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The living planet

Language Focus: Vocabulary

The environment

1) You are going to read a text about environmental change.

1 Look at the photos and describe what is happening. What environmental issue does each one illustrate?

2 Read the introductory paragraph below and fills in the gaps with words from the box.

resources destruction ecology environment habitats

We have come to the end of millennium of relentless and accelerating (1) ………… of the world around us. While human creativity and technology have blossomed, we have steadily been destroying the (2) ………… of the planet on which we depend for our survival. The sad fact is that every day the diversity of life on Earth gets poorer because of our overuse of (3) ………… and our disregard for the riches of nature. Ecologically, our natural (4) ………… provide services without which life on the planet would become impossible. When we tamper with the (5) …………, it is not just nature which suffers. Our own way of life is under threat.

2) Read the next part of the text and identify the key environmental issues being described. Then use words and phrases from the box below to fill in the gaps.

Since the industrial revolution, man has burned ever larger quantities of (6) …………, first coal and then oil, with the result that the composition of the atmosphere has starred to change. Burning the fuels produces (7) ………… such as carbon dioxide, which act in the atmosphere like glass in a greenhouse and trap the heat of the sun – this is known as the (8) ………… . The overall global temperature has already begun to rise. Global warming is expected to lead to extreme (9) …………, with more frequent floods, droughts and heat waves. No person, animal, bug or bird will be unaffected.

In addition to greenhouse gases, industrial processes procedure poisonous substances which can be virtually impossible to dispose of safety. If these (10) ………… are buried in underground storage sites, there is the danger that they may (11) ………… into lakes and rivers, with serious long-term effects on living organisms. Emissions from industrial plants, such as sulphur, can (12) ………… around the planet. They may also fall back to Earth as (13) ………… and story plants and trees. All these are examples of types of (14) ………… that could be prevented.

acid rain changes in climate fossil fuels gases greenhouse effect

pollution ozone layer toxic waster leach

3) Now read the continuation of the text. Fill in the gaps with words from the box below.

We drain (15) ………… near rivers and coastal areas to create land for building. Through (16) …………, the large-scale cutting down of trees, the (17) ………… that allow species to survive are changed and the amount of land available for (18) ………… decreases. Some species are so reduced in number that they are in danger of (19) ………… . At this stage they are known as an (20) ………… and are only one step away from total (21) ………… .

We are now beginning to manipulate nature in new ways, without thought for the possible consequences. Technology now allows us to create (22) ………… of plants which are resistant to diseases and which can survive extremes of temperature or salinity (salt content). The danger of this process of (23) ………… is that producing new plants or other (24) ………… like bacteria may bring disaster as well as apparent advantages, as experience has already shown.

So, with the new millennium, we need a new beginning, a fresh start. We need to reverse the major threats to our environment. Above all, we need to understand that we cannot go on consuming and polluting which no thought for tomorrow.

deforestation wildlife ecosystems endangered species

extinction genetic engineering living organisms dying out

wetlands strains

4) In technical texts, the writer often helps the reader to understand difficult words or concepts by giving examples or definitions, describing causes and effects, using synonyms, and so one. In this sentence from the text, two examples of ‘fossil fuels’ are given, which explain the meaning of this term.

‘Since the industrial revolution, man has burned ever larger quantities of fossil fuels, first coal and then oil,…’

With a partner, discuss what methods the writer has used to help the reader understand the following concepts.

  1. emissions

  2. deforestation

  3. salinity

  4. genetic engineering

5) Work in pairs. Without looking back at the text, take turns to explain the following concepts to your partner.

  1. the greenhouse effect and global warming

  2. industrial pollution

  3. species loss

  4. genetic engineering

Language Focus: Grammar

Cause and result

1) Join these sentences using the words in brackets. Make any changes necessary. Then check your answers by referring back to the text you have read.

  1. Every day the diversity of life on Earth gets poorer. We are overusing resources and disregarding the riches of nature. (because of)

  2. Man has burned ever larger quantities of fossil fuels, first coal and then oil. The composition of the atmosphere has started to change. (result)

  3. Some species are very reduced in number. They are in danger of dying out. (so … that)

2) Now rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words given, making any changes necessary.

