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managing director директор-распорядитель

sales manager 1. коммерческий директор

2. заведующий отделом сбыта

production manager руководитель производства

board meeting совет директоров

catalogue каталог

chairman председатель

workshop цех

to run a business руководить делом

profit прибыль

profitable прибыльный, рентабельный

profitability прибыльность, рентабельность

competition конкуренция

competitor, rival конкурент

competitiveness конкурентоспособность

0.1 Read and translate the text:

The company of Harper & Grant Ltd. was started forty-two years ago by

Ambrose Harper and Wingate Grant. Wingate Grant died many years ago, and

his son Hector, who is in his fifties (aged between fifty and sixty) is

the present Managing Director. Ambrose Harper is the Chairman. He is now

an old man, semi-retired, but he still comes in to the office regularly

to attend the board meetings and keep an eye on the business.

The company started by making steel wastepaper bins for offices. With

the increase in smoking, these were considered much safer than the old

type of basket made of cane or straw, because there was less likelihood

of fire (but, strangely, we still continue to use the expression

'wastepaper basket', as well as 'bin'). Old Mr. Grant, the present

Managing Director's father, put the business on its feet when he

captured a big contract to supply government offices with steel

wastepaper bins. He always said that luck, or happy coincidence, turned

a business into success or failure. He was rather like Napoleon, who

always asked if an officer was lucky before giving him a higher command.

Mr. Grant Senior used to tell the story that, in the week before he

landed his contract, a cane wastepaper basket had caught fire in a

government department, the fire had spread rapidly and destroyed a

number of irreplaceable documents. From wastepaper bins, Harper & Grant

began to manufacture other items of office equipment: desks, chairs,

cupboards, filing cabinets and smaller objects, such as filing trays,

stapling machines and so on, until now when there are fifty-six

different items listed in their catalogue. Today, nearly all the items

produced by this company are made of pressed steel. The steel arrives in

sheets from a steel works in South Wales. It is then cut by machinery

into the required pieces; these pieces are then pressed into shape and

fixed together by welding (joining two metal parts by heating so that

the metals flow together), or by drilling holes in the metal and

securing the two pieces with a bolt or a rivet.

The factory consists of workshops where the actual making of a desk or

filing cabinet is done. These are divided into the Tool Room, Works

Stores, Press Shop, Machine Shops, Assembly Shop, Paint Shop,

Inspection, Packing and Dispatch Departments. There is also the

Warehouse where finished articles are stored pending, waiting for, sale.

The firm has a history of slow, steady growth. Hector Grant firmly

believes that he knows the best way to run a business. However, his

nephew Peter Wiles (son of Mr. Grant's sister), who joined the company

six years ago and is Production Manager, and John Martin, appointed two

years ago to be Sales Manager, are more adventurous. They want to treble

Harper & Grant's business over the next few years and are certain that,

with modern business techniques and increased exports, they can achieve


Modernizing a business to increase its profitability and competitiveness

is a complicated affair. It requires a management team which is aware of

such aids and tools of efficiency as electronic data processing, O.R.

(Operational Research, which is the application of mathematical

techniques to the study of problems in a business), D.C.F. (Discounted

Cash Flow, which is a method of calculating the profitability of new

plant and machinery), budgetary control (these are plans of future

expenditure on labour, materials, etc., later compared with actual

expenditure to evaluate and control policy), corporate planning (this is

integrating the three basic functions of a business - finance,

production and distribution - in planning future company objectives),

P.E.R.T. (Project Evaluation and Review Technique, which is a system

used in planning and controlling a project by making a diagram showing

the actions and timing needed to complete the independent parts),

automation, etc. We shall be dealing with some of these words and

expressions as the series goes along. Business management is a rapidly

developing science (some call it an art), and new techniques and words,

very often of American origin, are used more and more in every day

business conversation.

A small business cannot possibly afford to have on its staff experts in

every modern management technique. It usually hires expert advice from

outside consultants and bureaux. On the other hand, it is important

that members of a firm's management are aware of the more sophisticated

techniques they might call on to solve particular problems. Inevitably

while this changeover from the old way to the new is taking place, there

are often difficulties and conflict. But Harper & Grant Ltd., like their

rivals, must get right up-to-date and enlarge their business, or they

will be outpaced by a firm whose business organization is better than

their own.

