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Portion 1a.

Foreword. “The Nemean Lion.”

I. Read the foreword to the book and the story “The Nemean Lion” and learn the following words and expressions which are to be your active vocabulary.

  1. to resemble smb in appearance (p.4) - быть похожим/ напоминать к-л по внешности;

to resemble smb in character - быть похожим на к-л по характеру;

  1. to remind smb of smth (p.5)/ about smth/ to do smth -

а) напоминать к-л о ч-л/ о к-л (делать напоминание); напомнить к-л сделать ч-л;

e.g. I’ve forgotten his name - will you remind me of it?

Will you remind me about that appointment (деловая встреча)?

Remind me to write to Mother.

б) to remind smb of smth, smb - быть похожим на к-л, ч-л (по внешности и т.д.), вызывать воспоминания о к-л, ч-л;

e.g. This hotel reminds me of the one I stayed in last year.

  1. to recollect smb, smth (p.5)/ doing smth/ where…how/ that… - вспомнить ч-л, припоминать ч-л/ к-л, что, где, когда…и т.д., как кто-то делал что-то.

e.g. Do you recollect her name?

I don’t recollect meeting her/ where she lives/ how to get there.

I recollect that she had red hair.

  1. to retire (p.4) - уйти на пенсию, удалиться от дел;

  2. to assure smb of smth (p.4)/ that… - уверить, убедить к-л в ч-л/ что…;

e.g. He assured us of his ability to solve this problem.

I can assure you (that) the medicine is perfectly safe.

  1. to be interested in smth (p.4), to take (an) interest in smth - интересоваться ч-то, проявлять интерес к ч-л;

  2. to accept smth (p.4) - а) принимать, брать(предложенное);

e.g. to accept a present;

б) соглашаться на ч-л, сделать ч-л;

e.g. to accept a post - согласиться занять какую-то должность;

в) признавать, принимать, допускать ч-л;

e.g. to accept smb’s views on life - принимать ч-л взгляды на жизнь;

  1. amusing (p.5) - забавный; to amuse smb - забавлять, развлекать к-л;

  2. a born secretary (p.5) - прирождённый секретарь;

  3. to investigate (a case, a crime) (p.5) – расследовать (какой-то случай, преступление);

  4. reluctantly (adv) (p.5) - неохотно;

reluctant (adj) - делающий ч-л с неохотой;

to be (seem) reluctant to do smth - браться за ч-л/ делать ч-л с неохотой (не хотеть делать ч-л, но, как правило, быть вынужденным делать это);

e.g. He seems reluctant to take the matter up. - Он, видимо, неохотно берётся за это дело.

  1. to be in the habit of doing smth (p.6)/ it’s my habit (the habit of me) to do smth - иметь привычку (делать ч-л)/ у меня привычка делать ч-л.

  2. to make inquiries (p.6) (into, about smth) - наводить справки о…, обращаться с запросом по поводу…;

  3. to approve of smth (p.6), to disapprove of smth - одобрять, не одобрять ч-л;

  4. crime (C,U) (p.7) - преступление;

to commit a crime - совершить преступление;

to get away with one’s crime - остаться безнаказанным, совершив преступление, “выйти сухим из воды”;

criminal (n) - преступник; (adj) - преступный, криминальный;

  1. to be devoted to smb/ smth (p.9) - быть преданным к-л/ ч-л;

  2. to be excellent (good) at smth (p.9)/ doing smth – отлично (хорошо) справляться с ч-л;

e.g. He is good at languages.

  1. to do smth with difficulty (p.10) (without difficulty) - делать ч-л с трудом (без труда);

  2. inevitable (p.14) - неизбежный.

  1. Do the following back translation. Work in pairs.

1. Этот мальчик напоминает мне одного моего знакомого, которого я знаю с детства.

1. The boy reminds me of an acquaintance of mine, whom I have known since (my) childhood.

2. М-р Браун поинтересовался, похож ли на меня мой старший брат. Я объяснил ему, что он очень похож на меня внешне, но совершенно не похож на меня по характеру.