1 The number of private cars has increased enormously, and this is a key factor in global warming.

A major cause of global warming is the …………………………

2 The Earth’s temperature is rising and, as a result, the polar ice caps are melting.

The polar ice caps are melting as a result of …………………………

3 As sea levels rise, there is an increased incidence of flooding.

One effect of the …………………………

4 Sea levels may rise even more and cause whole countries to disappear.

Sea levels may rise to such an extent …………………………

5 Toxic waste is being dumped in the sea with the result that many fish and sea mammals have died.

Many fish ………………………… due to …………………………

6 The spread of deserts is linked to deforestation and farming methods such as irrigation and excessive grazing.

………………………… have led to …………………………

3) Choose an environmental issue that you think is particularly relevant to your country. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the specifics effects on the problem on your country? Give examples.

  2. What is being done to improve matters? Is it enough, or should more be done? What?

  3. What is likely to happen if nothing is done?

Exam Focus

Paper 1, Part 4

In Paper 1, Part 4 you have to read a text and answer seven questions, choosing the correct answer from four options. Here is a procedure to follow for this task.

  • Read through the text to get an overall impression of what kind of text it is. (e.g. fiction or non-fiction) and what it is about.

  • Look at each question or stem – not the four options – and find the answer or completion in the text.

  • Read the options and find the one that is closest to the information in the text.

  • Read the text again and check all your answers.

Tearing up the map of creation

  1. A big fish is about o swim away forever. The barndoor skate, Raja Levis, seems close to extinction. In 1951 research ships found it in ten per cent of all trawls in the Atlantic Ocean off Newfoundland. Over the last 20 years, none at all have been caught there. The fish grows to a metre across, not something you would miss if you were looking out for it. But nobody was. If something the size of a barn door could slip away without being missed, the fate of little known species is likely to be worse.

  2. The things that make life possible are barely visible. Laboratory experiments based on small, artificial worlds keep demonstrations that diversity is life’s strongest card. The recycling of air and water and plant nutrients is the business of little creatures most of us never notice. The food we eat, the medicines we take and the tools we use have been fashioned for us by 500 million years of evolution. Yet we know practically nothing about most of them. All the evidence is that humans are extinguishing other life forms on an epic scale. But there are probably only about 7,000 experts – they are called taxonomists – on the whole planet with the authority to distinguish species one from another. Most are in the wrong places. And few have been getting much encouragement. Without them we cannot even begin arguing.

  3. The enormous task of identifying and classifying the species that exist on our planet was begun in 1758 by Carolus Linnaeus, the great Swedish taxonomist. Over the next 240 years, French and British natural historians followed suit, establishing a local habitation and name for each of about 1.7 or 1.8 million species. With no central catalogue or inventory, the same species was sometimes recorded under one identify in one country and under an entirely separate name in another, but even when these double entries were taken out, the number was still about 1.4 million.

  4. Then researches began to look a little harder. They spread nets under trees, dusted them with insecticide and counted just the arthropods* (including insects) that fell out. The numbers astonished them. When they reached 50,000, they started to get alarmed: by that reckoning there might be 20 million species to be described, rather than two million. What was true for the Amazon rainforest turned out to be equally true for coral reefs. Mangrove swamps and the great plains of Africa.

  5. But taxonomists are oppressed by something darker then the task of counting. What is going on now is described, quite calmly, as ‘the sixth great extinction’. The fossil record shows a pattern of evolution and extinction, with species continuously evolving, flourishing and expiring as individuals are born, develop and die. Imposed on this hubbub of appearance and disappearance is a series of dramatic happenings: mass disappearances, followed by new beginnings, at least five times in the past 500 million years.

  6. The last of these was 65 million years ago, when a 10-kilometre asteroid whacked into the Yucatan in Mexico. The change now is less dramatic but no less significant. According to some theorists, half of all the creatures with which humans share the planet could be on the verge of extinction, about to steal away into the eternal night simply because their homes are being destroyed. By man. The world’s dwindling tropical forests could be losing creatures at a conservative estimate of 27,000 a year – three creatures an hour. While the precision of these figures is disputed, the truth behind them is not. Crude counts confirm that many of the big mammal groups and a tenth of all flowering plants could be about to disappear, and a tenth of all birds on the planet are seriously endangered. But 99 per cent of creation is less than 3 mm long. Most of the smaller species will be gone before scientists ever find out they were here.

