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Akazhanova I.M-Blooming Valley.docx
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Akazhanova I.M.

International Academy of Business, 1st course,

Specialty “Finance”,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

The scientific adviser:

Davletova Sh.K., PhD

Blooming valley”

Green business. It's more than an excellent idea. It's a practical and forceful way to help create an environmentally sustainable economy.

For almost half a century, environmentalists have been promulgating for big businesses to

involve sustainability principles into their practices. Yet even ten years ago, it was rare to hear of any business with devoted to green, environmental, or sustainability initiatives (outside of those designed to protect them from regulatory fines and other liability for polluting activities). Today green has gone mainstreaming. It is great business.

Residents of our country are increasingly concerned about food safety, and the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transporting food long distances to reach consumers. This concern creates an opportunity for organizations offering healthy food grown locally without the chemicals and pesticides that can damage human and environmental health. Starting such an enterprise is a great way to support your local economy, promote community health, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Urban farms and gardens also provide much-needed safe, outdoor areas for kids to play and interact with nature.

Thinking about the ecology of our environment, on the theme of my green business, come thoughts about gardening of our universe. Perhaps one person unable to plant many trees in the country, but he can make a town, at least some part of it to bloom. Therefore, I will focus on the latest from the above.

First of all, I would like to say that, because we live in a major city as Almaty, we simply must think about the state of our health ... Gas in the air differently, negatively affects our health. Therefore, clean air to residents of the Southern capital is simply necessary.

To meet the need for clean air, some people go on a weekend outdoors outside Almaty, and some just fly away abroad …

Therefore, I propose an excellent alternative to the countryside visits and field missions abroad.

My theme of green business is the idea of "green" restaurant, in the true sense.

Visitors will be able to have a good time for a meal in a climate of flourishing greenery in summer and winter. That is, regardless of the season, visitors can enjoy the fresh air and surrounding greenery, eating and using natural products.

It is no secret that in preparation for the opening of the restaurant owner's desire, in my opinion the most important thing, is to open a restaurant quickly and in time to begin as soon as possible to return the invested money. Creation restaurant and its subsequent management often becomes not only a joyous event for owner, but also accompanied by a huge number of issues and problems. It is the first stage takes place most of the errors that hurt subsequently invoices the investor.

The time of myths about easy startup of the restaurant business has Gone, but now, those who open restaurants, wish to have not only a popular institution, and, above all, profitable business. This can be achieved by only considering in detail every step. Indeed, restaurants are in demand on the market and can bring considerable profit (return on investment in this area is at the level of 50% per annum). But one in three of the newly opened restaurants don't even goes to recovery! Truly right is Goethe, who said "who incorrectly fasten the first button is no longer as fastened".

How to choose the right premises, how to design a restaurant so that every square meter will give income and benefit the environment, how to choose a "green" menu, which will be claimed by customers and price, generating maximum revenue, how to pick up a professional team, how to unleash the restaurant, that everyone can spend his/her time, so that everyone can say: " very nice and helpful" - these and many other questions I was faced with the idea of opening a restaurant.

I-stage – selecting premises

The most important factor determining the success of the future project is the location of the premises, where will be a restaurant. Because the restaurant designed by my plan will have "green" character, the most suitable place for it would be the most distant and less spoiled by civilization part of our city.

2Nd stage – communication

Ventilation, water, electricity, sewage is the key moments in the work of the restaurant. With this in mind, it would be difficult to find a suitable location for "green" restaurant. "Anyone who is looking for, will always find", so I think worth a try.

In my plans, restaurant will be open at all seasons. That is, in the summer – eating outdoors, or just open-air meal, and in winter – restaurant will operate on the principle of automatic greenhouse.

The basic principles of greenhouse are:

• Significant energy saving. Backup heating greenhouses need small amounts of electricity mainly at night on a reduced tariff;

• Illumination in greenhouse is higher than on the street. The level of illumination is higher on average by 30% due to the special construction of the greenhouse and the application of reflective panels;

• Avoidance of greenhouse overheating. Peculiarities of the construction provide, if necessary, the possibility of cooling the greenhouse due to its shady northern part;

• Automatic ventilation. The system allows you to maintain an optimum temperature in greenhouse;

• Automated system of soil temperature for plants in greenhouse;

• Lack of human factors for thermal protection, therefore, the risk of crop losses are minimal;

• Economical and durable material;

• Continuous feeding the plants with carbon dioxide. Delivery shall be made by means of air exchange;

• Possibility to cultivate any plant species. [1]

With all this, the effect of "open sky" persists even in the winter.

We can use solar energy to generate electricity. Using of solar electricity has many advantages. This is clean, quiet and reliable source of energy.

You can also take into account the fact that the number of sunny hours in the Almaty region is 2392 hours. Solar panels are used for electricity in remote areas where there is no centralized electro supply. And this is the most suitable for the supply of "green" restaurant.

In the vast majority of cases, solar panels work in parallel with the network, and generate clean electricity for centralized network of electro supply. In many countries there are special support mechanisms for solar energy, such as special tax benefits, benefits in obtaining loans for the purchase of equipment, etc. Such mechanisms operate in Europe, the United States, Japan, China, India and other countries. Unfortunately, Kazakhstan is left behind in this respect, and, in fact, there are no existing mechanisms to support renewable energy yet. [2]

III stage – choice cuisine

Having analyzed the market, I concluded that, today, success will be obtained by opening a quality restaurant with natural food. Meals and snacks that are included with the product shall be made of different kinds of raw materials using different ways of cooking and alternate by each day of the week.

Range of dishes and snacks can be expanded to include seasonal and specialties. The menu should include various vegetable, meat, fish dishes, appetizers, cooked in boiled, fried, stewed, baked forms. Here is the only thing that grows in the region. Visitors can choose between two sizes of servings. The main selection criterion – a dish should be exquisitely delicious and healthy.

In cooking dishes to use only environmentally friendly products. And, most importantly, dishes are cooked in a good mood and with pleasant thoughts.

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