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Theatre and Cinema.docx
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Topical Vocabulary

movie house - кинотеатр to film a novel —экранизировать роман

to shoot a film - снимать фильм shots on location - натуральные съемки to release a film - выпускать фильм на экран

trailer - анонс

to dub a film - дублировать фильм subtitles - титры

a stand-in - дублер a cinema fan — любитель кино to have a successful run — не сходить с экрана

to review a film - написать рецензию на фильм

feature film - художественный фильм newsreel - кинохроника black-and-white - черно-белый documentary - документальный travel (travelogue) — фильм о путешест­виях

popular science - научно-популярный wide screen film - широкоэкранный an animated cartoon - мультфильм cinema audience - кинозрители title-role - главная роль close-up - крупный план the film version of a novel - экраниза­ция романа

sound track - звуковое оформление

cameraman - оператор camerawork - работа оператора designer - костюмер director - режиссер genre - жанр screenplay - сценарий scriptwriter - сценарист joint production - совместное произ­водство

to be on/ to be running - идти о фильме This picture has been a real success. - Картина имела огромный успех. It has got the award at the Moscow Film Festival. - Она награждена на Москов­ском кинофестивале. The picture is worth seeing. - Картину стоит посмотреть.

The film is beautifully photographed. -

Фильм прекрасно снят.

It's a universal film. - Этот фильм для


The film is powerful, exciting, moving and entertaining at the same time. - Фильм сильный, волнующий, трога­тельный и в то же время заниматель­ный.

The acting is superb. - Игра великолепна. The picture is for adults only. - Эта кар­тина только для взрослых.

Dialogue 1

Dick: Did you watch TV last night?

Robert: No, I went to he pictures.

Dick: What did you see?

Robert: A wonderful film. «My Brilliant Careen). It's an Australian film, star­ring Judy Davis. The film is a screen version of a historical novel about life and love in turn-of-the century Australia.

Dick: Were you familiar with the plot?

Robert: No, I never read the book.

Dick: Where's the film on?

Robert: At the Globe. We had to queue up for an hour and a half to get in. And they say people only want to watch television nowadays! Of course, there was a spe­cial attraction that night. Judy Davis was making a personal appearance.

Dick: What's she like?

Robert: She is charming. And in the film the make-up and clever photography made her a real beauty. She is a very talented actress. The film had a good review in the press right from the start and then, you know, it won British Academy awards for the best actress.

Dick: Did you notice the names of the producer and the director?

Robert: No, I didn't but what's the difference?

Dick: Don't you know? I thought you were a movie fan. The producer makes all the business arrangements while the director's in charge of the actual making of the film.

Robert: Oh! It's only the stars I really notice. Actually it was a pretty good cast.

Dick: Was it a continuous programme?

Robert: No, it was not.

Dick: Where did you sit?

Robert: In the stalls, in the 16th row. My wife hates being too near the screen.

Dick: Was there only the feature film or was there a documentary or something as well?

Robert: There was a documentary about under-water swimming. It was quite in­teresting. Besides, there was a cartoon and the usual trailer for the next film. You seem to have liked the film very much. Would you mind going to see it again with me?

Robert: Not at all. I'd be delighted.

Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Read the sentences and translate them.

  1. Next week they are announcing a new film produced by ... studio. They say it is done very well. I'll be glad to keep your company if you go to see it. I hope we'll have a good time. 2. This film has been dubbed in Russian and it is done so well that when you watch the close-ups you get the impression that they are talking Russian as the lip movements coincide so well with the Russian script. 3. As there were a lot of people in the Art Theatre last night my friend said: «Tonight the house is packed to capacity.» 4. The sound equipment in all the cinemas in Moscow is perfect. 5. Don't take this film seriously: like most American films this picture is produced only for entertaining people. 6. All Russian films are conspicuous for their humanity and their artistic standards are perfectly high.