0.2 Fill in gaps in the sentences:

1. The company of Harper & Grant Ltd. was ... forty-two years ago. 2.

Ambrose Harper still comes in to the office to attend the ... meetings

and ... an eye on the business. 3. Old Mr.Grant put the business ...

when he ... a big contract to supply government offices with steel

wastepaper bins. 4. Luck turns a business into a success or ... . 5. The

fire destroyed a number of ... documents. 6. Harper & Grant began to ...

other ... of office equipment. 7. There are fifty-six different items

... in their catalogue. 8. There is also the Warehouse where finished

articles are ... waiting for ... . 6. Hector Grant firmly believes that

he knows the best way to ... a business. 7. Peter Wiles ... the company

six years ago. 8. Modernizing a business to increase its ... and ... is

a complicated affair. 9. A small business usually ... expert advice from

outside consultants and bureaux. 10. Harper & Grant Ltd., like their

..., must get right up-to-date.

0.3 Study the text about another company:


1925 Three small motor companies merge to form the Dat Jidosha

Seizo Company.

1932 The company produces the first Datsun car.

1934 The owners rename the company "The Nissan Motor Company LTD".

1935 Nissan opens the Yokohama plant.

1936 Nissan introduces mass production methods.

1938 Nissan stops producing passenger cars and concentrates on

lorry manufacture.

1947 After World War II, Nissan begins car production again.

1958 A Datsun 210 wins the Australian Rally.

1966 Nissan sets up its first foreign manufacturing operation in


1980 The National Space Development Agency of Japan send a rocket

into space, with solid-fuel rocket boosters designed and produced by


1981 Nissan makes an agreement with Volkswagen to produce the

Santana in Japan.

1992, 1993, 1994 In the UK, Nissan earns a Queens Award for export

Achievement for three years running.

0.4 Choose the correct verbs to complete the passage. Remember to use

the Past Simple tense.

1. be, sell, establish, grow, import, have

2. find, decide, begin, become

3. achieve, be able to, have to, supply

4. be, be, win, set up, launch, start


1. Nissan ... a small trading company in 1969. It ... cars from Japan

and ... them in the UK. The company only ... 0.2% of the market in 1970

but it ... fast. By 1974 it ... the UK's leading car importer. 2. When

the UK ... a major export market, Nissan ... to build an assembly plant.

After a long search it ... a suitable site in Tyne and Wear. Cars ...

rolling off the production line in 1986. 3. At first, the plant ...

limit production because of the JAMA import restriction agreement. But

by 1988 UK companies ... the majority of components and Nissan ... the

target of 60% local content. The plant ... increase production. 4. In

1991 Nissan ... a new distribution company and it ... operations in

January 1992 with a network of 150 dealers. By the end of the year there

... 267. Nissan ... the Micra (March) in 1993 and it ... the European

Car of the Year Award. It ... the first Japanese-badged car ever to win.

0.5 Study this organization.


Training Production Marketing Buying

Personnel Packaging Sales Customer


Wages and Distribution After-Sales

Salaries Service Financial

Quality Services



Which department:

1. puts the products in boxes and crates?

2. places ads in magazines?

3. pays the staff?

4. purchases supplies?

5. sells the products to customers?

6. plans how to sell new products?

7. services the machines and equipment?

8. arranges courses for the staff?

9. recruits new employees?

10. manufactures the products?

11. invoices customers?

12. looks after customers' problems and complaints?

13. dispatches the products and sends them to customers?

14. organizes control systems to prevent mistakes?

15. deals with taxation, investment and cash management?

0.6 Translate the sentences:

1. В этой сфере много конкурентов. 2. Они намерены на протяжении двух

лет втрое увеличить производство. 3. Месяц назад его назначили

коммерческим директором. 4. В нашем каталоге значится пятьсот

наименований продукции. 5. Эта компания была организована около года

назад. 6. Нам удалось получить очень выгодный контракт на поставку

компьютеров в Министерство обороны. 7. Он присутствует на каждом

заседании Совета директоров. 8. Эта компания начала производить офисную

мебель год назад и получает высокую прибыль. 9. Вы должны разбираться в

современных методах управления. 10. Наша конкурентоспособность

стремительно растет. 11. Он поступил на работу в эту фирму неделю назад.

12. Он уже наполовину отошел от дел, однако считает своим долгом

приглядывать за тем, как мы работаем. 13. Мой шеф уверен, что лучше всех

знает, как управлять компанией. 14. Мы не можем позволить себе иметь в

штате таких высокооплачиваемых экспертов, поэтому мы наймем консультанта

на два ближайших месяца. 15. Необходимо расширить дело, иначе нас

неизбежно обгонят конкуренты.

