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parents. 9. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 10. Nobody slept in the bed. 11. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 12. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.

Ex. 6. Translate into English

1. Ее часто посылают на почту. 2. В прошлом году ее послали в Кембридж. 3. Его пошлют в Гарвард. 4. За ней всегда посылают. 5. За ней послали вчера. 6. За мной пошлют завтра. 7. Их всегда приглашают на день рождения Ани. 8. Летом Колю отвезут на дачу. 9. Об этом фильме много говорили. 10. В музее нам показали много прекрасных картин. 11. Эту книгу очень часто спрашивают.

Ex. 7. Write the sentences in Passive Voice, paying attention to modal verbs

1. You must take the box to the station. 2. You can cross the river on a raft. 3. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 4. You must return the books the day after tomorrow. 5. You must do three of these exercises tomorrow. 6. You can find the book you need in any library. 7. We must send these letters at once. 8. I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 10. You must do this work very carefully. 11. The doctor says they must take her to hospital. 12. You can do the work in three days. 13. The students must return all the library books before each summer vacation. 14. Monkeys can climb even the tallest trees.

Ex. 8. Define the tenses in Passive Voice. Translate the sentences into Russian. Write the sentences in Active Voice

1. Invitations have been sent to all the old pupils to be present at the school's thirtieth anniversary. 2. All the passengers in the bus were listening to the story of the boy who had been saved from drowning by the quickness of the driver. 3. The work was finished in time. 4. The child is taken care of. 5. This book must be read by every student. 6. This film can be seen at our cinema. 7. Spartan children were taught by their parents to endure all hardships. 8. Which article was translated by your brother? 9. They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 10. This name was seldom mentioned in his novels. 11. I am often told about it. 12. This man has been much spoken of. 13. When was it done? 14. What museums were visited last year? 15. Have your compositions been handed in? 16. What has been said is true. 17. After the facts had been thoroughly explained to her, she no longer felt worried. 18. He was fined for crossing the street in the wrong place.19. The Greeks were attacked by the Persians from sea. 20.This mountain has never been climbed before. 21. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away where they would not be lost. 22. Why


have these cups been put here in this cupboard? 23. Nick was told to go home at once.

Ex. 9. Write the sentences in Passive Voice

1. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 2. By six o'clock they had finished the work. 3. At twelve o'clock the workers were loading the trucks. 4. By three o'clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 5. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year. 6. They will show this film on TV. 7. They are building a new concert hall in our street. 8. I bought potatoes yesterday. 9. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 10. They are repairing the clock now. 11. They sell milk in this shop. 12. I have translated the whole text. 13. They broke the window last week. 14. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 15. We shall do the work in the evening. 16. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 17. They were playing tennis from four till five. 18. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 20. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 21. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 22. They have forgotten the story. 23. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you? 24. They haven't brought back my skates.

Ex. 10. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences

1.I can't use my office at the moment. It………………………….... (paint).

2.We didn't go to the party. We …………………………………(not/invite).

3.The washing machine was broken but it's OK now. It.......…….......(repair).

4.The washing machine.............................…….....(repair) yesterday afternoon.


A factory is a place where things......................................................



How old are these houses?




A: ...............................................


(the computer / use) at the moment?


B: Yes, Jim is using it.




I've never seen these flowers before. What.....................................



Some trees...............................................


(blow) down in the storm last night.


The bridge is closed at the moment. It..............................

(damage) last week

and it.................................

(not/repair) yet.


Ex. 11. Translate into English

1. На вокзале его встретит папа. 2. Эта картина была написана в XVI веке. 3. Эти книги используются для работы? 4. В Италии нам покажут много достопримечательностей. 5. За этим мужчиной шла огромная толпа. 6. Когда читали новый рассказ, кто-то постучал в дверь. 7. Вас уже пригласили на вечер? 8. Когда мама пришла, обед был уже сварен. 9. За этим


доктором часто посылают. 10. На вокзале его всегда встречают друзья. 11. Вам в школе дают книги для чтения? 12. Пленников провели в большой зал. 13. Какие упражнения делали в классе? 14. Кто написал это письмо? 15. В будущем году построят много школ. 16. Над ним все смеются. 17. Эта работа будет закончена на будущей неделе? 18. Когда были посажены эти яблони? 19. В институте его часто вспоминали и говорили о нем. 20. Нас встретят на станции? 21. Ответ будет отправлен через несколько дней. 22. Когда тебя спрашивали? 23. Этот перевод будет закончен через несколько дней. 24. Эту книгу вернут вовремя?

Ex. 12. A. Translate the following text into Russian

When packages don't arrive on time things can't get done,

people wait, clients leave,

orders get backed up, jobs get lost, bosses get angry, people are disappointed, stores can't open, factories shut down, money gets lost, meetings are missed,

conferences are cancelled, businesses can't open, blood pressure goes up, people can't work, promises are broken, trust is lost,

opportunities are missed, deals aren't made, transactions never happen, ideas aren't shared, products don't get made, information is missed, and the person who used the shipping company that messed it up looks really really really bad.

