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Extra tips

Here are some extra tips before you write:

  1. Think of an interesting title;

  2. Don’t use very formal language;

  3. You can include one or two questions to get your reader’s interest;

  4. Make your article lively and interesting;

  5. Finish your article with a conclusion that summarises your opinion.

uNit 2



1 You are going to read a magazine article about the guidebook of the sea superstitions. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d for each statement. Lucky angel or devil incarnate?

Black cat sends for an immediate reaction in a human - either love or hate. Some people consider such cats to bring luck, others, conversely, suppose that black cats are the incarnate of evil. But leave aside prejudices! Black cats are quite attractive creatures, loving, emotional and communicative. They possess a cheerful temper, are able to stand up for themselves and perfectly aware of their place in life. The intensity of pigment metabolism in black cats determines a high level of protective substances in the organism, which contribute to a good health and high immunity of animals to viral diseases. Most of black cats are active but not aggressive. They have been considered to the best mouse and rat hunters for 10 ages. Even in a town flat where there are no rodents they persistently chase flies and cockroaches. Black color in Persians and Britain cats, for example, reckons as the oldest sort of coloring. During the first general exhibition of cats in London in 1871 black cats were described as "the most popular and most difficult to get ones". Indeed, very few among ordinary domestic cats can take proud in having a perfectly black hair. More often animals with white shirtfront, whiskers or charming white socks are found. Why does this happen then? The history of such coloring goes back into the past. Ancient Phoenicians brought the ancestors of black cats from Egypt, where they regarded as sacred animals. Black cats began to be held in high respect among people, perhaps, because

being almost imperceptible at night due to the "camouflage" they, caught rodents very effectively. In the middle Ages black cats were suspected of relationship with the evil spirit. Indeed: bright black hair, eyes shining in the darkness, marvelous ability to disappear into night - aren't these signs of belonging to a world of darkness? It was black cats that were regarded as being entitled to visiting witches' Sabbaths. Witches, in their part, could turn into black cats by perforce. Christian Church in the name of struggle with the universe evil unmercifully punished poor old ladies who had unfortunately chosen a black pussy as a companion, and even arranged annual cremation of black cats alive on the St. John's Day. But there was a small opportunity for a black cat to escape from auto-da-fe. In the minister's of religion opinion a servant of devil should be entirely black. Any white hair was regarded as a saving divine sign. Thus prejudices have slightly changed the course of natural selection. Nowadays, by fortune, the only bequest we have possessed from that somber period in the history of caudate martyrs is a token about a black cat that crosses one's road. Sometimes even a police patrol was scared to keep on going along the street if a black cat had crossed their way. www.tellallproductions.coml/superstitions

1 Black cats are attractive creatures because

A they bring good luck.

B they are healthier than other animals.

C they are fond of their hosts.

D they are not angry.

2 “They” in line 10 refers to

A the cats

B the books

C the insects

D the articles

3 The ancestors of black cats lived in

A Europe

B Egypt

C France

D Germany

4 According to the author of the article black cats are good

A hunters.

B friends.

C watches.

D trackers.

5 In the middle ages black cats were considered as

A sacred.

B bewitched.

C devilish.

D magic.

6 On the St. John's Day black cats were

A born.

B burnt.

C chosen.

D collected.

7 According to the author of the article we should

A forget prejudices about black cats.

B be afraid of black cats.

C take black cats.

D begin adoring black cats.