2. Mr. Brown wondered if my elder brother resembled me. I explained to him, that he resembled me in appearance a lot, but he didn’t resemble me in character at all.

3. Джордж хотел, чтобы я как можно скорее позвонил Тому и напомнил ему написать родителям. Мне не хотелось этого делать, так как я был уверен, что людям не стоит напоминать о таких вещах.

3. George wanted me to call (phone) Tom as soon as possible and remind him to write to his parents. I was reluctant to do it as (because) I was sure that one shouldn’t remind people about such things.

4. Я знаю, что, хотя он совершил несколько преступлений, он каждый раз выходил сухим из воды.

4. I know that though he has committed several crimes every time he got away with them.

5. Мисс Райс была прирождённым секретарём, кроме того, её боссу всегда нравилось слушать её забавные истории, они доставляли ему огромное удовольствие.

5. Miss Rice was a born secretary, besides her boss liked listening to her amusing stories, they gave him a lot of (great) pleasure (he enjoyed them greatly, a lot).

6. - Чем Вы интересуетесь?

- Сфера моих интересов - религия, история, философия.

6. - What are you interested in?

- My line is religion, history and philosophy.

7. Майкл сказал нам, что, по его мнению, учителю не следует принимать подарки от учеников, это нечестно с его стороны.

7. Michael told us that in his opinion a teacher shouldn’t accept presents from his pupils, it was dishonest of him.

8. После того, как этот известный сыщик удалился от дел, он всё-таки решил расследовать ещё несколько преступлений.

8. After that famous detective had retired, he still decided to investigate several more crimes.

9. В тот день Джейн казалась очень недовольной. У её младшей сестры была привычка разбрасывать вещи по всему дому, и Джейн пришлось целый день приводить дом в порядок.

9. That day Jane seemed very displeased. Her younger sister was in the habit of throwing things about the house and Jane had had to tidy the house up all day long.

10. Он объяснил нам, что Борис всегда очень плохо вёл себя по отношению к своим родственникам. Мы не могли одобрить такое поведение.

10. He explained to us, that Boris had always behaved very badly towards his relatives (people). We couldn’t approve of such behaviour.

  1. Open the brackets, choosing the correct word. Use it in the required grammatical form.

  1. This girl (to resemble, to remind of) my mother in physical appearance. I could clearly see it, when I last met her.

  2. He told us he (to recollect, to remind of) the happy days of his childhood with pleasure.

  3. Most people are sure that nobody can (to commit, to get away with) their crime after all.

  4. What a wonderful house it is! It (to remind of, to resemble) me of the one I used to live in.

  5. He can’t (to accept, to disapprove of) your opinion, because he doesn’t share such ideas.

  6. The detective (to be reluctant, to be good at) to investigate the case, though it didn’t seem difficult to him.

  7. This scientist (to accept, to be devoted to) his job all his life.

  8. The mother explained to her son that she couldn’t (to approve of, to get away with) his awful behaviour.

  1. Make sure you understand the text. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the translation of your active vocabulary.

  1. ... There should be, once again, the Labours of Hercules - a modern Hercules. In the period before his final retirement he would accept twelve cases, no more, no less, and those 12 cases should be selected with special reference to the 12 labours of ancient Hercules. Yes, that would not only be amusing, it would be artistic, it would be unique (p.4-5).

  2. Hercule Poirot’s eyes rested critically on the fat body, the small pig eyes, the bulbous nose and the close-lipped mouth. The whole general effect reminded him of someone or something - but he could not recollect exactly who or what it was.… A long time ago... in Belgium... something, surely, to do with soap... (p.5).