0.7 Imagine that you are the head of a manufacturing business. Think

over the problem and make a story, answering the following questions:

* When was your business started?

* What is its name?

* Who was at the head of the firm at first?

* What kind of goods did the firm manufacture?

* Was it highly profitable from the start?

* Did it have to change the line of business?

* How many employees were there at first?

* What is the number of the staff now?

* What departments does your firm consist of?

* How many items are listed in your catalogue?

* Is the competition tough in your field of business?

* What is the perspective of your business?

0.8 Translate the article:


Заснуть на работе считается по меньшей мере плохим признаком, если,

конечно, вы не начальник.

"Когда я возвращаюсь после обеденного перерыва, часа в три, то

очень часто раздвигаю кресло и позволяю себе поспать минут 40", -

говорит Лорд Хансен, генеральный директор мультимиллионной

бизнес-империи, который прекрасно восстанавливает свои силы ко второй

половине дня после утренних дел. По его словам, он чувствует себя

прекрасно отдохнувшим, полным сил и энергии. Вообще это полезно для

здоровья, и он старается использовать эту возможность.

Дневной сон компенсирует недостаток сна и позволяет улучшить

работоспособность. (efficiency)

Это увлечение сном в рабочее время уже становится своеобразной

индустрией. Калифорнийский консультант по стрессам Майк Пирс утверждает,

что если вы хотите добиться желаемого результата, то необходимо

следовать трем основным правилам:

"Во-первых, необходимо удобно сидеть в мягком "лотосовом" кресле,

которое специально разработано в нашем центре. Второй компонент - это

специальная повязка для глаз. И, наконец, последнее условие -

аудиокассета, которую называют "музыкой снов". Главное - расслабиться, и

тогда ваши глаза закроются сами, уводя в мир ваших сновидений."

Конечно, это не подходит для каждого и зависит от профессии.

Например, финансовый эксперт Мэтью Форш не думает, что это возможно в

его случае: "Биржевые (exchange) цены изменяются с каждой минутой, и,

заснув миллионером, через полчаса вы рискуете проснуться абсолютным

банкротом." (bankrupt)



open up a new market открыть новый рынок сбыта

income per capita доход на душу населения

foreign market внешний рынок

domestic market внутренний рынок

expense, expenditure расход, трата

delivery dates сроки поставки

duty таможенная пошлина, налог, сбор

Board of Trade министерство торговли (Великобритании)

shipping facilities возможности транспортировки

trans-ship перегружать (с одного корабля на другой)

red tape бюрократическая волокита

import licence разрешение на ввоз товара в страну

agent агент

comission комиссионные

channels of distribution способы доставки товаров покупателям

field survey исследование (рынка) на месте

desk survey исследование (рынка), сделанное с помощью имеющейся

статистической информации

Other useful terms:

dock dues плата за стоянку (судна) в доке

filing cabinets ящики или стеллажи для хранения документов

port rates портовые сборы

retailer розничный торговец

wholesaler оптовый торговец

1.1 Read and translate the text:

In this episode, the Managing Director, Hector Grant, has to make a

decision about allowing his young Sales Manager John Martin, to go on an

expensive fact-finding tour of a country in Africa called Abraca.

First we hear John Martin discussing with Peter Wiles, the Production

Manager, an article he has just read in The Times newspaper about the

recent discovery of oil in Abraca. He thinks that the firm should find

out whether it would be possible to export to Abraca, and in particular

to the capital city, Djemsa, where a lot of new government offices are

shortly to be built. He wants to go there at once and try to open up a

new market. Hector Grant (or H.G. as his staff generally call him, using

his initials) remembers a disastrous attempt a few months ago to export

to a country in South America when the firm lost a lot of money. He is

inclined to be cautious, a bit worried about the difficulties involved,

and the expense. So we discover some of he points which have to be

considered by a firm wishing to export.

1.2 Listen to the dialogue.

(In Peter Wiles's office)

JOHN Hello, Peter! Have you seen the article in The Times this

MARTIN morning about Abraca? It says here that income per capita is

rising fast.

PETER I can't keep up with all these newly independent countries.

WILES Is Abraca the country that's just found a lot of oil?

JOHN That's the one. Apparently they're going to build a lot of

new offices in the capital, Djemsa, and I think it might be a

good market for our furniture and office equipment.

PETER Ah, the export market. Well, you know what H.G.'s views are

on that!

