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Unit II

Banking and Finance


Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word- combinations.

1. banking

банківська справа

2. finance


3. merchant bank

syn. investment bank (G.B.)

торговельний банк

4. to receive and hold deposits

отримувати та володіти вкладами

5. to exchange foreign currencies

обмінювати іноземні валюти

6. to deal with

мати справу з

7. to manage customers’ accounts

керувати рахунками клієнтів

8. to deposit money

покласти в банк гроші

9. interest


10. to charge


11. margin


12. intermediary


13. fee


14. merger

злиття (підприємства)

15. to issue government bonds

випускати урядові облігації

16. insurance company

страхова компанія

17. full range of

повний ряд

18. to fluctuate


19. to develop confidence

проявляти довір’я

20. sound


21. principal

основна сума

22. to apply for a loan

звертатися за позикою

23. to estimate


24. precautions


25. to collect money

збирати гроші

26. costs

syn. expenditures, expenses; charges


27. physical asset

матеріальні активи; майно

28. debenture capital

зайомний капітал

29. preference shares

привілейована акція

30. ordinary (deferred)shares

звичайна акція

31. Financial Department

фінансовий відділ

32. capital budgeting

кошторис капіталовкладень

33. equity

інвестиційний капітал

34. to finance operations

syn. to finance activities

фінансувати операції

35. working capital

оборотній капітал

36. accessible


37. treasurer


38. controller

контролер, бухгалтер0аналітик

39. cost accounting

виробничий облік

40. to forecast revenues

передбачати річний дохід

41. to take into account

приймати до уваги

42. net profit

чистий прибуток

43. balance sheet


Exercise 2. Find the odd one in each group:

  1. to lend; to borrow; to estimate; to receive.

  2. expenditures; cost; expenses; equity.

  3. client; debtor; borrower; principal.

  4. operations; activities; acts; account.

Exercise 3. Give the Ukrainian/Russian equivalents for the following words and word-combinations without using a dictionary:

Central bank; investor; depository institution; transaction; financial service; trust company; personal finance; corporate finance; margin; financial supermarket; adequate; project; liquid capital; process; machinery; structure; inventory; mixture.

II Reading and Speaking

Exercise 4. Skim the text A and be ready to answer the following questions:

1. What is banking?

2. What types of banks are there?

3. What does banking consist of?

4. What are depository institutions?

5. What is finance?

6. What is the key point of finance?

7. What sub categories can finance be broken?


savings bank –ощадний банк

facilitating loans – сприяти позикам

creditworthiness – кредитоспроможність

depository institution – депозитна установа

mutual savings bank – взаємно ощадний банк

rate of return – ставка доходу

Text A Banking and Finance

Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses. For these purposes there exist commercial banks, central banks, savings banks, trust companies, finance companies and merchant banks. Banking consists of safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facilitating loans, guaranteeing creditworthiness and exchange of money. In other words, banking is the acceptance, transfer, and creation of deposits. The depository institutions are central banks, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, building societies, and mutual savings banks.

Finance is the study of how investors allocate their assets over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. A key point in finance, which affects decisions, is the time value of money, which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of currency tomorrow. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level, and expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.

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