  3. “...I made inquiries and I was told that you were the best man at this sort of thing. That’s why I decided to apply to you. I want you to get to the bottom of this business and I won’t grudge the expense.” (p.6)

  4. It was the habit of Hercule Poirot to leave nothing untested (p.9).

  5. “...She (Miss Carnaby) was a good soul, devoted to dogs and excellent at reading aloud...” (p.9)

  6. “I congratulate you. Your organization must have been indeed excellent. As a criminal, Mademoiselle, you are quite in the first rank.” (p.13)

  7. “...That was inevitable. When I had interviewed Mrs. Samuelson I realized that the kidnapping of Shan Tung was one of a series. I had already learned that you had once been left a Pekinese dog and had an invalid sister...” (p.14)

  1. Get ready to paraphrase and explain the following.

  1. Paraphrase: “… in physical appearance I do not resemble a Hercules?” (p.4)

  2. Explain: She was a born secretary. (p.5)

  3. Paraphrase: “My wife wouldn’t hear of the idea.” (p.7)

  4. Explain: Both ladies seemed relieved by the magic word. (p.8)

  5. Paraphrase: … Mrs. Samuelson’s companion, too, had been blamed for Nanki Poo’s disappearance. (p.10)

  6. Paraphrase: … one Pekinese is very much like another. (p.13)

  7. Explain: “Tell me, Miss Carnaby, did you ever have to carry out the threat you used in your letters?” (p.13)

  1. Comment on the following statements. Show your understanding of what is implied by them (to imply smth - подразумевать ч-л). Say whether you agree or disagree, give your arguments. Recall the situations in which the statements are used.

  1. Yours aren’t the Labours of Hercules. Yours are labours of love.(p.4)

  2. Hercule Poirot agreed that Miss Carnaby could not, perhaps, be described as intellectual. (p.9)

  3. “... Men ... think of nothing but money.” (p.11)

  4. “... There is evidence here of a very definite talent for organization” (p.11)

  5. “These blonds, sir, they are responsible for a lot of troubles.” (p.11)

  6. “...There are many others situated like me - poor companions - untrained useless women with nothing to look forward to but a deadly fear...” (p.12)

  7. “... I felt that to take a little money from these people who wouldn’t miss it and hadn’t been too scrupulous in acquiring it- well, really, it hardly seemed wrong at all” (p.13)

VII. Get ready to answer the following questions:

  1. What did you learn about Hercule Poirot from the foreword? What was he, what kind of man was he?

  2. What did Poirot decide to do before retiring? Why did he take that decision?

  3. Give Poirot’s reasons for accepting the case of the kidnapped Pekinese dog.

  4. Whom did Joseph Hoggin remind the detective of?

  5. What did lady Hoggin and her companion tell Poirot about the “abominable crime”?

  6. Had it been the only crime of the kind in the neighbourhood lately?

  7. What kind of person was Amy Carnaby? Could she be described as intellectual? Tell the story of her life.

  8. In what way were the crimes committed? Who organized all of them?

  9. What helped the detective to draw the right conclusion?

  10. Why do you think Poirot decided not to give Miss Carnaby away to the police?

  11. What other crimes are mentioned in the story? Did the detective manage to prevent one of them? Speak about the way he did it.

  1. Discuss the following points.

  1. Poirot resembled a modern Hercules neither in appearance nor in character. Give your arguments for or/ and against the statement.

  2. Do you approve of the detective’s decision not to give Miss Carnaby away to the police? In what way would you act in his place?

  3. Do you believe Miss Carnaby to be an intelligent woman after all? Give your reasons.

  1. Think of the following dialogues:

  1. Mr. Poirot and Joseph Hoggin (at the beginning; at the end of the story);

  2. Joseph Hoggin and his wife (about the kidnapping of the dog; about the taste of the lady’s tonic);

  3. Mr. Poirot and Miss Carnaby (about the organization of the crime);

  4. Amy Carnaby and her invalid sister (about Mr. Poirot);

  5. Two or three members of Amy Carnaby’s “organization” (about the crime; about their plans for the future after the crime had been investigated);

Portion 1b.

I. Read the story “The Erymanthian Boar” and learn the following words and expressions which are to be your active vocabulary.

