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Have you solved the puzzle of the language priority for diplo­matic work?

Exercise 27

Look up the Russian equivalents for the following word combi­nations:

comprehensive guide to to opt for English to tolerate variation in to evaluate smb by smth

Exercise 28

Learn the following words and use them in the given sentences:

a) to comprehend — comprehensive — (in)comprehensible — (in)comprehension:

  1. Diplomats have available to them a body of lit­erature that dissects and analyses the institution

and practice of modern diplomacy.

  1. Many find it difficult ; how a nation that was on

the winning side in two world wars could lose the peace and succumb to the commercial challenge of rivals defeated on the battlefield.

  1. of this complexity led to building coalitions in­volving states, non-state actors, and international organiza­tions.

  2. In a 1995 report the Secretary-General noted that there have been dramatic changes in the United Nations activities and new and more concepts to guide those activi­ties are emerging.

  3. Papers written and compiled by diplomats should be imme­diately for their seniors.

  1. to tolerate — (in)tolerant — (in)tolerable — tolerance — toleration:

    1. During the world economic downturn in the 1970s, the rela­tive weakness of the British economy, for so

long, became increasingly unsupportable.

    1. The government's effort to project itself to the world should embody the new reality of a country that is self-confident,

creative, , ethnically diverse and connected to

the world.

    1. The USA is a country with a reputation for to­wards religious minorities.

    2. The authorities discovered that the tenants pursued a scarce­ly existence.

    3. The Conservatives would have to win battles over generosi­ty, charity, compassion, , fairness, social in­stitutions, all areas that new Labour has claimed.

  1. to vary — various — varied — variable — variety — variation — (in)variably:

    1. A of comments have been made about the gener­al changes at the United Nations since the end of the Cold War.

    2. Over the period of the UN's existence there has been a consi­derable proliferation of types of multilateral forums.

    3. At the time the official spoke to NGO disarmament groups

who wished to discuss the Non-Proliferation


    1. The politician's views are J like winds.

    2. The group included people whose political opinions were and often contradictory.

    3. The government plans to introduce ways of raising standards, so that wide regional, ". in the cost of medi­cine and appropriate treatments would be eliminated.

    4. Opinions about the contemporary relevance of the organiza­tion, and Britain's relationship to it, therefore


d) to value — to evaluate — valuable — invaluable — valueless — valuables — value — (e)valuation:

  1. The project has only been in operation for a week, so it's hard its success.

  2. Years of service have taught him the ropes.

  3. People might discover as they watch their smaller neighbours

that England, not Britain, has things of to show

the world.

  1. In the 1960s and 1970s, one watched the image of Liverpool transformed from that of a great international port to that of

a city with aggressively proletarian and work-

shy employees.

  1. Appropriate systems must be developed for regular monitor­ing, , and dissemination of relevant data.

  2. Such background information and exchange could be

and would enhance the decision-making capacity

of the council.

Exercise 29

Use the words above in the following sentences.

    1. Their (involve) provides them with information on local con­ditions, that can be (value) to international organizations.

    2. Some international institutions are spending their resources on (value) of the risks associated with doing business.

    3. The problems are likely to mobilize a (vary) of interest groups hoping to influence the actions taken.

    4. The oriental vegetarian diet is (vary) and highly flavoured.

    5. The government is beginning to show more (tolerate), and has finally ordered the disbanding of the secret police.

    6. An active social life may make the boredom of work more (tolerate).

    7. Newspapers often do not describe events (comprehend). In­stead, they give only the main facts.

    8. The officer submitted a long, scarcely (comprehend) report written in official language.

Exercise ЗС

Translate the sentences using the active words.

  1. Представитель президента подтвердил, что комитет сде- лал щедрое пожертвование на благотворительные цели.

  2. Правительству будет трудно оправдать свое решение пе­ред общественностью.

  3. Генерал подчеркнул, что его обязательство провести вы­боры в следующем году остается в силе.

  4. Каждая партия выдвинула по одному кандидату для уча­стия во всеобщих выборах.

  5. Кандидаты на пост президента, выдвинутые от ведущих политических партий, примут участие в телевизионных дебатах на следующей неделе.

  6. Первоначально обвиняемый отрицал свою причастность к ограблению, однако затем признался в совершении пре­ступления, заявив в качестве своего оправдания, что ему были необходимы средства для погашения крупных дол­говых обязательств.

  7. Можно извлечь весьма ценные уроки, просто наблюдая за работой эксперта.

  8. Он практически не колебался в выборе профессии и сра­зу отдал предпочтение работе на дипломатическом по­прище, рассчитывая, что это обеспечит ему солидный до­ход и надежное положение в обществе.

  9. Кандидат проводит активную избирательную кампанию, добиваясь выдвижения от своей партии.

  10. Если бы в школах детей учили более уважительно отно­ситься к взрослым, возможно, такого рода преступления совершались бы реже.

  11. Все организации принимают участие в эксперименте на добровольной основе.

Exercise 31

Translate the following using the active vocabulary.

Никто сильно не удивился, узнав, что кандидатура N., который является уважаемым карьерным дипломатом, с раз­нообразным опытом дипломатической работы за плечами, была предложена на пост посла в Великобритании. N. слу­жил в различных отдаленных странах, испытывая неудоб­ства повседневной жизни, страдая от сурового климата и под­вергая свое здоровье опасности без каких-либо видимых перспектив. От него требовалась большая выдержка, чтобы настойчиво преследовать свои профессиональные цели, про­являя терпение и демонстрируя гибкость ума. Зачастую ему приходилось подавлять в себе желание высказывать лич­ные убеждения и подстраиваться под позицию правитель­ства в решении сложных внешнеполитических задач. Его точность в работе, усердие и преданность делу неизменно вызывали у коллег мгновенное чувство уважения к нему.

Exercise 32

Study the following idioms and make up sentences using them.

  1. to know the ropes — to be fully acquainted with the proce­dures

The president of the organization knew the ropes and quickly taught me my duties.

  1. a red herring — something that diverts attention from the main issue

(a red herring drawn across a fox's path destroys the scent) We felt that the introduction of his war record was a red herring to keep us from inquiring into his graft.

  1. to put the cart before the horse — to reverse the proper order, do things backwards

My assistant was so eager to get the job done that he often put the cart before the horse.

4) stock in trade — the goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession

A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman's stock in trade.

Make up a situation using the idioms and the active vocabulary of the unit.


Read a passage taken from the book "TALKING TO STRANG­ERS" by MONTEAGLE STEARNS, a former US diplomat, who is rather critical about American diplomatic service and be ready to express your opinion about the subject.

As you read the text try to find the answers to the following questions.

  1. What problems has American diplomacy confronted after the end of the Cold War?

  2. What have been the traditional weaknesses of American di­plomacy from the author's point of view?

  3. In what way has the international situation changed in the post Cold War period?

  4. Why does the author assess Soviet diplomats as more pro­fessional than their American counterparts?

  5. What role does the knowledge of a foreign language play in diplomatic work?

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