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Задание № 103 Лапшина.rtf
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My studies

I am a student of St.-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I study at the Architectural Institute (Civil Engineering Institute, Institute of Environmental Systems, Road Construction and Automobile design Institute, Faculty of Economics and Management). I entered this institute in order to become an architect (a civil engineer, a sanitation engineer, an engineer in bridge and tunnel construction, an automobile engineer). We study different subjects which will help us in our speciality. Classes begin at 9 sharp. I usually get to the university by bus and it takes me about twenty minutes. We have two lectures and a seminar a day. At noon we have a break during which we can have dinner at the university canteen. Classes are usually over at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. During lectures I take notes in order to be able to revise the material at home. I take examinations twice a year in the end of each term. Usually we have to pass four or five tests and three or four exams. I should read much in order to pass the exams well. I should use my notes, different handbooks and reference books for my exams. I must pass all the exams in order to be promoted to the next course. In July all students have practical hours at different institutions and factories of our city in order to get practical knowledge.

When I graduate from the university I’ll be given a diploma of an engineer in bridge and tunnel construction.


  1. enter (v) – поступать

  2. in order to – для того, чтобы

  3. become (v) – стать

  4. speciality (n) – специальность

  5. canteen (n) – столовая

  6. term (n) – семестр

  7. reference-book – справочник

  8. promote (v) – продвигать, повышать

  9. course (n) – курс

Questions to the text:

  1. Where do you study?

  2. Why did you enter the university?

  3. What subjects do you study?

  4. When do your classes begin?

  5. How long does it take you to get to the university?

  6. How many lectures and seminars a day do you usually have?

  7. Where can you have dinner?

  8. What time are classes over?

  9. What do you take notes during lectures for?

  10. When do you take your examinations?

  11. What should you do in order to be promoted to the next course?

  12. Where do you have practical hours in July?

  13. What will you be given when you graduate from the university?

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the second largest city of Russia. The population of St.Petersburg is about 5 million people. St.Petersburg is one of the greatest industrial centres of Russia, it is also a big sea port.

The history of the city began in the 18-th century. St.Petersburg was founded in 1703 by Peter the First on the banks of the Neva.

Now St.-Petersburg is a great centre of science and education. There are 42 higher schools in the city. Students from different countries of the world study in St.-Petersburg.

St.Petersburg is an important cultural centre. There are 50 museums and 15 theatres in the city.

My native city is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many places of interest in St.Petersburg. The city is famous for its museums, monuments of architecture, palaces. Many outstanding Russian and foreign architects lived and worked in St.-Petersburg. They are: Rastrelli, Trezini, Rossi, Zakharov, Quarengi, Voronichin, Stasov, Montferrand, Felten, De la Moth, Thomas de Thomon, Rinaldi, etc. They created remarkable architectural ensembles and structures such as Peter and Paul’s Fortress, the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the ensembles of Palace Square, the Field of Mars, Nevsky Prospect, the Spit of Basil’s Island, Smolny, the Neva Embankments, the Decembrists’ Square, St.Isaac’s Cathedral and many others.

The Summer Garden is the most beautiful and the oldest park of the city.

St.Petersburg is one of the hero-cities. The heroic blockade lasted for 900 days. One million Leningraders gave their lives during the defence of the city.

Thousands of multi-storied blocks of flats are built in different districts and outskirts of St.Petersburg every year. Most of the houses are built on the industrial base. Comfortable apartments are provided with all modern conveniences.