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1. Учебная лексика.

1. Although each school in England decides its own _______, they must include certain compulsory subjects.

  1. program

  2. curriculum

  3. education

  4. academic training

2. The right to _________ has been described as a basic human right.

  1. compulsory education

  2. general knowledge

  3. education

  4. graduate courses

3. The ________ is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities.

  1. tutorial system

  2. under-graduate

  3. comprehensive school system

  4. higher education

2. Деловая лексика.

1. We've got a meeting in 10 minutes. Do I have to ________? — Yes, you do.

  1. atone

  2. attract

  3. attain

  4. attend

2. It's pretty hard to ________ against big, established companies.

  1. complete

  2. compute

  3. competition

  4. compete

3. I'd like to ________ you to Lisa, our sales manager.

  1. meet

  2. introduce

  3. assist

  4. visit

3. Профессиональная лексика.

1. If you increase your order we will be able to give you a 2% …

  1. delay.

  2. discount.

  3. rise.

  4. mortgage.

2. The total amount of ______ for delay in delivery is not to exceed 10% of the total contract value.

  1. payment

  2. penalty

  3. goods

  4. tuition

3. A wholesaler does not deal with the customer, he deals with a ...

  1. retailer.

  2. buyer.

  3. producer.

  4. consumer.

4. Термины (Дефиниции).

1. A person who owns a part of a company or corporation is called a …

  1. stockholder.

  2. manager.

  3. patron.

  4. stock market

4. The selling of goods in large quantities to shopkeepers for them to sell to the public is called …

  1. wholesaling.

  2. retailing.

  3. jobbing.

  4. merchandising.

3. A person who buys goods or uses services is called …

  1. dealer.

  2. seller.

  3. consumer.

  4. trader.


1. Словообразование.

1. All our _______ receive four weeks paid holiday per year.

  1. employers

  2. unemployed

  3. employees

  4. employment

2. Donald is so ________ in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef.

  1. сreation

  2. сreator

  3. сreative

  4. сreatively

3. Many parents complain of their children’s _______, but probably they were the same.

  1. disobedience

  2. obedience

  3. obedient

  4. obey

2. Местоимения.

1. «Are they good friends?». «No, they don't like …».

  1. they.

  2. themselves.

  3. each other.

  4. them.

2. Mr and Mrs Cooper and a friend of __________ are coming to see us.

  1. their

  2. ours

  3. theirs

  4. them

3. When Anna got paid she bought __________ some new clothes.

  1. herself

  2. she

  3. hers

  4. her

3. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

1. I am afraid the problem is __________than it seems.

  1. much more complicated

  2. more less complicating

  3. the most complicated

  4. much complicated

2. This is ___________coffee I’ve ever tasted.

  1. gooder

  2. good

  3. better

  4. the best

3. The younger you are, __________ it is to learn.

  1. the easiest

  2. easyer

  3. more easier

  4. the easier

4. Артикли.

1. The rent is 50 dollars________week.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. an

2. I liked________essay you had brought the other day very much.

  1. an

  2. a

  3. the

3. To tell________truth, I didn't expect to see him.

  1. an

  2. the

  3. a

5. Предлоги.

1. If you run ________ two hares, you will catch neither.

  1. behind

  2. after

  3. from

  4. for

2. Where is Jane? I'm tired ________ waiting.

  1. about

  2. with

  3. at

  4. of

3. Our daughter is good _______ foreign languages.

  1. for

  2. in

  3. with

  4. at

6. Союзы.

1. I gave him the book __________ he might study the subject at home.

  1. though

  2. after

  3. because

  4. so that

2. Always keep your goals in mind ______ you start a new activity.

  1. while

  2. as

  3. as long as

  4. although

3. He was ______tired _____ thirsty, for it was very hot.

  1. neither … nor

  2. not so … as

  3. either … or

  4. both … and

7. Глагол и его формы.

1. The Prime Minister’s Election _______ soon.

  1. will held

  2. held

  3. will hold

  4. will be held

2. If he _______ for London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

  1. left

  2. will leave

  3. leave

  4. leaves

3. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody _______ it by mistake.

  1. takes

  2. has taken

  3. is taking

  4. took

8. Неличные формы глагола.

1. He has succeeded in ________ a new job.

  1. to have been found

  2. finding

  3. found

  4. to find

2. While _______this article he came across many difficulties.

  1. to be translating

  2. being translating

  3. having translated

  4. translating

3. He is known __________ much attention to his work.

  1. having paid

  2. paying

  3. to pay

  4. paid

9. Фразовые глаголы.

1. My English isn’t very good but it’s enough to …

  1. get along.

  2. get ahead.

  3. get on.

  4. get by.

2. James Watt's work helped to ________ the industrial revolution in Britain.

  1. bring about

  2. bring over

  3. bring through

  4. bring out

3. At last he decided to _________ smoking.

  1. give in

  2. give up

  3. give off

  4. give away

10. Модальные глаголы.

1. You ________ do it today. You can do it tomorrow morning.

  1. can't

  2. needn't

  3. shouldn't

  4. mustn't

2. Little children like books with large print. They ________ read them more easily.

  1. should

  2. have to

  3. can

  4. must

3. John _________ take a taxi because he was late.

  1. could

  2. had to

  3. was able to

  4. was to


1. Бытовая сфера.

1. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Friend: «__________________».

You: «OK, see you».

  1. I’m afraid I must be going now. Good-bye.

  2. Can I talk to you?

  3. Would you excuse me, please? It’s time I was going off. Good-bye.

  4. Well. I must be off now. Bye.

2. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Susan: «Hi, Mary. How’s life?»

Mary: «_______________».

  1. How do you do?

  2. Thanks, nice to see you.

  3. Fine, thanks. And you?

  4. Very well, thank you. What about you?

3. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Sister: «I’m going to the party».

Brother: «_____________!»

  1. Have a good journey!

  2. I wish you every happiness!

  3. Have fun!

  4. All the best!