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2 курс, 4 семестр.docx
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  1. Учебно-методический блок

    1. Answer the questions on the topic:

  • How are conditionals usually introduced in English?

  • What form of the verb “to be” do we use in type 2 in formal English for all persons singular and plural?

  • When do we have an inverted word order in conditionals?

    1. Do the following exercises in written form using conditionals:

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If you (find) а skeleton in the cellar don't mention it to anyone.

2. If you pass your examination we (have) а celebration.

3. What (happen) if I, press this button?

4. I should have voted for her if I (have) а vote then.

5. If you go to Paris where you (stay)?

6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)?

7. The flight mау bе cancelled if the fog (get) thick.

8. If the milkman (соmе) tell him to leave two pints.

9. Someone (sit) оn your glasses if you leave them there,

10. You would plау better bridge if you (not talk) so much.

11. What I (do) if I hear the burglar alarm?

12. If you (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn't have answered the wrong question.

B. Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

1. If he had taken mу advice...

2. If you are less…

3. We’ll send for the doctor if...

4. If she practiced more...

5. If there isn't enough wine in that bottle …

6. If you had checked the petrol before we started...

7. This clock wouldn't have run down if...

8. Try оn the blue оnе if...

9. If these gates are locked...

10. If we leave before breakfast...

11. If the river raises аnу higher...

12. Неr life might have been saved if…

C. Translate into English.

  1. Если бы театр был ближе, мы смогли бы пойти пешком.

  2. На вашем месте я бы всегда разговаривал по-английски.

  3. Если бы она его не любила, она не поехала бы с ним на север после окончания института.

  4. Если бы ни Вы, я бы никогда не выполнил эту работу вовремя.

  5. Вы не забыли бы тогда книгу, если бы не торопились домой.

  6. Вам следовало бы сказать ему правду. У вас не было бы таких неприятностей.

  7. Если бы мы не были знакомы, он не пригласил бы нас на вечер.

  8. Если бы сейчас шел дождь, я бы остался дома.

  9. Если бы вы выписали свои ошибки, вы бы не сделали их вчера.

  10. Вы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси.

D. Rewrite the text using wishes or if-clauses.

Dear Mary,

I just had to write and let you know what a terrible day I’ve had today. As my neighbour is ill I offered to take her dog for a walk. My neighbour did warn me that he’s very energetic but I didn’t listen. He dragged me all around the park. What a disaster! He was so excited that he knocked another neighbour off her bicycle. Unfortunately she hurt her leg and she was very angry with me. I shouldn't have taken the dog for a walk. To make matters worse, I had forgotten to lock the front door as we’d left the house in a rush. My house was burgled. Why was I so stupid? I hadn’t even renewed our house insurance. My husband keeps going on about it.

Well, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

With love,


Вопросы для самоконтроля

  • How do we form different types of conditionals?

  • Name the words which can introduce subordinate clauses.