  7. There is a case for biodiversity: everyone recognizes it. A landscape without birds and wild flowers is poorer. There could also be billions of dollars worth of useful, exploitable knowledge to be gained from almost unknown creatures. Why do barnacles not grow on starfish? Because the starfish secrete a natural anti-fouling paint. Why do arctic fish not freeze? Because they have antifreeze fluid to keep blood circulating. Last years Cornell scientists calculated that if humans had to pay for the services they received free from nature – pollination, water purification, crop pest control, that sort of thing – the bill would be $2.9 million annually.

  8. Our fellow creatures are kind of map of creation. Their preservation is clearly both a duty and a matter of naked human self-interest. But biodiversity cannot be preserved unless it can be understood, and it cannot be understood unless its components are identified. In the meantime, our massacre of these species could have baleful consequences for Planet Earth.

*e.g. crabs, spiders, insects

Using this procedure, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

1 The case of the barndoor skate is particularly significant because

A it disappeared relatively quickly.

B its disappearance was not noticed.

C it is a well-known species

D it is almost extinct.

(HINT: All the answers give information that is mentioned in the text, but only one answer fits the question stem correctly. Here you are reading for the main idea in a paragraph.)

2 ‘Without them we cannot even begin arguing.’ (para 2) What does the writer suggest we should be arguing about?

A the number of different species we are destroying

B the chances of species surviving in different places

C the difference between laboratory experiments and the real world

D the work that should be done by taxonomists

(HINT: This question tests both reference – who or what does ‘them’ refer to in the sentence quoted – and implication. For both these you need to look back through paragraph 2.)

3 One drawback of the first inventories of species was that

A lack of cross-checking let to inaccurate figures.

B language problem led to confusion over names.

C the same species were recorded in different countries.

D different species were sometimes classified as similar.

(HINT: Several answers may be true on their own but only one completes the stem correctly.)

4 What is the writer’s main point in paragraph 4?

A Most new species are in remote parts of the world.

B Research procedures may damage the environment.

C The majority of species are still to be classified.

D Some species have been insufficiently studied.

(HINT: This question tests your understanding of implication. All the statements could be true, but only one develops the line of argument.)

5 What does the writer say in paragraphs 5 and 6 about the ‘sixth great extinction’?

A It is part of a natural cycle.

B It is more serious than the previous one.

C It threatens the survival of the human race.

D It is destroying known and unknown species.

(HINT: Do not allow your own opinions to mislead you. You need to check carefully to find out what is wrong with the three distractors.)

6 Why does the writer mention starfish and arctic fish in paragraph 7?

A They are threatened by pollution.

B They benefit the environment without costing anything.

C They have features which humans could exploit.

D They are examples of biodiversity.

(HINT: In this type of question, all the answer could be true, but only one reflects the writer’s purpose in this part of the text. Which explanation gives the general point that the writer is making?)

7 What is the general tone of this article?

A concerned B objective C critical D despairing

(HINT: Here you need to think about the overall impression given of the writer’s attitude to the topic. Remember that you are evaluating the writer’s attitude, not your own. You should consider both the content and the language used.)

Exam Strategy

  • Remember that the questions are in the same order as the information in the text.

  • Don’t be distracted by your own opinions or knowledge of the subject: the questions can all be answered from information given in the text.

  • Don’t be put off by new words. Ignore them if they aren’t important, or use the context to work out the meaning.

Language Focus: Vocabulary

1) Style and register

You may find it useful to refer to the table on page 62 for the following exercises.

Find words and phrases in the text on pages 98-99 which mean the same as the words in italics in the following sentences. Are the words in the text forma, informal or literary?

