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32 Look at the pictures and identify what they show. Which of these bring back memories of your early childhood? Talk about your memories.

I’ll never forget my first fancy dress party. I was dressed

as a cowboy. It was ...

Spreading the news

33 a. Listen and identify which extracts give good/bad news.

b.Read the exchanges and practise the intonation. Then, use the prompts to act out similar dialogues.

ñYour sister has got engaged.

ñYour brother has been promoted.

ñYour friend was in a car accident.

ñYou passed your exams.

ñYou got your driving licence.

ñYour friend lost his job.

1 A: I’ve got something to tell you. I’m afraid I failed my driving test.

B: That’s a pity. You must be really disappointed.

2A: Have you heard? I won a trip to Florida.

B:Wow! Congratulations! You must be thrilled!

3A: Guess what! I’ve got a new job!

B:That’s brilliant! You must be very happy.

4A: I’m afraid I’ve just heard something terrible.

Simon crashed his motorbike.

B:Oh no! How awful!

Intonation (contrastive stress)

34Listen, mark the stressed words, then repeat.

ñA: Did you make a chocolate cake?

B:No, I made a fruit cake.

ñA: Do you want three boxes of chocolates?

B:No, I want two boxes.

ñA: Did you ask Mr Johnson?

B:No, I asked Miss Johnson.


Describing people

35a. Listen to the dialogue. Who does Simon want to meet?

b.Match the columns to form a dialogue. Then, in pairs, act out similar dialogues for the people in the pictures.

AThis is a great party, Fred.

BYes, I am, but who’s that over there?

CThe girl with the long

blonde hair.

D Yes, please. That would be great.

1No problem. Let’s go over and I’ll introduce you.

2Oh, that’s Diana. She’s just started working in my office.

Do you want to meet her?

3Thanks. Are you having a

good time?


Introducing people

36 a. Listen to the dialogue. Where does it take place?

b.Read the dialogue. Then use the expressions in the box to introduce:

ñyour new friend to your parents

ñyour husband/wife to your employer

ñtwo business associates to each other

A:Miss Lane, I’d like to introduce you to a colleague of mine.


A:Miss Lane, this is my colleague, Mr Kent. Mr Kent this is Miss Lane.

B:How do you do? It is a pleasure to meet you Mr Kent.

C:It is a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Lane.




May I introduce ...

This is ...

I would like you to meet ...

Come and meet ...

I would like to introduce you to ...

Hi, how are you?

How do you do?

Hi there!

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.




Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)

was born in Germantown,






family moved to











second of four sisters.


an early age, Louisa and her


















Her father was a teacher,


where she lived for most of her life.












Louisa to keep a diary. She

started to write at the age

and he encouraged











life and





help her write about her own

16. Alcott used her




























One of

her most famous

books is Little Women

























. She wrote

Jack and Jill:















which is based on the life of her family











A Village Story in 1880.


has been called the ‘novelist











point of view.




her ability to

reflect the teenage










of life in rural New England


Jack and Jill tells the story




It tells

of how the friendship














the turn of the century





is tested by a terrible



between the two main characters
















. With the

help of their friends and family,
























get on with their




put their bad luck behind them and


































37 Read the title and the author’s biography. What do you think the novel is about? How could Alcott’s own experiences have helped her write the novel? Look at the picture. What time of year is it? What are the children doing?

38 a. Read the extract and match the characters with their descriptions, then make up sentences about them. Finally explain the words in bold.



Frank Minot


white teeth, golden hair



Little Boo


short legs, round face





Ed Devlin


tall, keen sparkle in his eye







black eyes, red cheeks







sweet-faced, rosy cheeks



b.Which of the characters is: serious;clever;good-natured;popular; protective;patient? Underline the words/phrases/sentences which imply the character.

c.Which of the characters can you see in the pictures? Describe them.

d.Match the highlighted words to their synonyms in the list.

ñboy ñ serious ñ smarter ñ guy ñ gathered ñ playful ñ generously

ñfirst-rate ñ protected ñ shy

39 a. This chapter is called TheCatastrophe. What catastrophe do you think might happen? In pairs, predict what you think is going to happen next.


b. Listen and check if your guesses were correct.


You have decided to enter the Louisa May Alcott drawing competition. Read the extract again, then choose a scene to draw for the competition.




“Clear the lulla!” was the general cry on a bright

fun and sparkle, as she waved Jack’s blue tippet like a



December afternoon, when all the boys and girls of

banner with one hand, and held on with the other.