JOHN But we must export more, Peter. You really must try and help

me to convince Mr.Grant that we're crazy not to look for more

foreign business. Will you back me up?

PETER Yes, of course I will; but you know what the boss thinks

about exports. He thinks it's all a big waste of time and

money for very little profit. Anyway, I'll do what I can.

(In Hector Grant's office)

SECRETARY Mr. Martin to see you, Mr. Grant.



HECTOR Oh, yes, ask him to come in, please, Elizabeth.


JOHN Good morning, H.G.

GRANT Ah, John, I've been thinking about this scheme of yours to

sell our products to Abraca.

JOHN Oh, I'm glad.

GRANT Yes, it's all very well to say we should export more, but is

the expense worth it? Look what happened over our attempt to

break into that South American market.

JOHN That was because we had that labour trouble at the time and

we weren't able to meet our delivery dates. But we can't let

that one failure stop us from trying to break into a new


GRANT You say Abracan imports are going to rise rapidly. Well,

let's have some figures. What are the difficulties? Who are

our likely competitors? What about tariffs?

JOHN There are tariffs on certain products, but the Board of

Trade assure me that our office equipment would not be liable

for duty.

GRANT What about shipping facilities? It seems there are few direct

sailings, and a lot of goods have to be trans-shipped via

Rotterdam. And then there's all this red tape involved in

getting an import licence.

JOHN Well, if I find an agent in Abraca to act for us we can get

him to sort out the import licence.

GRANT Have you considered what channels of distribution are needed

within the country?

JOHN I'll have to find out, but we might be able to sell direct to

government departments and oil companies. Maybe we should

have a field survey to find out exactly how the firms in

Abraca prefer to buy their products.

GRANT Field surveys are too expensive.

JOHN Oh, I don't agree, Mr. Grant. As you see from my preliminary

desk research, Abraca is a young, rich, expanding country.

I'm convinced that we can work up a big demand for our goods


GRANT I'm sorry, John. On balance, I don't think it's quite the

right time for this probe. I don't want the expense of

sending you out there. You've got plenty to do in the home


JOHN But surely we ought to go ahead now. Why wait and let

somebody else get there first? We can't live on our old

markets for ever!

GRANT Let's say we have a different way of looking at things.

JOHN I'm sorry, Mr. Grant, but I do feel strongly about this. If

this is really your policy, then I must think about leaving

the firm.

GRANT You're being very foolish, John.

JOHN Perhaps I am. But as our opinions differ so much about the

future of the firm, perhaps I'd better go somewhere a little

more forward-looking. I'm sorry, H.G.

(In John Martin's office)

PETER Good morning, John. Where were you yesterday afternoon? I

tried to contact you all over the place.

JOHN I went out for a long drive to cool my temper a bit.

PETER Oh? What happened?

JOHN You know H.G. decided not to let me go to Abraca.

PETER Oh no! I thought he'd be bound to agree. I'd have said that

particular market was wide open.

JOHN That's what I think. Anyway, I just suddenly got fed up with

H.G.'s old-fashioned outlook and I resigned.

PETER Did he accept your resignation?

JOHN I didn't give him much chance. I was so angry I just walked

out of his office.

SECRETARY Excuse me, Mr. Martin, this letter has just come for you from

Mr. Grant's office.

PETER What is it, John?

JOHN Good Lord! It's a reservation for a first-class return flight

to Abraca!

1.3 Answer the questions:

1. Why does John Martin consider Abraca to be a good market?

2. What are Mr.Grant's views on the export market? Why?

3. What are those of John's?

4. Why did the attempt to break into the South American market end

in failure?

5. Does John know exactly who are Harper & Grant's likely

competitors in Abraca?

6. What is known about shipping facilities?

7. Why does Mr.Grant object to the idea of a field survey?

8. Does Mr.Grant accept John's resignation?

9. What is enclosed in the letter that comes from Mr.Grant's


1.4 What do we call...

* a booklet containing information about a firm's products?

* the man who is responsible for running a company?

* research carried out on a possible new trading area?

* a meeting of directors who run a company?