  1. advantage (p.16) - преимущество; disadvantage - недостаток;

to take advantage of smth (p.16) - а) воспользоваться ч-л; б) злоупотребить ч-л;

e.g. You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence. She took advantage of his good nature (характер).

  1. to write/ draw smth in pencil (p.16) - написать/ нарисовать ч-л карандашом;

  2. to get in touch with smb (p.16) - связаться, вступить в контакт с к-л;

e.g. I am trying to get in touch with my brother, he moved to Australia two years ago.

  1. There is nothing unusual about them. (p.17) - В них нет ничего необычного.

  2. to shrug one’s shoulders (p.18) - пожать плечами;

  3. to communicate with smb (p.18) - поддерживать связь, общаться с к-л;

e.g. He is a very shy person, he can’t communicate (with people) very well.

  1. to play a part/ the part of smb (p.19) - играть роль/ ч-л роль;

  2. unpredictable (p.19) - непредсказуемый;

  3. to be a bore (p.19) - а) быть очень скучным человеком, занудой; б) быть ч-л неприятным, досадой, неприятностью; ч-л скучным, нежелательным;

e.g. Don’t mention computers - he’s a real bore on the subject. It’s a bore having to go out again on a cold night like this.

  1. suspicion (p.20) - подозрение; suspicious (adj) - подозрительный; to suspect smb of smth - подозревать к-л в ч-л (как правило, в преступлении);

e.g. She was suspected of being a spy.

  1. incident (p.20) - случай, происшествие (как правило, необычное);

e.g. We completed the journey without further incident.

Compare: accident - несчастный случай, авария; to have, to suffer, to meet with an accident;

e.g. There was a fatal accident (несчастный случай со смертельным исходом) on the motorway.

case - случай как к-то ситуация, пример ч-л или происшествие, требующее расследования;

e.g. They may not offer me much money.

In that case I won’t take the job.

We don’t really want to sell the car, but it’s a case of having to.

The police are investigating the case of robbery with violence (насилие).

  1. purpose (p.20) - а) цель, намерение, замысел; for/ with the purpose of doing smth - с целью сделать ч-л; on purpose - нарочно, специально;

e.g. What was the purpose of her visit?

б) результат,

e.g. I haven’t got a pen, but a pencil will serve the same purpose.

в) (U) – целеустремлённость,

e.g. He is a man of purpose.

  1. to mean (meant) smth (p.22) - а) подразумевать ч-л, иметь ч-л в виду; намереваться/ иметь намерение сделать ч-л;

e.g. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that you were dishonest.

He is very angry and means trouble.

б) значить, означать;

e.g. What does this French word mean?

в) иметь определённое значение, быть важным для к-л;

e.g. Her work means a lot/ means everything to her.

  1. to dismiss smb (p.23) - уволить к-л;

  2. to pass for/ as smb (p.24) - выдать себя, “сойти” за к-л;

e.g. His English is so good that he could pass for/ as a native.

  1. to pretend to do smth/ that.../ smth (p.25) - притворяться, как будто делаешь ч-л; что…; имитировать ч-л;

e.g. She pretended not to know me/ (that) she didn’t know me when we met in the street.

He often pretends deafness (глухота) when you ask him a question he doesn’t want to answer.

  1. to perform an operation (p.25) - выполнить, провести операцию;

e.g. The doctor is performing a delicate operation on her knee.

  1. without delay (p.25) - без задержки, без промедления.

  1. Do the following back translation. Work in pairs.

1. Этот избалованный ребёнок всегда злоупотребляет добротой своих родителей и доставляет им много неприятностей.

1. This spoilt child always takes advantage of the kindness of his parents and causes (gives) them a lot of trouble (causes/ gives a lot of trouble to them).

2. Его поведение всегда было непредсказуемым, он любит разные забавные происшествия, а несколько дней назад он даже попал в настоящую аварию, но, к счастью, не пострадал.