Harmony Village were out enjoying the first good snow of

“Jill goes wherever Jack does, and he lets her. He’s such



the season. Up and down three long coasts they went as

a good-natured



he can’t say No.”






fast as legs and sleds could carry them. One smooth path

“To a girl,” slyly added one of the boys, who had wished



led into the meadow, and here the little folk



to borrow the red sled, and had been politely refused






there was a group of lads and lasses sitting or leaning on a

because Jill wanted it.



fence to rest after an exciting race, and, as they reposed,

“He’s the nicest boy in the world, for he never gets



they amused themselves with criticising their mates.

mad,” said the timid young lady, recalling the many times
















“Here comes Frank Minot, looking as



as a

Jack had


her from the terrors which beset her



judge,” cried one, as a tall fellow of sixteen spun by, with a

path to school, in the shape of cows, dogs, and boys who



set look about the mouth and a keen sparkle of the eyes,

made faces and called her ‘Fraidcat’.



fixed on the distant goal with a do-or-die expression.

“He doesn’t dare to get mad with Jill, for she’d take his



“Here’s Molly Loo and Little Boo,” sang out another;

head off in two minutes if he did,” growled Joe Flint.



and down came a girl with flying hair, carrying a small boy

“She wouldn’t! She’s a dear! You needn’t sniff at her



behind her, so fat that his short legs stuck out from the

because she is poor. She’s ever so much


than you






sides, and his round face looked over her shoulder like a

are, or she wouldn’t always be at the head of your class,



full moon.

old Joe,” cried the girls, standing by their friend with a



“There’s Gus Burton; doesn’t he go it?” and such a very

unanimity which proved what a favourite she was.



long boy whizzed by, that it looked almost as if his heels

Joe subsided with as scornful a curl to his nose as its



were at the top of the hill when his head was at the

chilly state permitted, and Merry Grant introduced a




subject of general interest by asking abruptly, “Who is



“Hurrah for Ed Devlin!” and a general shout greeted a

going to the candy-scrape tonight?”





with a laugh on his lips, a fine colour on

“All of us, Frank invited the whole set, and we shall






his brown cheek, and a gay word for every girl he passed.

have a




time. We always do at the Minots’,” cried




“Laura and Lotty keep to the safe coast into the

Sue, the








meadow, and Molly Loo is the only girl that dares to try

“Jack said there was a barrel of molasses in the house,



this long one to the pond. I wouldn’t for the world; the ice

so there would be enough for all to eat and some to carry



can’t be strong yet, though it is cold enough to freeze one’s

away. They know how to do things


and the






nose off,” said a timid damsel, who sat hugging a post and

speaker licked his lips, as if already tasting the feast in



screaming whenever a


lad shook the fence.

store for him.






“No, she isn’t. Here’s Jack and Jill going like fury.”

“Mrs Minot is a mother worth having,” said Molly Loo,



“Clear the track for jolly Jack!” sang the boys, who had

coming up with Boo on the sled; and she knew what it was



rhymes and nicknames for nearly everyone.

to need a mother, for she had none, and tried to care for



Down came a gay red sled, bearing a boy who seemed

the little brother with maternal love and patience.



all smile and sunshine, so white were his teeth, so golden

“She is just as sweet as she can be!” declared Merry,



was his hair, so bright and happy his whole air.




Behind him clung a girl, with black eyes and
















hair, cheeks as red as her hood, and a face full of
















Writing a story

To write a story we first decide on the type of story, the plot and the main characters. Our story can be a comedy, a spy story, a thriller, an adventure story, a detective story, a

fairy tale etc.


In the first paragraph, we write when and where the event happened, who the people in the story were and what happened first.

Main Body

In the main body paragraphs, we describe the events in the order they happened. One of the events should be the climax event. We can use so, because, and, also etc to join our sentences or ideas.


In the last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt. We can use a variety of adjectives or adverbs to make our story more interesting. We normally use past tenses in stories.

Analysing a Rubric

40 Read the rubric and answer the questions.


What is your most unforgettable childhood experience?

Send in your story (120-180 words) for your chance to win a two-week allexpenses paid trip to Disneyland, Paris. Runners-up will receive a oneyear subscription to TEENS!

Closing date: 10th December. Results announced: 17th February.

1Where would you see this announcement published?

2 What is the announcement about?

3 Who are you going to write about?

4 What could your story be about?

Analysing a Model Text

41 a. Read the story and fill in the linkers. What tenses has the writer used?

ñ by the time ñ while ñ then ñ but ñ as soon as ñ as

b.Which scene does the picture show? What happened before/after it? Who do you think the writer is?