  1. The fish is nor something you would miss if you were searching for it. (para. 1)

  2. How could something so large quietly disappear without being missed? (two expressions – paras. 1 and 6)

  3. Diversity is life’s biggest advantage. (para. 2)

  4. There are only about 7,000 taxonomists who can tell one species from another. (para. 2)

  5. When the researchers reached 50,000, they started to get alarmed: according to these calculations, there might be 20 million species to be described. (para. 4)

  6. But taxonomists are worried by something more serious than the task of counting. (para. 5)

  7. Species are continuously developing, growing and dying. (para. 5)

  8. 65 million years ago a 10-kilometre asteroid hit the Yucatan in Mexico. (para.6)

  9. Not everyone agrees these numbers are accurate. (para. 6)

  10. The result of this rapid loss of species could be extremely serious for the planet. (para. 8)

2) Word formation

1 Find the following words in the text. What part of speech (noun, verb or adjective) is each word in the text? What other forms of the word are possible?

1 grows (para. 1) 5 habitation (para. 3)

2 diversity (para. 2) 6 verge (para. 6)

3 nutrients (para. 2) 7 precision (para. 6)

4 distinguish (para. 2) 8 exploitable (para.7)

2 Use an appropriate form of each word to complete the sentences below.

  1. It is difficult to make ………… measurements of the numbers of endangered species.

  2. It should be possible to ………… the riches of nature without destroying it in the process.

  3. Many species may seem ………… from one another to the non-specialist.

  4. Most parts of Europe were once ………… by wolves and bears.

  5. The gradual ………… of species is a process which has occurred over millions of years.

  6. Their claim that we shall soon have classified all existing species ………… on the ridiculous.

  7. Warm, damp conditions may encourage the ………… of harmful bacteria.

  8. Young children need ………… food if they are to grow up strong and healthy.

3) Fixed phrases: with prepositions

Fixed propositional phrases may be tested in Paper 1 and in Paper 3. Look out for such phrases in your reading and make a note of them.

1 Rewrite the following sentences using the phrase in brackets. Make all the necessary changes to the rest of the sentence. Remember that if a verb follows a preposition, it will always be in –ing form.

  1. Half of all the creatures on the planet are about to become extinct. (on the verge of)

  2. The bear has been wiped out in most countries of the European Union other than France and Spain. (with the exception of)

  3. The government is setting up more nature reserves to try to save the remnant populations of these animals. (in the hope of)

  4. He got the job because he had had so much experience with animals. (on the strength of)

  5. The government does not understand what ordinary citizens need or want. (out of tune with)

  6. With her tutor’s help, she came to be recognized as a leading talent in her field. (under the guidance of)

2 Now rewrite these sentences. This time you only have the key word.

  1. Fair-skinned people are more likely to get skin cancer from over-exposure to the sun. (risk)

  2. The charity appeal did very well. (response)

  3. The police suspected that he had broken into the building, and arrested him. (suspicion)

  4. High production rates are often achieved only when the quality of the work is reduced. (expense)

  5. Mary was short and plump, and was very different from her mother, who was tall and willowy. (contrast)

  6. The medal was awarded to the retiring mayor for his services to the town. (recognition)


Paper 4, Part 2

1) Read the following headlines. What do you think the problem is?



What happened to all the fish?

2) You will hear a radio documentary about fishing. Before you listen, read the gapped sentences below. What do you think the programme will focus on?

In the past, the sea around Cape Bonavista was ………… (1) in the world.

Since 1992, ………… (2) has been almost completely forbidden.

Bill was unhappy about the effect of the distant water fleets on ………… (3) levels.

One effect of the new methods of fishing was that ………… (4) were damaged.

Now the traditional ………… (5) is rapidly disappearing.

Fish farming does not help numbers of ………… (6) to return to their former levels.

Another fishing community is surviving by using a scheme which involves ………… (7) the fish.

This scheme allows enough fish to swim up the river and ………… (8).

During an ‘opening’, ………… (9) is permitted in the day.

3) Now listen and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Your answers must fit the grammatical structure of the sentence.

4) Listen again to complete and check your answers. Finally check that what you have written is grammatically correct and that you haven’t made any spelling mistakes.

5) What does the report you have just heard suggest about our ability to reverse the pattern of extinctions of the last 1,000 years? Do you agree?