseanne

  1. Read the information about hair and beauty tips. Make up 10 question to the facts stated.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Good for Your Hair?

I'm always looking for organic, natural alternatives to the store-bought stuff because aside from being sick of the marketing behind all the beauty products out there (my in-box is like one big beggar fest from PR people asking me to plug their products), I feel better when my life is simple and uncomplicated.

Enter apple cider vinegar. If you have use hair products like hairspray, styling gel or mousse on a regular basis, your hair is likely suffering from product build-up. Apple cider vinegar helps break down this residue, adds body and will even help fight dandruff. There are many ways to use it. Here are some of my favorites:

A clarifying shampoo: Once a week, add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar (use more or less depending on the length and thickness of your hair) to your shampoo. Rinse and then apply conditioner.

A hair rinse: Mix 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar into a quart of water. Shake it up and then pour it into a spray bottle. Keep it in the shower to spray on hair after you shampoo. Watch how your hair responds. You may find you don't need to condition hair. You can even leave the rinse in without rinsing it out. The smell will dissipate as the hair dries.

Dandruff fighter: Apply capfuls of full-strength apple cider vinegar to the scalp and massage in. Leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing.

Unfortunately, apple cider vinegar is not recommended for color-treated or processed hair.

Best Hair Care Products on the Market

You don't have to buy all your products from a salon to look flawless. You can get great hairstyling and hair care products from your local drugstore or grocery store.

So of the thousands of products lining the beauty aisles, what's worth buying? Find out the 10 best drugstore buys for hair care.

People ask me if they need a fancy shampoo or if Garnier Fructis does the trick. I say it's a matter of personal opinion. Personally, I prefer Kerastase, but I have Pantene in my shower too. (I like to mix it up). Find out the best shampoos and conditioners by hair type. And see if Garnier made this hair care list.

If you spend $100 or more on hair color, you want to protect your investment with the right hair care products. You can get great products at your local drugstore. Get the scoop on Color-treated hairthe best products for color-treated hair.

Frizzy hair is really just super dry hair. The right hair care products can lock in moisture in hair and keep frizzy hair under control. There are some great products made for frizzy hair. I list the best shampoos, balms, creams and serums.

Flat, lifeless hair is the opposite of frizzy hair. If your hair falls limp in the humidity (frizzy hair grows, yours falls), consider adding hair care products to boost the volume. I list the best volumizers for flat, lifeless hair.

Dry, damaged hair tends to be coarse and sometimes curly. The secret to adding moisture to dry or damaged hair is deep conditioning. Try products rich in vitamins that are cream-based. Here, we rundown the best products for dry hair on the market.

Hair Care Tips

There are many beauty myths out there when it comes to hair care. For example, some people think it's bad towash hair every day? (the answer is for some people, absolutely, for those with oily hair, it's not). Here are some other popular questions I get and answer.

A friend of mine swears that rinsing her hair in cold water locks in the shine and makes her hair healthy. I did the research to find out if you should rinse hair in cold water.

The directions on most shampoo bottles advise you to "rinse and repeat." But is this really true? Are shampoo companies trying to get you to use up, and therefore buy more, shampoo? Do you really need to "rinse and repeat"?

Ahhh, the dreaded split ends. I have wiled away many a day searching the ends of my hair for split ends. But the question I get a lot is can you repair split ends?

Why Do I Suffer From Dry Skin in the Winter?

In winter, low temperatures, low humidity and strong, harsh winds deplete skin of its natural lipid layer, which keeps the skin from drying out. The dry air from furnaces and other heating sources also suck the moisture out of skin. To keep skin soft and supple, your goal is not to add moisture to skin, but to keep moisture in. These 25 tips show you how to do this.

Dry Skin Tip: Keep Water Lukewarm, Not Hot

Hot water robs skin of moisture causing dry skin, so it's best to shower in lukewarm water. If you can't bear this rule -- I can't -- try to keep your showers short and try showering only once per day. This also means skipping hot tubs (another rule I simply cannot bear). The hot, hot temperature, combined with drying chemicals, is torture on dry skin.

The same rule applies to hand-washing: Wash hands in lukewarm, never hot, water (this is a rule I firmly abide by). If your skin turns red, the water is simply too hot.

Dry Skin Tip: Moisturize After Showers or Hand Washing

Moisturizer is the key to soft, supple skin. Apply product when skin is slightly damp. For best effect, pat skin dry instead of rubbing with your towel before application.