Whenever I look at that photograph, it takes me back to those early years when every new experience was so important that it was almost unbearable. It was towards the end of the school year

– my first year at primary school – that it happened. I had been looking forward to that day with such eagerness.

I can still remember the shouts of the spectators as I went out onto the sports field with my classmates. Earlier that

week I

had qualified for the finals of the 100 metres. Now,

looking around, I was determined to win.

1) ......................

I was walking across to the start, I began

to feel more and more nervous. I looked at the bustling crowd of spectators, and I saw my proud parents waving enthusiastically. My heart was pounding fast 2) ....................

I lined up with the other eager competitors. I felt so excited that my whole body was shaking. I braced myself, took some

deep breaths and waited for the signal. 3) .....................


starting pistol sounded and I set off down the track.


I could hear the crowd shouting excitedly, 4) .....................


the noise seemed very far away. I sprinted as fast as I could, not looking at anything except the finishing line. 5) .........................

I crossed the line I was so exhausted I could hardly breathe. 6) .................... I heard the result announced, I realized I had won! Overjoyed, I collapsed on the soft grass with a broad grin on my face.

"Well done!" said the Headmaster later, as he presented me with the winner’s certificate. I had never felt so happy and

proud in my life.


e e cummings (US poet)

Sequence of events

c.Read the story again and put the events in the correct order.


He set off.



The runners lined up for the race.



He finished the race.



He was presented with a certificate.



He walked to the start.



The result was announced.



He went very fast.



The starting pistol sounded.



He collapsed on the grass.



He entered the sports field.


Descriptive Techniques

42 a.

Fill in the adjectives from the story. In pairs,


think of synonyms for each adjective.



........ competitors

5 ..................



............... parents

6 ...............



.................... grin

7 ..................



................ crowd

8 .....................


b.Underline the verb/adverb collocations the writer used. Can you think of other adverbs used with these verbs? Write them down, then make up sentences using them.

c.The writer used his senses to describe the event. Read the story and find examples.


43 a. Use the adjectives and adverbs in the list to make the paragraph more interesting.

ñ deafening ñ heavy ñ winding ñ brilliant ñ gloomy ñ huge

ñ suddenly ñ luckily ñ nervously ñ loudly ñ slowly

We were driving along the road through the forest, on the way to my grandmother’s house. The rain made it difficult to see where we were going. There was a flash of lightning followed by a crash of thunder. A tree crashed into the road in front of us. My father stopped the car in time. We all looked at each other. What were we going to do now?

b.Underline the words and phrases that use the senses to make the story interesting.


44 Read the beginning of the story in Ex. 41 again. What does the writer say about the place/time his story took place? people involved? event?


To start/end a story you can:

ñUse direct speech. (e.g. “Hurry up!” Jim shouted, as he ran down the stairs. “We are going to be late!”)

ñAsk a rhetorical question. (e.g. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to escape for a day?)

ñRefer to feelings/moods. (e.g. It was a bright, clear Sunday afternoon, and I was excited by the thought of the adventure ahead.)

ñUse our senses to begin a story. (e.g. The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing as Jim pulled on a light jacket and ran out of the house.)

45 What techniques has the writer used to start/end his story? In pairs, rewrite the first and last paragraph using different techniques.

Discuss & Write

46 a. You have read the rubric in Ex. 40 and you have decided to enter the competition. Plan your own story by answering the questions below.


(Para 1) Where were you? When did it happen? What happened?

Main Body

(Paras 2-4) What exactly happened? (List the events in chronological order.)

What was the climax event?


(Para 5) What was the outcome? How did you feel?

b.Write your story. Check you have:

ñmade your beginning interesting by applying one of the techniques mentioned

ñused a variety of adjectives and adverbs

ñput the events in the correct chronological order

ñended your story by using one of the techniques mentioned

ñgiven it a suitable title

47 Explain the sentences below in your own words.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.

H D Thoreau (US poet)


Self-Assessment Module 1

Vocabulary & Grammar

1Fill in the missing word.


A fire broke .........................

in the school cafeteria


last night.





They’re tired. They .........................

been painting


all morning.





Are you .........................

a good time, Jim?



Bill is nineteen, so he’s still in his .........................




When he reached 65 he .......................

from work.


Oh no! I haven’t finished my homework ...............



He usually .........................

the lawn on Sundays.


Peter was washing the dishes .........................




phone rang.






Janet thinking of moving to Italy?


We .........................

to play football every day when


I was a teenager.





Jason was accused ..............................

cheating on


the test.





Did you know that John was dismissed ..................



his job?





I don’t know how she copes .........................


a full-


time job and a family.




