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02_Соревнования (англ.версия).doc
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The clouds were thickening above the vast ocean, being about to burst into a heavy rain. They were sublime and likewise some ancient chariots, harnessed by unknown creatures and marching across the sky, hiding the daylight. An old boat was leisurely moving into the small island’s direction, slightly rocking on the waves.

During the holiday of Niahara, Drell used to honor and recall some ancient traditions of their ancestors. Each year they have adjusted old boats for the first contest day, in order to use them later for bringing the chosen ones to the “competition” island.

Eight little drell were sitting by pairs in the spacious boat. It was not equipped by any engine or even sculls, and seemed to move as if by magic. But it looked so only from the first glance - the trick was in two towlines, fastened on the rostrum. And hanar were using them to move the boat ashore. Other hanar were coming up from time to time, and sending young drell greetings on the occasion of the holiday and wishing good luck in the coming competition.

Thane was intently looking at the rain clouds. His imagination was drawing castles in the air, attacked by hordes of fairy creatures. And somewhere up, above the towers the gigantic imaginary hand was preparing to knock this castle off.

  • Kahje is calling Thane, Kahje is calling Thane! Do you read me? Over! – the voice of Mirion seemed so afar.

  • Krios! – shouted Annaremi, finally pulling him out of dreaminess.

A slight laughter ran across the little vessel. Once taken his eyes away from clouds meditation, Krios looked through his friends and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face, when he realized the situation.

  • Are you sleeping? –Annaremi asked, smiling widely.

  • Nope, he is just deaf, – Mirion winkled. Without saying a word, Thane clipped a back of Mirion's head, while he was whiningly trying to hide behind Saggita.

  • He is not deaf, he’s just stupid! – Tot has shouted, from the far end of the boat.

  • Shut up! – responded Kadiy.

  • No, you shut up! Why do you trying to take his side? – Tot was keeping on.

  • Because, unlike you, he is my friend! – Kadiy warded off.

  • My dad is saying that people like you are toadies, – Tot said sarcastically.

  • Your dad is a fool, just like you are.

  • What did you say?!

  • Shut up, both of you! – sitting just behind Kadiy, Aluka rose on her legs and shouted. – Or I will through both of you out! – and to prove her intensions, she burst into blue flames.

The threat has unexpectedly worked. After making sure, that everyone had been calmed, she has dispersed the blue mist, covering her body and sat. All this time Tot was standing still, quietly staring at her back. He would probably remain this way till the end of the voyage, if Eirin hadn’t tugged him at his sleeve, and made him take his sit.

  • What’s wrong with her? – Thane has asked Annareni in a low voice.

  • It’s just… – she squinted at Aluka. – She’s got seasickness.

  • I still can hear you, – Aluka said reproachfully.

Thane and Annaremi chuckled. And once again, the silence has fallen and once again Krios looked up at the clouds. The enormous hand has vanished, as well, as the castle with high towers has done. And only debris were scattered around. Suddenly, the boat has eased off, and tight rope loosened, even though the shore was still far away. What could have happened?

Some seconds later, one of the hanar who were pulling the boat all the way long, came up to the surface.

  • Dear contestants, This one is pleased to declare about the start of the competition, where you will be able to show your physical skills, – he was speaking slowly and deliberately. – Show your strength, speed, dexterity and stamina. This vessel will be your launch pad.

Little drell exchange glances with each other. After a little pause, hanar continued:

  • This competition can be relatively divided into several phases. First one: you need to swim across the remained distance to the shore, – Aluka has muttered something nonclear. – Second one: once you get to the shore, you’ll need to complete the hurdle race. Third one: once this one is completed, you’ll need to climb up the wall. And finally, fourth: the final straightaway, which can be completed only once you overcome the fear of height. When the competition if over, five finalists will be accepted to the next tour, which will take place tomorrow.

Hanar has stopped his speech once again, so that obtained information could be perceived. Thane has felt his heart started beating faster; thoughts began to pulse inside of the head, producing only some vague questions and phrases: “Can I?”, “This is too hard!”, “Do I have enough strength?”.

