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Unit 2 statistics

1. Vocabulary

Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:


in terms of


empirical roots



survey sampling


descriptive statistics



inferential statistics


applied statistics



probability distribution

probability theory






в перекладі на, в термінах

опитування, анкетування

емпіричне коріння


збір інформації, перепис населення

здійснення вибірки (досліджуваної групи)

спеціальні знання, практичний досвід

описова статистика

випадковість, довільність


індуктивна статистика, статистика виводу

життєво важливий

прикладна статистика


висновок; припущення

розподілення вірогідності

теорія вірогідності



належати, стосуватися

простежити; встановити походження

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following international words:

Organization, interpretation, experiments, presentation, empirical

Find in the text more international words and guess their meaning.

Exercise 3. Find in the text derivatives containing suffixes 1. -ment; -tion/sion; -ness; -ty and 2. –ly, -al, -ive, -full, of the following words, translate them and say to what part of speech they belong:

1. to collect, to organize, to govern, random, to observe, to manipulate. (collection, noun; organization, noun; government, noun; randomness, noun; observation, noun; manipulation, noun)

2. mathematic, use, inference, statistic, rough, computation, induct. (mathematical, adjective; mathematically, adverb; useful, adjective; inferential, adjective; statisticians, noun; statistical, adjective; roughly, adverb; computational, adjective; inductive, adjective)

Exercise 4. Translate the following words as nouns and as verbs:

study, design, focus, help, access, account, process.

Exercise 5. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

To enchance, 2-to concern with, 3-information, 4-introducing.

Exercise 6. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:

1-Indirect, 2-useless, 3-quantity, 4-decoding.

Exercise 7. Find in the text and put down the English equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

1-Планування збору даних; 2-розробка опитувань; 3-емпіричне коріння; 4-окрема математична наука; 5-обґрунтовані висновки; 6-впровадження методик; 7-інструменти для передбачення та прогнозування; 8-прямий доступ; 9-обґрунтування підходів; 10-життєво важливий елемент; 11-теорія вірогідності.

Іі Reading

Exercise 8. Read and translate:

Text A

Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including (7-1) the planning of data collection in terms of (7-2) the design of surveys and experiments. There is also a discipline called mathematical statistics that studies statistics mathematically.

Some consider statistics to be a mathematical body of science (5-2) dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, while others consider it a branch of mathematics concerned with collecting and interpreting data. Because of its (7-3) empirical roots and its focus on applications, statistics is usually considered to be (7-4) a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics. Much of statistics is non-mathematical: ensuring that data collection is undertaken in a way that allows (7-5) valid conclusions to be drawn; (6-4) coding and archiving of data so that information is retained and made (6-2) useful for international comparisons of official statistics; reporting of results and summarised data (tables and graphs) in ways that are comprehensible to those who need to make use of them; (7-6, 5-4) implementing procedures that ensure the privacy of census information.

Statisticians improve the quality of data with the design of experiments and survey sampling. Statistics also provides (7-7) tools for prediction and forecasting using data and statistical models. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, including natural and social sciences, government, and business. Statistical consultants are available to provide help for organizations and companies without (6-1, 7-8) direct access to expertise relevant to their (6-3) particular problems.

Statistical methods can be used for summarizing or describing a collection of data; this is called descriptive statistics. This is useful in research, when communicating the results of experiments. In addition, patterns in the data may be modelled in a way that accounts for randomness and uncertainty in the observations, and are then used for drawing inferences about the process or population being studied; this is called inferential statistics. Inference is a (7-10) vital element of scientific advance, since it provides a means for drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation. To prove the propositions being investigated further, the conclusions are tested as well, as part of the scientific method. Descriptive statistics and analysis of the new data tend to provide more information as to the truth of the proposition.

Descriptive statistics and the application of inferential statistics (predictive statistics) together comprise applied statistics. Theoretical statistics concerns both the logical arguments underlying (7-9) justification of approaches to statistical inference, as well encompassing mathematical statistics. Mathematical statistics includes not only the manipulation of probability distributions necessary for deriving results related to methods of estimation and inference, but also various aspects of computational statistics and the design of experiments.

Statistics is closely related to (7-11) probability theory, with which it is often grouped; the difference is roughly that in probability theory, one starts from the given parameters of a total population to deduce probabilities pertaining to samples, but statistical inference moves in the opposite direction, inductive inference from samples to the parameters of a larger or total population.

ІІІ Grammar.

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