I go to the theatre once in a ........................




Sarah was cleaning the attic

when she




her grandmother’s silver necklace.

16Because of a childhood illness she .........................

her hearing. Now she can’t hear at all.

17 My wallet has disappeared into ........................


18Reading my old diaries always ................................

back memories of my childhood.


I’m afraid I just don’t approve

......................... this


kind of behaviour!



The fans got really carried .........................



Beckham scored a goal.




(10 marks)


Jane became ...............

as she was waiting for Tom


to turn up.





A easy-going

C impatient



B exhausted

D depressed



Listen! A siren is ............




A barking

B wailing

C crashing

D splashing


Ann has got frizzy hair and a ...............



A wide

B pointed

C crooked

D spiky


Bill has got a wide ...............

and wrinkles.


A forehead B build

C chin

D face


Jim has come ...............

the flu, so he won’t be


able to come.




A down with B up with C on with

D in with


He gives private lessons for a small ...............



A fee

B money

C payment

D receipt

(10 marks)

Use of English

3Complete the second sentence using the word in bold. You can use two to five words including the word given. Don’t change the word given.

1It’s a month since he started working here.


He ........................................

a month.

2How long is it since you went to Russia?


How ....................................

to Russia?

3Their new album will be on the market next month.

out Their new album .................................

........................................ next month.

4She succeeded in passing her exams.

managed She ......................................................

........................................... her exams.

5They haven’t been out for months.


It’s ................................................


(5 marks)

2 Circle the correct item.



Fill in the correct word derived from the word in


They couldn’t find what they wanted, so they had





to build it from ...............




Jim seems to have




A begin

B scrape

C scratch

D first









leaped when she heard the news.





Jenny is an




A head

B heart

C mind

D stomach



in her early thirties.












She is very pretty, with rosy .............

and big eyes.


They decided to have a .....................




A nose

B mouth

C face

D cheeks


system installed.




My new flat has central

, so it’s really warm.

He was ..............................

to find a


solution so he asked for help.



A heating

B system

C wardrobe D parking






he started







looking for a job.

(5 marks)


5Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct put a tick ( ). If it has a word which should not be there, write this word on the line.

1 The Smiths’ house, which it is in the suburbs, .......

2 was broken into the last night. The owners .......

3 were at the theatre at the time to celebrating .......

4 their tenth wedding anniversary. Surprisingly .......

5 the alarm didn’t go off although it was on. .......

(5 marks)


6Complete the dialogue.


Hi Ben, it’s Janet. 1).............................................



Oh hi, Janet. I’m fine. How 2) ..............................


A:I’m okay. Look, are you busy on Saturday night?

B:No, as a matter of fact, I’m not.

A: I’m having a party at my house. Would 3)




B: I’d love to. 4) .......................................................


A:Anytime after 8.

B:Sounds great. 5)....................................................

on Saturday, then.

A:I’ll be there.

(5 marks)

7Complete the exchanges.







She’s got short fair hair and green eyes.



Mr Smith, this is Mrs James.





? It is a pleasure to



meet you.





the post office?


B: It’s on Apple Street, five minutes from the tube






A: Hello, Mr Smith. ......................................



B: Yes. I’ve got a problem with the roof.




, please?



21 Blueberry Street.





(5 marks)


8a. You will hear five people talking about their childhood homes. What do you think they will talk about?

b.Listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

Self-Assessment Module 1


Memories of unusual houses





Hand-made furnishings







Large but almost empty







Built for another purpose







Expensive fittings everywhere




FAn escape from city life

(10 marks)

Speaking (prioritising)

9Leo has decided to go on a ten-day tour of Portugal. Look at the visual prompts, then, in pairs, decide what he needs to take with him and what he doesn’t, giving reasons. You can also suggest other things he can take with him.

Useful phrases

Inviting speaker:


ñ What do you think?

ñ I couldn’t agree more.

ñ Isn’t that right?

ñ I think you’re wrong.

ñ Don’t you agree?

ñ Yes, you’re right.


ñ I don’t agree.




(10 marks)


Self-Assessment Module 1


10 You are going to read a brief summary of the book "Black Beauty". Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-H) for each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).



Anna Sewell (1820-1878) wrote only one novel during her lifetime, a book describing the life of a beautiful, black horse, Black Beauty. Sewell was very concerned about animals and used the book to write about the terrible treatment of horses in England at the time. The book is written from the point of view of the horse, which helps us to understand the influence that good and bad treatment had on the horses in the story. Black Beauty had a great effect on the treatment of animals and changed the way that people thought about horses.