  • But…this is impossible, – said Tot musingly, as if he was reading Thane’s mind.

  • If you think, that this competition is too hard for you, you have the right to withdraw from participation, or do it during the run-time.

At these words, Tot didn’t dare to say anything else, and was standing as if he had lost his tongue.

  • If you still have any questions, it is the time to ask them, because you won’t be able to do it once we start.

After another slight pause and making sure, that there were no more questions, he continued:

  • Before we start, I’d like to wish you good luck and say some parting words: “We have all risen from water and will come back there, when our time comes. So let the Enkindlers be on your side today, giving you their helping hand”, – hanar has ended his speech and swam away from the boat.

Confused little drell began to prepare to the swim, working in and dismantling overgarment. Suddenly Thane felt something warm against his palm.

  • Let’s pray, Thane? – Annaremi asked looking straight into his eyes– Hey, guys, let’s all pray to Amonkira.

Noone objected, even Tot who was usually laughing over “all this rubbish”. Taking each other’s hand and bowing their heads, they became silent. Annaremi started.

  • Amonkira, Lord of Hunters, grant that our hands be steady, our aims be true and our legs swift.

  • And should the worst come to pass, grant us forgiveness, – everybody else proceeded.

After being silent for a while, they let their hands free, waiting for the start.

  • Are you ready? – hanar inquired.

  • Yes! – answered Sagitta on everybody’s behalf.

  • Then your competition will start upon a command.

At this moment other hanar started to resurface on the right and left sides, outlining the border till the sea shore, which can’t be crossed.

  • Ready, steady…Go! – drell took off. Examiner hanar hurried to go away from the way, disappearing under waves.

Every single person started to act on his own right after the jump into the ocean. Noone wanted to give a pass, except Aluka and Eirin. They have fallen behind – going slowly, taking into account each movement they were doing to reach the final point. Tot and Kadiy were going head to head, Annaremi, whose speed was succumbing only to Saggita’s, was just behind them. And Mirrion was trying hard to overtake them all. The place where Thane has found himself was somewhere between the victorious group and nosed out pair. Soon, when the shore became as close as a hand, Mirrion overtook Annaremi and Saggita in seconds, and then gone up to the same level with race leaders. It’s hard to say, what forces have helped him to beat Tot and Kadiy, in order to be first who reached the shore. The shirt has gone heavy because of absorbed water. It was hardening every movement and he just took it off on the run. Former leaders of the race have already reached the beach and even there were not giving each other speed advantage. Annaremi has left Saggita behind and ran out of water just after them, spitting the salt water from her mouth. She has slowed down for a while, to look back and see those, who have been left behind. Thane was almost approaching the land, when Aluka and Eirin were not even close to it. Breathing hardly, she threw herself after Sagginta, who used this short pause to wring ahead.

Krios felt exhausted already, and the race has just been started. He was losing his speed and sometimes even forgetting about such simple things as hands succession. Once he felt a sandy bottom, his feet took the main role immediately. When he made it to the shore, he started to run, stumbling over all the time. The competition island was rising in Thane’s estimation. Two high chains of mountains were growing from the very beginning of a stand and visually showing the course to be completed. Thane looked back and saw how Eirin and Aluka were slowly getting to the land. “I still have a chance!” – suddenly appeared in his head.

The sandy beach was over. Two mountain ridges, like two twin brothers, has met Krios and fenced him around, protecting from the endless ocean. A blinding lightning, followed by a thunder blow, was brightening the sky and killing the shade away.