1.5 Find definitions for the terms:

channels of distribution, wholesaler, tariff, import licence,

trans-shipped, board meeting, agent, field survey, dock dues

a. an import tax charged or levied by the importing country

b. goods transferred from one ship to another because there is no direct

sailing from the home port to the port of destination

c. permission given by a government to bring goods into a country

d. one who acts for a person or business

e. different ways of getting the goods to the buyers

f. an investigation during which information is collected in the field

by means of interviews

g. a meeting of the Board of Directors, group of organizers in control

of a business

h. fees paid for the use of a dock

i. a dealer who operates between the manufacturer, or supplier, and the

retailer, usually in large quantities

1.6 Fill in gaps in the sentences:

1. John Martin will go on an expensive ... tour of Abraca. 2. A lot of

new government offices are ... to be built. 3. He wants to try to open

... a new market. 4. Hector Grant is worried about the difficulties

involved and the ... . 5. The article says that ... per capita is rising

fast. 6. It might be a good ... for our furniture and office equipment.

7. Will you back me ...? 8. H.G. thinks it's all a big ... of time and

money for very little ... . 9. Look what happened over our attempt to

... into that South American market. 10. We were not able to meet our

... dates.11. Who are our likely ...? 11. Our office equipment will not

be ... for duty. 12. What about ... facilities? And then there's all

this ... ... involved in getting an import licence. 13. We should have a

field ... to find out exactly how the firms in Abraca prefer to buy

their products. 14. As you see from my preliminary ..., Abraca is a

young, rich, expanding country. 15. On ..., I don't think it's quite the

right time for this probe. 16. I tried to ... you all over the place.

17. I just suddenly got fed ... with H.G.'s ... outlook. 18. Did he

accept your ...? 19. It's a reservation for a first-class ... flight to


1. Before sending goods to a foreign country you have to apply for ... .

2. Goods entering a foreign country may be... . 3. An agent working for

a company abroad receives a ... . 4. If you have promised to supply

goods by a certain date, you must do everything you can to ... .

1.7 Tell in your own words about John Martin and Hector Grant's clash of

opinions. Whom do you personally support and why?

1.8 The following are letters from Harper & Grant Ltd., with the name of

the firm, address, telephone number, telex number and telegraphic

address on the paper. If you are not using "headed" paper, but writing

as a private individual, put your address (address, NOT your name) on

the top right-hand side of the paper. The name and address of the person

or business you are writing to goes on the left-hand side.


Great West Road Directors HARPER AND GRANT LIMITED

London W25 Ambrose Harper (Chairman)

Telephone 01-567 1112 Hector Grant (Managing)

Telex 80153 William Buckhurst FCA (Secretary)

Telegrams Harp LDN Margaret Wiles

The Commercial Attache,

British Embassy,

Avenue 30th March,

Djemsa, ABRACA. 8th July, 199...

Dear Sir,

Miss Crawshaw of the Export Services Branch, Board of Trade, asked

me to write to you direct.

My company specializes in making better quality office furniture

and equipment. I propose to visit Djemsa for about ten days in early

November to study on the spot ways of introducing our products to the

Abracan market. I understand there is no import duty. A check with the

customs has shown that little British equipment of this kind has ever

been sold to Abraca and I understand French and Dutch firms have been

the main suppliers.

Six copies of our catalogue are enclosed. If you can help me in

planning an itinerary and introduce me to possible buyers and agents

during my visit I should be most grateful.

Yours faithfully,

John Martin

Sales Manager



Great West Road Directors HARPER AND GRANT LIMITED

London W25 Ambrose Harper (Chairman)

Telephone 01-567 1112 Hector Grant (Managing)

Telex 80153 William Buckhurst FCA (Secretary)

Telegrams Harp LDN Margaret Wiles

The Manager,

Date Palm Hotel,

Djemsa, ABRACA. 15th July, 199..

Dear Sir,

Our Sales Manager, Mr. John Martin, will be in Djemsa on business

for ten days. We would like to reserve for him a single room, with bath,

from 30th October to 9th November inclusive.

We would be glad if you would confirm this booking as soon as


Yours faithfully,

Sally Langley

Secretary to John Martin



NB: The letters have not been sent yet, they have just been typed.

Why is it so?

1.9 Sometimes products do not sell well in a new market.

a. Suggest what went wrong in these cases.

1. Western companies had problems selling refrigerators in Japan

until they changed the design to make them quieter.

2. In Saudi Arabia, newspaper adverts for an airline showed an

attractive hostess serving champagne to happy passengers. A lot of

passengers cancelled their flight reservations.

3. An airline company called itself Emu, after the Australian bird.

But Australians did not want to use the airline.

4. A TV commercial for a cleaning product showed a little girl

cleaning up the mess her brother made. The commercial caused problems in


5. Several European and American firms could not sell their

products in Dubai when they ran their advertising campaign in Arabic.

