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Контрольная работа № 2

  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Выделите причастия и определите их функции.

1. Leaving the cinema the people were talking about the film.

Выходя из кинотеатра люди обсуждали фильм.

2. He stayed in St.Petersburg visiting his friends and going to museums.

Он остановился в Санкт-Петербурге навещая своего друга и посещая музеи.

3. Walking slowly along the street he met a friend of his.

Медленно прогуливаясь по улице он встретил своего друга.

4. There were many people standing at the bus stop.

На автобусной остановки стояли много людей.

5. We took a bus running in the direction of the mountains.

Мы сели на автобус, ехавший по направлению к горам.

6. This is the road leading to our village.

Это дорога, ведущая в нашей деревне.

7. The article translated by Jack is very interesting.

Статья, переведенная джеком очень интересна.

8. Hearing these words she ran out of the room.

Услышав эти слова она выбежала из комнаты.

9. Ar­riving in Moscow, the tourists went to a hotel.

Прибыв в Москву туристы отправились в гостиницу.

10. When asked he brought the papers.

Когда его попросили он принёс документы.

2. Измените структуру следующих предложений в соответ­ствии с образцами. Переведите предложения.

Образец: The boy who is playing there is my son. - The boy playing there is my son.

1. The man who is standing at the entrance is our guide. = The man standing at the entrance is our guide. Мужчина, стоящий у выхода – наш экскурсовод.

2. The students who are learning English will visit England at the end of the term. = The students learning English will visit England at the end of the term. Студенты, изучающие английский язык, поедут в конце семестра в Англию.

3. I took the train which was leaving for Moscow. = I took the train leaving for Moscow. Я сел на поезд отправляющийся в Москву.

Образец: When I was going home, I met my old friend. - (While/when) going home I met my old friend.

  1. When I was spending my summer holidays in the students' camp I played football very often. = Spending my summer holidays in the students' camp I played football very often. Проводя свои летние каникулы в студенческом лагере я довольно часто играл в футбол.

  2. When she was leaving Moscow she sent me a message. = Leaving Moscow she sent me a message. = Покидая Москву она оставила мне сообщение.

  3. When I was staying in Suzdal I went to see some of my friends living there. = Staying in Suzdal I went to see some of my friends living there. = Когда я гостил в Суздале я виделся с некоторыми моими друзьями, живущими там.

Образец: The story, which was told by the teacher, was long. - The story told by the teacher was long.

1. The letters which are sent today from here to London will arrive there in five days. = The letters sent today from here to London will arrive there in five days. Письма, сегодня отправленные отсюда в Лондон прибудут туда через пять дней.

2. Cities and towns, which were destroyed during the war, were built anew. = Cities and towns, destroyed during the war, were built anew. Города и поселения, разрушенные во время войны, были построены заново.

3. We are proud of the leisure facilities which were added a month ago. = We are proud of the leisure facilities added a month ago. Мы гордимся условиями для отдыха, что были прибавлены месяц назад.

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