2. His behaviour has always been unpredictable, he likes different amusing incidents and several days ago he even had (suffered, met with) a real accident, but fortunately wasn’t hurt in it.

3. Вчера один мой знакомый, которого я знал много лет, притворился, что видит меня впервые. Я понял, что он старается выдать себя за другого человека, и ничего не сказал по этому поводу.

3. Yesterday an acquaintance of mine, whom I had known for many years pretended that he saw me (to see me) for the first time. I realized that he was trying to pass as/ for another man (person) and didn’t say a word (anything) about it.

4. -Это правда, что М-р Джонс согласился на операцию несколько дней назад?

- Да. Один из врачей нашей больницы прооперирует его по поводу желудка в следующую пятницу.

4. Is it true that Mr. Jones agreed to an operation several days ago? Yes, it is. A doctor from our hospital is to perform an operation on his stomach next Friday.

5. Стюардесса объявила пассажирам, что самолёт приземлится в Лондоне незамедлительно.

5. The stewardess announced to the passengers that the plane would land in London without delay.

6. Джейн прибыла в Нью-Йорк с целью осмотреть достопримечательности этого города. Они произвели на неё большое впечатление.

6. Jane arrived in New-York with/ for the purpose of seeing the sights of the city. They made/ produced a great impression on her (impressed her greatly).

7. Интересно, что Джек имел в виду сказав, что Бен - целеустремлённый человек? Насколько мне известно, он сделал очень мало, чтобы достичь главной цели своей жизни - стать учителем истории.

7. I wonder, what Jack meant when he said (saying) that Ben was a man of purpose? As far as I know, he has done very little to achieve the main aim of his life - to become a history teacher.

8. Я спросил Браунов, почему их сын не хочет ни с кем общаться. В ответ на этот вопрос мне сказали, что в этом нет ничего необычного. Ему 14 лет, а в этом возрасте молодые люди часто не хотят иметь ничего общего с теми, кто их окружает.

8. I asked the Browns why their son didn’t want to communicate with anybody. In answer (reply) to that question I was told that there was nothing unusual about it. He was 14 (years old) and at that age young people often didn’t want to have anything in common with those (people) who surrounded them.

9. Полиция подозревает Тома Хэнкса в совершении преступления, но я уверен, что он невиновен. Он не способен сделать ничего подобного.

9. The police suspect Tom Hanks of committing the crime. But I am sure he is not guilty (of it). He can’t do anything like that (of the kind).

10. На днях Люси сказала мне, что она пытается связаться с Томом уже 2 месяца. Он очень скучный человек, но она влюблена в него и скучает по нему.

10. The other day Lucy told me that she had been trying to get in touch with Tom for 2 months already. He is a great bore, but she is in love with him and misses him.

III. Open the brackets, choosing the correct word. Use it in the required grammatical form.

  1. People in Maycomb said that Tom Robinson (to get in touch with, to take advantage of) a white woman. That’s why he was taken to court in the end.

  2. It’s very useful for a foreigner (to get in touch with, to communicate with) native speakers to learn the language better.

  3. On the whole the play was (boring, a bore) though Hantings was playing the part of Othello excellently.

  4. A fried of mine told me yesterday that he had suffered (an accident, an incident) the day before. I really feet sorry for him.

  5. The father is fond of amusing his children telling them about different (an accident, an incident) of his life.

  6. Poirot was reluctant to take up (an incident, a case) but in the end he decided to do it.

  7. The waiter was trying (to pretend, to pass as) a detective, but Poirot couldn’t be deceived.

  8. He is a very (suspicious, unpredictable) person. You never know what he means doing now one unusual thing, now another.

IV. Make sure you understand the text. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the translation of the active vocabulary.

