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Unit 1 “Student’s life” Topic 1 “University studies”

Text 1. Read the text and do the exercises below.



was founded – был основанм

anniversary - годовщина; юбилей

areas - область, сфера деятельность

participate –принимать участие

development - развитие, расширение, рост; совершенствование; эволюция, достижение

enterprise - промышленное предприятие

occupy – занимать

full-time and correspondence departments – факультеты дневной и заочной формы обучения

is divided – делится

excellent – отличный

scholarship – стипендия

tutorial - консультация, встреча с преподавателем (в колледже или университете)

examinations - сессия

to attend – посещать

well-equipped – хорошо оборудованный

available – доступный

postgraduate - аспирант; студент магистратуры

graduates - выпускники университета

Belarusian National Technical University is one of the oldest and biggest educational institutions in our republic. It was founded* in 1920. In 2010 BNTU celebrated the 90th anniversary* since its foundation. A lot of developments created in BNTU are widely used in different areas* of the country’s economy. Scientists and specialists of Belarusian National Technical University pаrticipаte* actively in developments* of innovations for enterprises* of real sector of economy.

BNTU includes 17 faculties and trains qualified specialists for different fields of science and technology. A lot of young people from our country and abroad enter BNTU to become managers, economists, mechanical engineers, architects, programmers, building engineers, electrical engineers etc. The university occupies* 18 building.

There are full-time* and correspondence* departments* in the university. The academic year is divided* into 2 terms. Full-time, correspondence and distant students get credits and take exams at the end of each term. If the results are excellent* full-time students get scholarship*.

The teaching process is based on lectures, practical classes, seminars, lab works and tutorials*. Full-time students have three or four classes a day. Distant students have examinations* four times a year. During examinations they attend lectures, practical classes, seminars, lab works. They have tests and projects to write. Between examinations they attend* tutorials. Besides distant students write emails to their teachers. Internet, computer technologies, multimedia are widely used in the teaching process.

There are good facilities to study in the university. Well-equipped* laboratories, computer classes are available* both for teaching and for personal use. There is a large library and several reading halls at BNTU. For those who are fond of sports there are sports grounds, a swimming pool, a football field and different sports sections. Graduates* of this university work at various plants, factories, universities and laboratories. A number of graduates continue their studies as postgraduates*.

Ex. 1. Define the sentences as True or False.

  • BNTU is 99 years old.

  • There are 7 faculties in BNTU.

  • Full-time students don’t attend lectures and seminars every day.

  • Distant students don’t have to attend classes every day.

  • Distant students get credits and take exams at the end of the academic year.

  • Tutorials are tuitions given by a university tutor to an individual or a small group of students.

  • There are good sports facilities in BNTU.

  • Doors of various plants, factories, universities and laboratories are open to BNTU graduates.

Ex. 2. Read the text again and pick out the sentences describing:

  1. BNTU foundation

  2. faculties of the university

  3. the academic year

  4. the teaching process

  5. distant students

  6. opportunities for graduates

Ex. 3. Find sentences with “there is/are” in the text.

Ex. 4. Answer the questions.

1. Is Belarusian National Technical University one of the youngest and smallest educational institutions in our republic? 2. When was it founded? 3. How many faculties are there at BNTU? 4. What is the structure of the academic year? 5. What does the teaching process for distant students consist of? 6. What facilities are there in the university?






Ex. 5. Solve the crossword puzzle .


1. An educational institution of higher learning.

2. A person who has received a high-school diploma.

4. The period when distant students have classes, lectures, lab works, take exams, get credits.


3. An educational talk to an audience, especially to a number of students in a university.

5. An academic year is divided into two … .

Text 2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words from the table.

students Belarus services academic established departments work