Finally he got to that same competition line. Krios could barely see his opponents’ backs, while they were passing the stonewalling through. Trying not to pay attention to what others do, he has focused on the first obstacle. Falling prone by his belly on the moist grass he started creeping under the barbed wire. Moving his legs and arms rhythmically, he has completed this part of the race. Taking a running jump, little drell made it to the ledge – next step before the “broken bridge” obstacle. Balancing somewhere on the edge, he did his best to keep the poise, jumping from one bridge sector to another, until he touched the ground. Then he saw a “broken stairs”, going somewhere up. Little drell could swear he has seen hanar looking from behind shrubs. Suppressing useless thought back, he achieved the last step. No fear, no emotions, just tiredness and muscle ache, which were multiplying with every new stride. Thane was not sure about how long he’ll be able to hold this way.

After the “broken stairs”, he climbed over the wooden wall that was followed by an artificially created enormous pit. Three narrow hanging bridges, that looked more like a joke, were crossing it over. Thane eyes caught Annaremi, when she completed the pit-obstacle, turned around and looked straight at him.

  • Keep up! – the little girl has waved him and disappeared behind the turn.

Once Thane got up on the hanging bridge, the sky was brightened by the flash of a forked lightning. The sound of thunder was coming after it. The heavy clouds were finally losing their patience and preparing to empty their water reserves. While he was carefully passing the bridge, a shy little rain has started to fell from the sky, hardening its pace more and more with each second. It wasn’t easy to overcome the bridge, as Krios was shaking, lying over from one side to another. Sometimes he has stopped seizing by the rope from both sides, but continued moving on once tossing was over. Finally defeated the bridge he fall down on his knees and granted himself a respite from race, but then immediately got up and continued running.

Thanks god, no more bunkers left, just the campo covered with green grass. Thane’s extraordinary speed and stamina were the only hope for success. His heart was beating fast, any moment ready to slip out of the chest. His lungs were burning, making breathing insufferable. One by one lousy thoughts were pulsing inside of his head: “Is it gonna end?”, “Do I really have to keep running? I am going to be sixth. This is useless.” He heard thundering above the head, and this has washed all those unnecessary questions away. “I’ll do it! I have to!” – a second breath, new lease of life, the muscle ache has moved away for a while, filling each body cell with renewed power. Thane understood that he won’t be able to stop, even if he tries to. His mind was blinded by unstoppable and wild spirit of upcoming victory.

The most part of the road consisted of doubles, straight segments considered to be something extremely rare. The eyes of little drell have caught some completely messed up dark-turquoise silhouette on one of such straight snippets. Its body was all shaking up and making disgusting guttural sounds. Fear has struck Thane right into the chest – it was Mirrion. Standing on his knees, he was holding his belly by one hand and trying to stretch against the ground by another. The tears were running down little cheeks while body was vomiting – poor guy has overrated his strength. Thane stopped, but after two hesitating steps, turned around and continued the race. The child was blaming himself, he was terribly ashamed, but could do anything. Now the victory was closer than ever. And he hated himself for this quick decision. “If I was sick, Mirrion would do the same,” – the only thought that helped him to move on.

After turning aside once more, he fade before the giant wall and saw how other competitors have already started to climb it. “Climbing up the wall,” – his memory refreshed words of hanar. Tot and Kadiy were somewhere near the top, Annaremi was next to them – she has finally overtaken Saggita, who has just started her ascent. Suddenly he heard a rhythmical clatter from behind. Aluka was running so fast, that he didn’t have time to realize she is already running ahead. “How?!” – has flashed on the back of his mind.

At some point the air was cut by a scream. When Tot has been trying to take advance over Kadiy, he suddenly lost his footing and fell down from the wall. Aluka was close enough to soften his fall using her biotic powers, but nevertheless Tot went to the grass, squeezing his left arm and hardly simmering an agonized cry. The just-in-time savior jumped over the curled body and used biotics once more, to soup up the push from the ground. This helped her to take place between Annaremi and Saggita. The hanar has appeared from nowhere, came up to Tot and started to examine his wound. Thane overtook them and used Aluka’s trick to jump on the wall. The power was enough only for taking place next to Saggita.

  • You moron! – Tot’s angry voice became very far. – This is cheating!