When packages do arrive on time the world works just fine.

B. Say what happens to you if you are not on time

Ex. 13. Read the dialogue, paying special attention to the forms of the verbs in bold type. Answer the questions given after it

Nina: What's wrong, Eugene? You look upset.

Eugene: You know I was hired part-time at the office this semester. I just got my first paycheck.

Nina: So why are you so down? You should be happy,

Eugene: I was ... before. But when I looked at my paycheck and saw how much money was takes out in taxes, I couldn't believe it.

Nina: I feel the same way. Taxes are already high, and the government wants to raise them next year.

Eugene: What! If taxes are raised any more, I won't have any salary left.


Are they kidding?

Nina: No, I guess they hope that a lot of problems! will be solved by increasing taxes.

Eugene: But the cost of living is just too high. Why isn't something done about it? If my rent is raised again this year, I'll be forced to move.

Nina: Everyone has the same problem. We are all asked to sacrifice a little.

Eugene: What's it like for you? When were you last given a raise? Are your raises determined by the cost of living?

Nina: No, I don't think so. I guess our raises are based on merit. If the boss likes your work you're given a raise. If he doesn't you may even be fired. Cheer up, Eugene. Life is still great!

1.Why does Eugene look upset?

2.How does he feel about the possibility that taxes will| be raised next year?

3.Is Eugene having problems in making ends meet?

4.What will happen if this rent is raised again this year?

Ex. 14. Change the sentences from active to passive

1. You can hear this hit everywhere. 2. One can't learn a foreign language in a few weeks. 3. You shouldn't put fruit into the fridge. 4. She is a rude child. Her mother must teach her good manners. 5.I have to complete the letter today. 6. Clara is going to mail these letters tomorrow. 7. Someone must call the police. 8. We ought to invite them, too. 9. They may raise the price of gas. 10. I am going to paint the walls white. 11. The customer has to pay this bill. 12. You shouldn't carry large sums of money with you. 13. Aluminum is a valuable metal. You can use it again and again. Because you can recycle this metal, nobody should throw away aluminum cans. 14. People must protect endangered wildlife from extinction. 15. They may easily fool you.

Ex. 15. Translate into English

1. Академия наук была основана Петром Великим в 1725 году. 2. Вся важная информация обычно посылается электронной почтой. 3. Слово грамматика пишется с двумя «м». 4. Шесть месяцев спустя они обвенчались в местной церкви. 5. Когда все книги были пересчитаны, то оказалось, что одной не хватало. 6. Предпринимаются попытки освободить заложников.7. Точные цифры пока что не были опубликованы.8. Сливки были хорошо взбиты. 9. Мне сообщили об этом лишь вчера. 10. Грабители обнаружили, что код на сейфе был изменен. 11. Если главой предприятия выберут его, то все будут удивлены. 12. Дверь твоей машины уже неделю сломана. Ты собираешься ее ремонтировать? 13. Мы чувствовали, что за


нами следят.14. Они надеялись, что будут приглашены на ужин.15. Если что-то будет разбито, вам придется платить.

Ex. 16. Match the words or phrases in the column A and the correct endings in column В in the following signs and labels






a. must not be removed from the library.



b. should be addressed to the office.


This wine

c. will be prosecuted.


This dictionary

d. must not be left unattended.


No goods

e. is protected by guard dogs.



f. can be exchanged without a receipt.



g. must be vacated by 12 p. m.


This building

h. is best served at room temperature.

Ex. 17. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets

Many changes are happening in education today. In the traditional classroom, the teacher is in complete control.

The teacher decides when the class will study which subject, and all students must work on the same subject at the same time.

Nowadays developments in technology (use) in the classroom. Children (teach) Mathematics with calculators. Television (use) to teach basic Reading and Mathematics. The influence of general computerizing can't (overlook) either. In many schools computers (experiment) with in the classroom. They (use) to help teach English. In many elementary schools children (teach) how to read and write on computers.

In some schools, a new method called "the open classroom" (apply) these days. More and more students (permit) to choose for themselves which subject they want to work on and for how long. Students can work by themselves or in groups. Children are usually enthusiastic about this new method, but some parents are beginning to have doubts. According to these concerned patterns, the children (give) too much freedom nowadays, not enough time (spend) on real work, and the children not (teach) the subjects that are most important. In some schools that experimented with the open classroom in the past, the traditional methods of teaching (reinstate).

A number of years ago, universities also experimented with television, in college lectures. Professors recorded their lectures on videotapes, which later (play) in class. The professors were not present in the classrooms. This new method (use) when studies came out showing that students were not learning. One professor received an unpleasant surprise when he entered his classroom. His lecture (show) on TV, but no students were in the room.

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