6. A soap powder ad had a picture of dirty clothes on the left, a

box of soap in the middle and clean clothes on the right. The soap did

not sell well in the Middle East.

7. A company had problems when it tried to introduce instant coffee

to the French market.

8. A toothpaste manufacturer could not sell its product in parts of

South-East Asia.

9. An American golf ball manufacturer launched its products in

Japan packed in boxes of four. It had to change the pack size.

10. A ladies' electric shaver sold well throughout Europe, but not

in Italy.

b. Here are the reasons for the problems, but they are in the wrong

order. Find the reason for each problem. How many did you get right?

* In Japanese the word for "four" sounds like the word for "death".

Things do not sell well packed in fours.

* People thought the commercial was too sexist and reinforced old

male/female stereotypes.

* Unveiled women do not mix with men in Saudi Arabia and alcohol is


* 90% of the population came from Pakistan, India, Iran and

elsewhere, so Arabic was the wrong language.

* It seems Italian men prefer ladies' legs unshaven.

* The advertisers forgot that in this part of the world people

usually read from right to left.

* The people in this area did not want white teeth. They thought

darkly-stained teeth were beautiful, and they tried to blacken them.

* Japanese homes were small and sometimes walls were made of paper.

It was important for the refrigerators to be quiet.

* Making "real" coffee was an important part of the French way of

life. Instant coffee was too casual.

* The emu cannot fly.

1.10 Translate the article:


Французская нефтеперерабатывающая фирма "Тотала" уже в течение

полутора лет производит автомобильное топливо, которое в зависимости от

пожеланий заказчика может издавать аромат, к примеру, апельсинов и яблок

или роз и фиалок. Этого ей удалось добиться при содействии ведущих

парфюмеров страны. "Переароматизация" бензина не сказывается на его


1.11 You are the head of a business. Speak about some problems or a

complete failure in selling your goods. The following questions will


* Was it an absolutely new product or did you try to break into a

new market?

* Did people have any prejudices against that kind of goods?

* Were there any problems with channels of distribution?

* Was the way of advertising to blame?

* May be the quality of the product was not high enough?

* Was the competitiveness of your product not adequate for that

kind of market?

* Could you overcome the difficulties and make profit?

* Did you lose a lot of money?

* Are you cautious now about new products and markets or are you

ready to risk again and again?

1.12 Translate the sentences:

1. Дела наши идут неважно; мы должны рассмотреть все возможности

улучшить нашу конкурентоспособность и принять наилучшее решение. 2. Он

склонен к чрезвычайной осторожности; в частности, он доверяет только

самым старым и обладающим хорошей репутацией банкам. 3. Как бы то ни

было, все это пустая трата времени, и мы не станем поддерживать Питера в

попытке прорваться на этот новый рынок. Нам хватает дел и на рынке

внутри страны. 4. Стоит ли этот результат ваших усилий? Я признаю, что

мы по-разному смотрим на вещи, однако есть совершенно объективные

статистические данные. 5. Если босс уволит Джона, я тоже подам в

отставку. Я сыт по горло его старомодными методами ведения дел. Пора

искать фирму, где администрация более дальновидна. 6. По зрелом

размышлении, я вынужден отказаться от ваших услуг. Вы - замечательный

эксперт, однако ваше жалованье не по карману нашей фирме. 7. Придется

нанять специального агента, который будет разбираться со всеми этими

проблемами. Я же не собираюсь тратить собственное время на

бюрократическую волокиту. 8. Боюсь, возможности морских перевозок не так

хороши, как нам бы хотелось. Прямых рейсов нет, и товары придется

перегружать с корабля на корабль в Лондоне. 9. Жизненно необходимо найти

новые каналы сбыта, иначе конкурирующие фирмы оставят нас позади. 10. Я

сделал кое-какие предварительные расчеты. Даже если доход на душу

населения в ближайшем будущем возрастет, спрос на наши товары не

увеличится. 11. К сожалению, сейчас я не могу сказать вам ничего

определенного; если позволите, я свяжусь с вами через два дня. 12. Что

ты кричишь? Остынь. В конце концов, мы уже несколько раз не смогли

соблюсти сроки поставки, а наши партнеры до сих пор терпят и не

разорвали (terminate) контракт. 13. Мы должны обсудить все вероятные

трудности. Не так-то легко двигаться вперед в нынешней сложной

обстановке на рынке. 14. Этот ужасный контракт привел нас к катастрофе.

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