“Who said this is prohibited?” – but Thane didn’t sound this though out to save some extra time. Climbing higher and higher, Krios could hardly see his competitors through the thick wall of rain. There were three of them. Kadiy has already overcome this barrier step and was going to the final line. Aluka has outrun Annaremi and was near the summit. At some point Thane has mentioned someone’s absence. Eirin was behind everybody with Aluka. “Hope, she is fine” – thought Thane.

Krios was left alone on the wall. He managed to climb on the highest ledge, rolled over, stood up on his legs and ran next to Saggita. It didn’t take much time, because suddenly she disappeared under the ground. “The final straightaway, which can be completed only once you overcome the fear of height” – the words of hanar flashed into his mind. “Cliff!” – the answer came from the deep inside. Thane began to count steps, preparing himself to the jump. “Four, three, two, one…”. The world went into a deep silence. No steps or breathing, no rain or thunderclaps. Nothing, except of the heart, trying to pierce a little chest apart. Thane has tucked himself and pushed off from the ground. The time has stopped. A little lake was waiting for him in the bottom. Other race participants were coming out to the bank already.

“We have risen from water and will come back there, when our time comes”. The essence of this spell became clear for young Thane. His mother told him, and he has read himself about drell origins and evolution theory. About prehistoric reptiles that came out of water. They got used to the environment, developed, split into tribes, died. Competition – is a lifecycle; the example of the evolution shown as a metaphor. We will always deal with the hindrances. There will be highs and lows, friends and foes. The life is given once, and you should live it without regrets.

The lapse of time has renewed, when little drell flew up and then started to fell down. His body was stopped by the mirror-like surface. Thane crawled back to the shore and heard the magic words.

  • The fifth winner is – Thane Krios!


The next morning after a first competition met Krios family by a drizzling rain, which didn’t dare to become a heavy shower. That is why Irine have covered Thane with a demin jacket and took umbrellas for herself and her husband. It was silly to use an energy supply for the barrier when the route is quite short – they shouldn’t get wet. They stopped before the cave, Senshi got down on his knees in front of Thane and said looking straight into child’s eyes:

  • Don’t forget son, once you see a hanar, you need to nod respectively and say your name.

  • Yes, father, – Thane answered quietly.

He glanced on his parents once more and smiled stiffly. Their looks at him were full of confidence, but Thane felt that it was not real. Actually, they were really nervous for him, but tried to hide it from him. Thane turned round and went to the giant stone ark chipped in the rock. Its edges were decorated with ancient frescos, picturing hanar and other creatures that were remotely resembling drell. And they seemed to be much higher, than hanar. He stopped near the entrance and looked back to see parents once more. Thane wanted to say something, but words wouldn’t leave his lips.

  • You will do it, ­ Senchi said.

  • Let Arashu protect you, son, – responded Irine.

Thane nodded and entered the arc. Each step of the little drell echoed and multiplied other sounds that resounded from another side of a corridor. The closer he was to the competition hall, the clearer these sounds became. Soon he was able to see bright blue splashes. Thane stopped and looked around. It was a high-ceilinged round cave. High poles topped by quite wide rings were placed in the center. The hall was bright ­because of the rectangular windows made in the rock.

After studying the ceiling, Thane’s attention was caught by the competition ground: three examined drell were standing behind the outer ring, which was separating them from the poles. One of them was passing the competition right now. He has known all of them: Saggita and Kadiy were standing aside, watching the way Aluka try to pass a stone missile through the rings. She was covered with the blue biotic cloud and moving her hands rhythmically. Thane filled himself a little bit uncomfortable without Annaremi, but he knew that she has nothing to do in here. She didn’t have any biotic aptitudes. Deeper inside, he was hoping that she will come here to support him. Another missile covered with blue sparkles flew up in the air. It was passing colored rings one after another without difficulties. Two hanar were watching this process closely. They stood at the right side from Thane, closely to two mysterious and ancient switches. These devices looked almost as old, as the cave, where thr event took place.

  • No, no, no! – Aluka’s squall slit the air around them.

