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Transport Topical vocabulary

a vehicle, a bus, a train, a taxi, a bicycle, a plane, a car, a coach, a van, a lorry, a tram, a yacht, a ferry, a jet, a helicopter, a bus/taxi driver, a bus conductor, a mechanic, an engine driver, a ticket collector, a pilot, a cyclist, a captain, a steward(ess), a passenger, a bus/taxi/air fare, to run, to arrive at/in, to change, to fly, to take off, to touch down, to delay, to cancel, to embark/disembark, to catch/take a bus/a train, to get on/off a bus/a train/a plane/a bicycle, to get in/out a taxi/ a car, to miss, to ride a bicycle, to go on a bicycle, to go by car, a bus station, a railway station, an airport, a taxi rank

What means of transport do you know? How do you like traveling? Which means of transport do you use and why? Translate into Russian the following words. Build up your own sentences with them:

Means of transport

a car

a motorbike

a bicycle

a train

a boat

a ship

a plane

a bus

a taxi

Adjectives to describe the advantages and disadvantages

















to catch

to miss

to get in(to)

to get out of

to get on(to)

to get off

to ride

to take

to drive

Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport

  • traveling by tube / subway

  • traveling by bus

  • traveling by train

PASSIVE - present and past tense

Начало формы

1. He   (offer) a new job last week. 2. The bridge   (blow off) yesterday. 3. This novel   (write) by Hemingway. 4. Flies   (catch) by spiders. 5. All the trees   (cut) down yesterday. 6. We   (tell) to go home now. 7. Their purse   (steal) yesterday night in the disco. 8. Rain   (hold) up by fog. 9. He   (throw) out of the bar a week ago. 10. Pigs   (use) to find truffles. 11. The old theatre   (reopen) last Friday. 12. She   (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday. 13. Rotten eggs   (throw) at him last month in Bristol. 14. Mice   (catch) by cats. 15. I   (often / ask) for her address.

Конец формы

Make the following sentences passive. Give two variants, where possible. The Present Simple and the Past Simple

1. My mother told me the news yesterday.

2. Their friend sent them their photographs last week.

3. Did they recommend you any good hotels?

4. The librarian showed the students how to find necessary books.

5. They allowed the children to go to the Zoo.

6. They gave us a lot of money.

7. Her parents gave her a computer for her birthday.

8. They lent us some money.

9. My friend offers me a challenging job.

10. They pay him twice a month.

11. My mother teaches them English at school.

12. He promised me this book.

13. Did they show you that new Oxford Dictionary?

14. They sent presents to their relatives and friends.

15. The secretary gives the letters to her boss every day.

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