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Представленное электронное пособие предназначено для аналитического чтения профессионально-ориентированных и страноведческих аутентичных текстов для студентов неязыковых специальностей.

Цель пособия - организация самостоятельной работы студентов, как на аудиторных, так и внеаудиторных занятиях по чтению и пониманию лексического материала, активному употреблению терминов в устной коммуникации. Данное пособие содержит подборку материалов по актуальным социально-экономическим проблемам современности с учетом специфики высшего профессионального образования.

Послетекстовые упражнения способствуют выработке автоматизма употребления студентами предложенной лексики в ходе диалоговой, полилоговой и дискуссионной коммуникации с последующим переходом к аргументированному монологическому высказыванию.

Стандартизация упражнений разделов пособия обеспечивает студентам возможность формирования и совершенствования навыков дискуссионного взаимодействия на английском языке в различных режимах деятельности: индивидуальной, парной, групповой на базе предложенного минимума лексического материала программных тем.

Автором предложены рекомендации преподавателям иностранного, в частности, английского, языка по поэтапной организации самостоятельной деятельности студентов, способствующие формированию и совершенствованию навыков устной иноязычной коммуникативной деятельности по темам страноведческого и профессионального характера.

В целом, данное учебное пособие способствует приобретению студентами опыта перехода от чтения к активному обсуждению, а в последующем к монологическому обоснованному высказыванию точки зрения по рассматриваемой проблеме.

Unit I. About myself

Read the text with a dictionary – to make sure you understand it in detail.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kiril. My surname is Pavlov. I'm seventeen years old. I was born in 1989 in Pskov. But now I live in Belgorod at 23 New Street. The fact is we live in a small flat on the second floor. My phone number is three four seven two five three. I am a first-year student of the University. I am interested in Politilogy, Mathematics. Besides I like English very much. When I have spare time I like reading. I think detective novels are easier to read than real books, but I prefer to read novels. Moreover I am crazy about music. I play the piano and compose my own songs. I like Russian classical music very much. My favourite Russian composers are Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov and Sviridov. It is interesting to mention that I don't like pop music at all. I don't often go out in the evenings during the week, because I have too much work to do, but on Saturdays I usually go out with my friends. We often go to the park or to the cinema. To tell the truth I don't like to watch television. I like fresh air and exercise! In the summer I often go cycling, play tennis and go swimming. I am fond of tennis. I am sure it's very good for arms and legs. Tennis is fun.

Now I’d like to tell some words about my family.

As for my mother Svetlana, she is a housewife. Mum is warm-hearted, generous, optimistic and very lively. She has got long dark hair and green eyes. She isn't very tall. My mother is very beautiful. She is an artistic type. Mum is clever with her hands. She paints and draws very well. Sometimes she does pottery and sculpture. As often as possible she goes to art exhibitions.

My father is a bus driver. My father's name is Nick. He's got a good sense of humour. He's tall and he's got fair hair and blue eyes. He's in his forties. Dad is very handsome. He is good at photography and his hobby is woodcraft. In summer he goes fishing. It's very relaxing.

I've got one brother. His name is Petya. He's twenty. He is a student too. Petya is kind and friendly. Moreover he is very musical. He plays the guitar very well. Petya makes cassette recordings of friend's records. To tell the truth he listens to music in the evenings and often goes to concerts at weekends. He is quite tall and likes to play basketball. My brother looks very like my mother. I look more like my father. I've got my father's eyes, but I've got my mother's personality.

My father's mother and father, my grandparents, live in the village. They have got a pig and piglets, a cow and a calf, two sheep and three lambs, a horse and a foal, twelve hens and many chicks, a cat and two kittens. I like to go to the village and help them with their animals. My other grandmother is a pensioner. She helps mum to keep the house in order. Granny likes to cook. She is a very tidy person and cleans the house every day. She is a very practical person. My grandmother likes making things. So she often sews and knits in the evenings. In spring she likes to do some gardening, but her hobby is to watch TV. In addition to it she likes to give presents. Granny is very kind. I love her very much. We are all great friends.

Reading comprehension