Thane looked at the sound source to see what has happened: Aluka started to move her hand faster, and the reeled missile fall down and ran into a pole with a typical clatter. The noise has slowly died away, Aluka hanged her head down and mumbled something inarticulate.

  • Aluka, Khana’s daughter is out of the competition, – this was said by a hanar, with a scorch on the closer crest.

Saggita came up to a defeated girl, gently grabbed her shoulder and whispered her something. Kadiy tried to provide her some moral support as well: touched her back, said something to encourage.

  • This one is glad to greet a new one, – another hanar has mentioned Thane’s presence. – Come here, feel yourself comfortable.

Thane surprisingly flinched and looked back to make sure, that examinator was calling him. All other contestants have also turned their attention: all three drell looked back at him. His eyes met Aluka’s and he was amazed at how calm she has remained.

  • This one is very dissatisfied with you being late, ­ said hanar with a burn.

  • Please accept my apologies, ­ answered Thane while nodding both hanar. – My name is Thane Krios, Senshi Krios son.

  • So why did you come here? – the strict hanar kept asking questions.

  • I came here… – Thane didn’t get beyond his first words, but after pulling himself together, continued. – I came here to fulfill the Agreement.

  • What do you want from us?

  • Please test me.

  • It doesn’t look like you are ready for that.

  • I am, – Thane’s voice was uncertain. The feeling was like he is a nail, and this tough hanar is hammering him into the plank.

  • Move to the outer ring, ­ Krios did what examinator said and slowly moved to a ring.

  • Good luck, – whispered Kadiy, when Thane was passing him.

  • Thane, Senshi son, this exam is directed to test your biotic skills, – this voice made Thane become a nail again.

  • This one think, you are too rude with our new guest, – another hanar interrupted the burnt one.

The rough hanar ignored colleague’s remark, moved up one of his tentacles and pulled the first switch. The sound of friction stones fulfilled the quite hall and poles started to spin in some chaotic dance. When the switch was placed to the initial state, the dance has stopped and poles have frozen in a new position.

  • There are twelve rings in front of you: black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, saphirine, violet, brown, rosy, beige and white. Your task is to move the stone sphere through all of them, without touching borders, – he stressed the “boarders” phrase. – And, obviously, without dropping it down, – looked like he wanted to cut Aluka, but she didn’t even bat her eye. – Again, touch the ring – leave the competition. Drop the sphere – leave the competition. Miss a ring – once again, leave the competition, ­ hammering in a nail. Dang, dang, dang.

  • This one forgot to remind, that you are not limited in time, – another examinator joined the talk.

  • Go! – interrupted his conversation partner.

It was hard to center after harsh words of hanar. Thane tried to let them go out of his head, focus on the competition, but always shuddered at the memory of possible shooting out. “You will make it”, “Let Arashu protect you, son”, – the parting words flashed inside his mind. “I will not let you down!” – he breathed deeply. Thane pulled all his thought together to concentrate. The feeling of warmth appeared somewhere in the little chest, right behind the beating heart, and started to spread across the body up to the fingertips. Shining blue mist covered him. He put his right arm out and imagined how the ball rising up in the air. Knuckling, he bended his elbow. The round stone ball started to sparkle with blue shine and flew up in the air. Feeling the weight of the stone, the child tried to hide his feelings and pulled it closer on the rings height level. The missile started to pass hurdles one by one slowly, but quite confidently.

“Black, red, orange…” – Thane was repeating ring colors, afraid to miss one. Time after time he stopped the flying ball and started to make some spinning movements by his right hand, very similar to stirring some brew in a boiler. The left hand remained stretched and still, while right one was correction the movement track. After a little pause, he continued to move the ball further. “Sapphirine, violet…” – Thane was going on. One more short break with the upcoming correction, and little drell continued. “Rosy, beige, just one more…” – a flashing though in young tired mind. “White!” – this was like a thunder inside his little head. The ball of stone stopped to shine and fell to the floor. Thane breathed out heavily and took down his hand, which became numb from the tension.