0 |


Black Beauty spent his early years in a picturesque, green field with his mother and some other young colts. When it was time for him to be trained to serve men, he was gently and patiently broken in by his master. He learned to wear a saddle and bridle, and carry a human quietly on his back.

1 |

Black Beauty learnt about the way horses can suffer because of men very early in life. He witnessed a hunting expedition in which a horse was pushed too hard and fast by an inexperienced and overconfident rider. The consequences were tragic. The rider took a fall that killed him and the fine horse broke his leg and was then shot.

2 |

At his next home, one of the horses with whom he shared a stable, had the reputation of being wild and aggressive. This horse, Ginger, said this was because she had been treated very badly at a young age. Ginger was taken away from her mother, not long after birth, and was trained to work, in a very rough manner, by men who did not care for horses. Although her new master and his employees were very kind, she could not help being suspicious of men.

3 |

Black Beauty’s kind owner was forced to move abroad for the sake of his wife’s health. This marked the beginning of a string of owners with different personalities. Some were wellintentioned but allowed their grooms full control of their

animals. Unfortunately, in Black Beauty’s case, this often proved to be harmful. He was often either neglected or misused.

4 |

Fortunately, after some time Black Beauty was bought by Jerry Barker, a kind cab owner. There, he was treated very well. Although being a cab horse was very hard work, Black Beauty always did his best because he enjoyed pleasing his master. Black Beauty was very well cared for. He was given good food to eat, a warm stable to sleep in and lots of kind words. Black Beauty learned many things from his new owner, such as the advantages of not being greedy and of being fair and kind to all creatures. Black Beauty spent a couple of very happy years there.

5 |

This pleasant life came to a sudden end when Jerry was forced to sell his horses. After several other owners, Black Beauty was sold to Nicholas Skinner. He had to work every day with no rest, insufficient food and poor accommodation. Although he was still a cab horse, it was a different world. Black Beauty’s various drivers would swear at him and whip him. Eventually, Black Beauty became very ill from all this hard work and bad treatment. His owner wanted to have him killed when he could no longer do the job. Luckily, a vet convinced Skinner to allow Black Beauty to rest and recover, and then sell him, so that he would make a bigger profit. The owner agreed to have the horse’s life spared, but only for the sake of money.

6 |

After spending years on London’s streets, Black Beauty’s next home was a pleasant farm, with a caring master. After nursing him back to good health, the farmer decided that Black Beauty needed to be in a place more appropriate than a farm. He sold Black Beauty to two kind young sisters, who lived on a pleasant country estate with a large, green meadow. Here the weary but content horse finally found the rest and peace of mind that he so desired and deserved.

A A cruel and greedy owner B Unable to trust

C Time to take it easy D A gentle teacher

E In the wrong hands

F Hard but satisfying work G Life as a cart horse

H A fatal accident

(15 marks)


Writing a first-person narrative

11 Use the notes to write a short story entitled "ADay OuttoRemember" (120-180 words). Use the notes as well as your own ideas.


(Para 1) one afternoon last summer – friend came to your home – invitation – a bike ride

Main Body

(Para 2) made sandwiches – set off – early morning – country lanes – open fields – nice weather

(Para 3) field – stop for lunch – picnic – bull ran at us – left picnic – ran away – bull ate sandwiches – we watched from a distance


(Para 4) hours later – back home – felt happy – tired – very hungry

(20 marks)

(Total = 100 marks)

12 a. Look at the picture. What could Jimmy be dreaming about?

b.What are your dreams? What do you think you should do to make them come true?

Self-Assessment Module 1

Sing Along!

c. Listen and fill in. Then, listen again and sing.

Jimmy worked in an office

From eight o’clock 1)

....................... four

His job was satisfying


But he 2) .......................

for something more

He was waiting for a sign And he knew there’d come a time

When a turning point would change his life And bring a chance for him to shine

Jimmy had an old guitar



3) .......................

to hear

him play


And he knew he could be

4) .......................

If he could only find a 5) .......................

He was waiting for a sign ...

When Jimmy played at a party

His dream 6)

....................... became real

A 7) .......................

producer heard him

And offered him a 8) .......................

He was waiting for a sign ...


Jimmy made a record


It went straight to 9) .......................


He’d found the life he wanted


He’d found his 10) .......................

in the sun

He’d been waiting for a sign ...

Progress Update

How do you rate your progress? Tick ( ) the box that applies to you.





Could do better






Vocabulary &





























































Planet Earth

UNIT 3 Travel Broadens the Mind

UNIT 4 Earth is Dearer than Gold