II. Read the text and speak about different types of films. Say what films do you prefer and why.

Firstly we may distinguish between feature films, documentaries and cartoons. Speaking about feature films we mean the following types: tragedies and dramas or simply serious films, historical films, war films, epic films, comedies, musicals and thrillers. Serious films deal with a difficult real-life situation which is to be resolved or with conflict of interests and emotions. Historical is a film dealing with historical events. Epic is a film depicting heroic events of the past on a grand scale, often with vast crowd scenes. Musical is the successor of musical comedy - a film with songs and dances. Thriller is a film describing thrilling events usually connected with crime especially murder.

III. Give the words corresponding to the following definitions.

A person who draws the sets and costumes; a notice giving information about the films which are on; a person who sells the programmes in a theatre or shows people to their seats; the photography of a film; a geographical film about travels; part of a film: pit; cosy; usher; shot in black and white; spectator; travelogue, short; queue; cinema audience.

  1. Say what they do.

A ticket-taker, a prompter, a cameraman, a conductor, a producer, a play­wright, a director, a musician, a manager.

  1. Make up a dialogue, using the following expressions and sentences.

To be a cinema-goer; by no means; a feature film; to be produced (shot) in ..; to be a film version of; It seems to me...; Do you agree with me? Certainly (not); the leading actor (actress); the action takes place in...; I recommend you to see this film; You'll enjoy it...; a different point of view.

  1. Read the film review. Say in which paragraph the writer talks about the plot, the performances, whether they recommend the film or not, the background to the film, the film in general. Make a note of the adjectives used to talk about: Lau­ra, the husband, the film in general, the plot, the town Laura moved to.

      1. Directed by Joseph Ruben and starring the stunning Julia Roberts as Laura and Patrick Bergin as her obsessive husband. Sleeping with the Enemy is the spooky thriller and can now be seen at the Odeon in Leicester Square.

      2. The first meet Laura at her sea-front home where she is unhappily married to a rich handsome man who dominates and abuses her. She fakes death to escape her nightmarish marriage and adopts a new life in a small deligtful mid-west town but in­evitably her husband discovers the truth and starts to track her down.

      1. Julia Roberts has the difficalt task of being a passive victim but manages to come across as innocent and vulnerable. Her reawakening after years of tornament is captured extremely sensitively. Patrick Bergin is frighteningly convincing as the psy­chopathic husband, appearing and disappearing with great economy of movement and sinister menace.

      2. The story is, in fact, too similar to Fatal Attraction to claim any originality, but the characters are well observed and there are imaginative moments. Although Rubin is a little too free with the fraudulent moments of suspense, the film jangles the nerves ef­fectively with a series of shocks, which successfully disguises a rather feeble plot.

      3. I would recommend this as an entertaining film for those who like to be kept on the edge of their seats.

  1. Write a film review describing your favourite film, using the following key expressions. Organise your review something like this.

  1. Introduction (include factual information: title, director, actors)

  2. The plot, setting, characters

  3. Your feelings and thoughts (e.g. about the acting, story)

  4. Conclusion (recomendation)

Key expressions:

to begin with...; I like such films; it is most impressive; what struck me most of all .... may be I am wrong but I think...; the film is true to life; it is exciting from the very beginning to the very end. In my opinion; to be dull (exciting); to be dubbed (each of the stills has a subtitle); the action is slow (swift moving); as far as 1 know...; People's Artists of Russia; Honoured Artists of Russia; to star; the historical (contemporary) film; the plot is thrilling (weak); the acting is perfect (not good at all); one's sympathies to be with...

  1. Speak about your favourite actor (actress), using the following words and expressions.

I should like to start by saying that..; to be born in the town (village) of...; his (her) parents were...; to study hard; to be talented; at the age of...; to appear in the film ... for the first time; to star in the film...; to attract smb.'s attention; there is nc doubt about it; to be a success with the audience (film audience); to make a new film (сниматься в новом фильме).


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