  1. ... So keep your eyes open, my friend. Get in touch with Inspector Drouet who is on the spot. It is important that Marrascaud should be taken - he is a wild boar - one of the most dangerous killers alive today. (p.16)

  2. He had been suspected of many killings, but he had got away, out of France, it was thought, and the police in every country in Europe were looking for him. (p.17)

  3. “Mr. Poirot, a very bad thing has occurred. There has been an accident to the funicular/ ... in the meantime we are out off up here. So early in the season, when the snow is still heavy, it is impossible to communicate with the valley below.” (p.18)

  4. “If Marrascaud is an expert in disguise, he can play the part successfully.” (p.19)

  5. “...But it would he better, I think, not to let him know of our suspicions. Keep your eye on him, that is all.” (p.20)

  6. The day passed without incident Hercule Poirot went outside and wandered aimlessly round to the kitchen. He tried to speak to the old man, but he was silent and suspicious. His wife, the cook, was more communicative. (p.20)

  7. “He will not die if that is what you mean. But he must not speak - there must be no excitement. I have dressed the wounds - there will be no risk of sepsis.” (p.22)

V. Get ready to paraphrase and explain the following.

  1. Paraphrase: Get in touch with Inspector Drouet who is on the spot. (p.16)

  2. Explain: “Impossible”, it ran, “to mistake these moustaches... If you are willing, you can be of great assistance to me.” (p.16)

  3. Explain: A wild boar - that was the term Lementeuil had used. It was certainly an odd coincidence. (p.17)

  4. Paraphrase: He may be a bore, but it seems difficult to regard him as a danger. (p.19)

  5. Paraphrase: “And the rendezvous is for the purpose of sharing this money you think?” “It is the most/ obvious idea.” (p.20)

  6. Explain: Someone was fumbling with the lock of the door. (p.21)

  7. Paraphrase: He could pass as a detective to an outsider - but not to a man who was a policeman himself. (p.24)

VI. Comment on the following statements. Show your understanding of what is implied by them. Say whether you agree or disagree, give your arguments. Recall the situations in which the statements are used.

  1. To hunt a ruthless killer was not his idea of a pleasant holiday. (p.17)

  2. ... but Americans when travelling are quite unpredictable. (p.19)

  3. “Ah! Do you think that one goes to see off an animal like that? One has one’s own affairs to do.” (p.21)

  4. “And they settled his account - like this.” (p.23)

  5. “You understand, there are certain things one knows - knows quite certainly in the course of one’s profession. One knows, for instance, the difference between a detective and a murderer! ...” (p.24)

  6. “To capture alive the wild boar of Erymanthia...” (p.25)

  7. But one man must be silenced - Hercule Poirot. (p.25)

VII. Get ready to answer the following questions:

  1. Why did Hercule Poirot find himself in Rochers Neiges?

  2. What happened in the funicular?

  3. What was Marrascaud? Tell the story of his life. Why were the police in every country in Europe looking for him at the moment?

  4. What can you say about the staff and the guests of the hotel where Poirot was staying?

  5. Speak about the waiter Gustave. What did he pretend to be? Who did he turn out to be in the end? What helped Poirot guess his true identify (личность)?

  6. What can you say about the waiter Robert? Who did he turn out to be in the end? What happened to him?

  7. Who was Mr. Schwartz? Speak about his role in the case.

  8. What did you learn about Dr. Lutz? What kind of specialist was he and what kind of operation did he perform?

  9. What happened to Marrascaud at the end of the story? Why didn’t Poirot tell anybody about his guess before the police arrived?

VIII. Discuss the following points.

  1. Speak about relations between Marrascaud and the other members of his gang. What do you think the main purpose of the killer’s coming to that hotel was?

  2. Dr. Lutz was a criminal. Put forward your arguments for and/ or against the claim (утверждение).

  3. A murderer who is an expert in disguise can sometimes pass for a detective. Give your arguments for and/ or against the claim.

IX. Think of the following dialogues:

  1. Hercule Poirot and “Inspector Drouet”- the waiter Gustave (after Poirot had arrived at the hotel).

  2. The waiter Gustave and the waiter Robert before the latter (последний, т.е. Роберт) was killed. (the former - первый, предыдущий из упомянутых; the latter - последний (следующий) из упомянутых).

