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1.2. Match the notions and their definitions

  1. Scattering 1. a process of making waves of light, etc. vibrate in a single direction

  2. Absorption 2. the sound or other vibration produced in an object by sound or vibrations of a similar frequency from another object

  3. Radar 3. the greatest distance that a wave, especially a sound or radio wave, vibrates

  4. Resonance 4. a process of a liquid, gas or other substance being taken in

  5. Polarization 5. a process of spreading in different directions

  6. Coherence 6. the situation in which all the parts of smth fit together well

  7. Software package 7. a small colored mark or spot on a background of a different color

  8. Speckle 8. a set of related programs for a particular type of task, sold and used as a single unit

  9. Amplitude 9. a system that uses radio waves to find the position and movement of objects

1.3. Find the Russian equivalents of the following expressions in the text above:

  1. Наиболее распространенный вид

  2. Общепринятое название

  3. Показатель преломления

  4. Верхний предел

  5. Ослабление излучения

  6. Произвольная форма

  7. Метод конечных элементов

  8. Неясное, малоизученное явление

  9. Распространяться сквозь среду

  10. Применять модель

  11. Локальный максимум

  12. Случайные флуктуации

  13. Явление интерференции

  14. Слабая локализация

  15. Узкий/ ограниченный угловой диапазон

  16. Распределение в пространстве

  17. Точечный источник

1.4. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text above:



Adjective/ adverb

exhaustion/ depletion

reason/ motive

rate/ speed


to promote/ encourage

to explain/ clear up

to alter

to evaluate


very/ specifically

different/ various

technically complicated

1.5. Translate the sentences below paying attention to concessive clauses As (though) ... - Хотя и; как бы ни; как ни

Example: Difficult as ii was, the author tried to cite the data.

Хотя это и трудно, автор пытался привести данные.

1. Incomplete though the information about the constitution of the atmosphere of the planet may be it is still of value.

2. This hypothesis, surprising as it may seem at first, contains a considerable element of truth.

3. Important though the question may be in itself the debate on the subject went far beyond its original bounds.

4. Safe though an alternative method seemed thus far it was not extended to electronic states of low density plasma.

5. Difficult though it is to observe the surface of Mercury, it is more difficult to obtain certain evidence of the atmosphere.

6. Acceptable though these models proved in a general case they also suffer from shortcomings in the data available.

7. Strange as it may seem, the theory of numbers can be called an empirical or even experimental science.