The skin on my legs can drive me crazy with itchiness all year round. I find I prefer oils to lotions on for the body. Renowned makeup artist Pati Lubroff got me hooked on organic extra virgin coconut oil, which you can buy in health food stores or online. Simply massage the coconut oil all over the body. Trust me, this will get rid of dry, itchy skin and the oil isn't sticky like lotion tends to be.

Love lotion? Consider 100 percent shea butter. Gambian model Fatma Dabo swears by shea butter from West Africa. She even puts it on her hair! Buy it online.

Antibacterial soap in public places can be harsh on hands, so I keep hand salve in my purse (my hands-down favorite is Kiehls). To keep cuticles soft, massage in olive oil.

Extra tip: I love keeping facial moisturizer and Evian spray on my desk at work. I spritz Evian Mineral Spray (buy it online), and then dab on moisturizer. The water locks in moisture and leaves my skin refreshed even in harsh office heat.

Dry, cracked feet are never sexy. While this tends to be a summer hazard, it can happen all year-round. If you can't afford a fish pedicure, get rid of dry heel syndrome with this five-step process I cobbled together and use myself from time-to-time.

Because this is a 3-step process (foot soak, foot scrub and then overnight mask), you can skip parts of this process if you choose. If you continue to wear the foot mask every night for a week, your problems should be solved.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 15 minutes

Here's How:

Soak feet for 5-10 minutes in a warm foot bath made with 1 cup milk and 5 cups warm water.

Create a homemade foot scrub by putting 4 tablespoons salt or sugar in 1/2 cup oil. Baby oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil or even vegetable oil works well.

Massage the homemade foot scrub in a circular motion into bottoms of feet.

Scrub bottoms of feet with the pumice stone. Rinse and dry feet.

Before you go to bed that night, try this tip from beauty guru Paula Begoun: rub a Stridex pad over dry areas of feet. Stridex, a product found in the acne section of any drugstore, contains 2 percent salicylic acid so it's a great exfoliant for the feet.

Apply moisturizer thickly on feet (do not wash off Stridex). A super-rich moisturizer like cocoa butter, Eucerin (my favorite) or even Vaseline works best.

Pull on socks and keep them on throughout the night for at least 4 hours.

What You Need:

1 cup milk

Sugar or salt (either will work)

Baby oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil

Pumice stone

Stridex, found in the acne section of any drugstore

Thick moisturizer


Can't Find Moisturizer? Slather on Olive Oil

Monday November 22, 2010

I'm at my dad's house in Texas and I usually travel carry-on to get here which means no carting any bottles of moisturizer. More than once I've found myself here with itchy, dry skin. I don't want to use the runny moisturizer dad has in the house, so I reach for...olive oil. You can use olive, sesame, coconut on your skin. It's actually quite good for you.

A few blog posts ago, I suggested it's best to make up your face first if you're going for a more natural look because you'll cover up your blotchy facial bits and perfect your skin only to realize your eyes really only need a couple swipes of mascara. I suggested you make up your eyes first if you are going all out on your eye makeup. You don't want to put on too much foundation, blush, etc. only to go heavy on the eyes, lest you end up looking like a clown.

I still stand by that advice, but Linter adds a new twist to HER beauty rule: If you do your eyes first you can easily clean up any eyeshadow spills on your skin, whereas if you've already done your face, you'll risk mussing up your makeup cleaning up the spillage.

If you do get shadow on your skin, you can clean it up easily by dipping a Q-tip into moisturizer and lightly dabbing the unwanted bits. You'll find they come right up.

Beauty Secrets From Julia Roberts' Stylist

Tuesday November 16, 2010

I got a copy of Elle's December issue and inside is a wonderful little interview with Genevieve Herr, the New York-based makeup artist behind Julia Roberts' fabulous red carpet looks. Some highlights from the interview which you can use in your life:

Play with eyeliner colors. Herr says she tries a coppery brown on Julia's upper lids with a gold liner on bottom. Or she may try a gray above with silver liner below. She tends to use pencil liners.

Julia looks great with a pale lip. Herr masters it by always using lip liner the color of one's lip, blending the line inward (lip liner helps lipstick "stick"). She then applies a light lipstick with a pop of gloss in the middle of the lip.

For the perfect smokey eye, Herr shares a great Kohl eyeliner tip: if eyes are close-set draw in lines on the upper and lower lids, allowing them to meet on the outer corner of the eyes. Wide-set eyes should have lines that meet on the inside corners. For big eyes like Julia's she brings the lines together on both the inside and outside.

Photo: Julia Roberts by Ben Gabbe