  3. Dr. Lutz and Marrascaud (arranging their meeting in Rochers Neiges).

  4. Hercule Poirot and the American (Mr. Schwartz) (after the latter had saved Poirot’s life; at the end of the story, after Marrascaud had been arrested).

  5. Hercule Poirot and Monsieur Lementaul, Commissaire of Police (before Marrascaud was arrested).

Portion I (a, b)

Home Exercises.

I. Translate the following sentences into English in writing. Use your active vocabulary.

  1. Джордж сказал нам, что заблудился, потому что забыл адрес своего знакомого, и попросил нас напомнить ему его.

  2. Мы решили связаться с шефом полиции (Chief of Police) и попросить его найти и арестовать человека, который совершил это жестокое преступление.

  3. Адвокат Финч часто не одобрял поведения своих детей, но им почти всегда удавалось выйти сухими из воды.

  4. Учитель поинтересовался, почему сочинение Тома было написано карандашом. Том объяснил ему, что у него не было ручки, и он решил, что карандаш также годится для этого (может послужить той же цели).

  5. Мисс Карнаби была прирождённой компаньонкой, она могла часами рассказывать леди Хоггин забавные происшествия, кроме того, она всю жизнь была предана собакам.

  6. Декан предложил, чтобы мы воспользовались благоприятной (favourable) ситуацией и сдали экзамен досрочно.

  7. Он всегда был очень хорошим студентом, он прекрасно разбирается в математике.

  8. Нам объяснили, что студент, изучающий иностранный язык, должен уметь общаться с разными людьми.

  9. Хотя Джордж не хотел помогать нам, он был вынужден сделать это, так как нам всегда казалось, что он признаёт наши взгляды на жизнь, и мы считали его своим другом.

  10. Всегда очень скучно (неприятно) разговаривать с людьми, которые не разделяют (to share) ваших интересов.

  11. С точки зрения читателя было неизбежно, что главный герой рассказа в конце концов начнёт расследовать это преступление и угадает (to guess) имя убийцы.

  12. М-р Браун всегда был очень непредсказуемым человеком. В последнее время он очень занят, но вчера в ответ на наш вопрос о цели его деятельности (activities) он просто пожал плечами.

  13. Мы навели справки о М-ре Смите и узнали, что он - тот самый опасный преступник, который разыскивается полицией уже 2 года.

  14. Мы спросили полицейского, в чём подозревают нашего знакомого. Оказалось, что его подозревают в ограблении магазина. Мы были потрясены. Поведение этого человека никогда не казалось нам подозрительным.

  15. Хотя Джек пытался уверить нас, что уйдёт на пенсию через 3 месяца, мы не верили ему. Он всегда был очень предан своей работе и не мог так легко оставить её.

  16. Вчера нам сообщили, что один наш друг попал в аварию. Позже оказалось, что это был несчастный случай со смертельным исходом. Некоторые свидетели (witnesses) даже полагали, что это убийство. Детектив Джонс решил расследовать этот случай.

II. Fill in the blanks with your active vocabulary in the required grammatical form.

  1. The teacher realized that the student was doing the translation … because he wasn’t prepared for the class.

  2. He is a great…, he can’t even easily… his own relatives.

  3. Though the father … some of his children’s actions, they always … everything.

  4. Mary’s friends didn’t like the fact that she always tried to … their kindness and wish to help her out.

  5. He is … learning long texts in foreign languages by heart.

  6. … people are very difficult to communicate with.

  7. It’s a … to beat children and parents who … must be taken to court.

  8. He may try to talk me out of this idea. … I won’t listen to anything he is going to say.

  9. She was a …, her students admired her for her knowledge and patience.

  10. The man’s life is very uneventful (бедная событиями), there have been practically no … that are worth mentioning in it.