  • Thane, Senchi son, passed…

  • Not so fast! – the burned hanar has interrupted his companion.

  • This one doesn’t understand, – first examinator has sounded off, even though he was standing calm just a minute ago. – Thane Krios has passed this task.

  • He was passing it like a sleepy beesa! – the burned hanar acted up.

  • But sir, the time is not limited, – Aluka tried to bat for Thane.

  • She is right, Thane Krios has fairly passed this exam.

  • If so, then he will be able to repeat it once more, – the voice of strict hanar was cold as ice. – This one’s suffrage is more important.

  • Fine, but this one will be forced to make a complaint against you!

  • Great, but the competition is still going! – examonator exclaimed and pulled the switch.

Thane started to tremble. He didn’t expect it will turn out this way. Pass it through all over again? Poles started to spin around. They stopped only when the hanar with a burn pulled the switch back. There were no randomly located rings any more. They all were ranked into a column – one by one. Then hanar went to another switch and pulled it as well. Staves moved lower and Thane was able to see smaller rings that have appear on the tops of bigger ones. He made a mental note, that won’t be able to push more than two fingers through them.

  • Look up, and you’ll see another missile for the competition, – the burned hanar said.

Following this advice, Thane looked up and saw a lonely arrow, thrust in the ceiling.

  • You can see the primitive armor that your ancestors have used to fight with – an arrow. You have to lead it through all twenty rings. Will you handle it? – the voice of hanar was strict.

  • Yes, – a hammer hit a nail.

  • Do it!

  • I am sorry, hanar sir, – Thane started in uncertain voice.

  • What is it?

  • May I take some time to get prepared, please?

  • You are still not limited in time, – another hanar has answered.

Thane put his hand together, just like his father did. Every other person was watching him praying Amonkira: “You will make it”, – father’s voice has resounded in child’s head. He pulled himself together once more and tried to wake up the inner force again. A warm wave run across the body, a glancing blue mist covered him – he imagined the way this arrow is slowly moving down and then hanging in the air in front of the poles. Then little drell imagined how it starts moving and accelerating, flying directly through each ring. Finally, the silence has been interrupted by a whistle – little drell opened his eyes and saw the arrow, slicked in the opposite wall.

The hall stayed quite for some time. A faint echo of the flown shell was slowly vanishing in the air. Without full understanding of what has happened, Thane looked around at everyone in this place. Aluka, Saggita and Kadiy were staring at him with acute fascination, like they’ve witnessed a miracle..

  • Bravo! – the hanar with a burn said.


Thane woke up because of a scream. He sat and buried his face into hands, trying to recover breathing. His father ran into the room almost at the same moment. Senshi approached his son, grasped his shoulders gently and looked deep inside his eyes.

  • Are you alright, Thane? What have happened?

  • I’ve seen a nightmare. I saw myself loosing.

  • Silly…– Senshi grabbed the child and clasped him to the chest.

  • You won’t lose. Your mother and I believe that you will cope with it, – child nodded his head, closed sleepy eyes and asked.

  • Thank you. Mother…is she here? – Senshi shacked his head and gently stroked Thane’s back.

  • She had to stay in the laboratory. Go back to sleep. You’ll need to wake up early.

  • But…– father pressed child’s shoulders a little bit and smiled.

  • Lay. Irine will turn mad, if you are still awake when she comes. Let Kalahira cover you from the nightmares. Now, rest, son.

Thane pulled the bedspread up to the chin, and when father disappeared behind the door, strained his ears to the sound of steps, before they died away. The silence was disturbed by the cough. Krios winced and hid his head under the blanket, pleading Arashu to make this all just an illusion. He listened once more – quietness…Then he fell asleep.


Next morning the mother did not show up too. She promised to visit him later this day after the competition. Thane has been following his father sadly when he saw Annaremi Regul running towards – a yellow-red drell. She greeted Senshi Krios with the wide smile, and pulled Thane forward, holding his hand tightly.

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