  11. Poirot was … take up the case because he had decided not to … any crimes after he … .

  12. The doctor told us he had arrived at our place … examining our younger son who had seemed to be ill for a week by then.

  13. I can’t … such a present, it is too expensive.

  14. She was a very devoted mother, her children … to her, she even gave up her job to take better care of them.

  15. The doctor … his patient that the operation was … . In the end the sick man agreed to it.

  16. He … a crime for 2 months already. The police are looking for him everywhere.

III. Write compositions on the following points.

  1. It’s better to prevent crime than to detect (обнаружить) and investigate it.

  2. Detectives should be both inflexible (непреклонный) and humane (гуманный).

  3. It’s hardly possible to give up a job one is devoted to easily.

Portion IIa.

I. Read the story “The Stymphalean Birds” and learn the following words and expressions which are to be your active vocabulary.

  1. To shape well (badly) (p.25) – принимать хороший (плохой) оборот, складываться (удачно/ неудачно);

e.g. Judging by (судя по) the way things are shaping luck is with us!;

  1. a woman (a man) of character (p.26) – женщина (мужчина) с характером;

  2. odd (p.26) – странный, чудной;

  1. to think to oneself (p.26) – подумать про себя;

  2. evil (adj)(p.26) – злой, зловещий, дурной;

e.g. There was something evil about them;

evil (C,U)(n) – зло;

e.g. The love of money is the root of all evil (корень всех зол).

  1. interpreter (p.27) – устный переводчик;

  2. indignation (n)(p.28)(at smth) – возмущение ч-то; to arouse smb’s indignation against smb – вызвать/ возбудить ч-л возмущение к-л;

indignant (adj) – возмущённый; to be indignant at smth – быть возмущённым ч-л;

  1. to justify smth (p.28) – оправдывать, находить объяснение/ оправдание ч-л;

his indignation is justified – его возмущение оправдано;

N.B.: to acquit smb of a crime – оправдать к-л решением суда (acquitted);

  1. to feel uneasy about smth (p.28) – чувствовать неловкость, чувствовать себя неудобно по к-л поводу;

  2. to stand in the doorway (p.29) – стоять в дверях;

  3. to injure smb (p.30) – нанести к-л телесные повреждения, ранить к-л;

to be (seriously) injured (p.30) – быть (серьёзно) раненым;

to be injured in an accident – пострадать /получить телесные повреждения в аварии;

  1. temple (p.30) – висок;

e.g. He started going grey round the temples. – У него начали седеть виски;

to hit smb on the temple – ударить к-л в висок;

  1. to confirm smth (p.30) – подтвердить ч-л; to confirm smb’s story;

  2. to see smb’s (the) point (p.30) – понимать, что к-л имеет в виду; суть того, что к-л говорит;

e.g. I didn’t see the point of his last remark (замечание);

  1. jealousy (u)(p.30) – ревность;

to arouse smb’s jealousy – возбуждать ч-л ревность;

jealous (adj)(of smth, smb) – а) ревнивый; б) завистливый;

e.g. When his wife was spoken to by other men he immediately became jealous (of her, of them). He is jealous of their success.

  1. to bribe smb (p.31) – подкупить к-л, дать к-л взятку;

bribe ( C )(n) – взятка;

  1. to have a heart attack(p.31)– перенести сердечный приступ;

  2. to blackmail smb (p.32) – шантажировать к-л;

  3. to exercise smth (p.33) – осуществлять, применять, проявлять, использовать (как правило, качества характера, права или полномочия);

to exercise patience, ingenuity (n) – изобретательность;

ingenious (adj) – изобретательный (syn. inventive);

  1. part (n)(p) – зд. роль;

to play the part of smb – сыграть ч-л роль;

  1. ignorance (u) (of smth) (p.34) – невежество в ч-л;

ignorant (adj) (of smth) – невежественный в ч-л, находящийся в неведении;

e.g. The workers were kept in complete ignorance of the company’s financial situation; to be ignorant of even the smallest facts.

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