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Lesson 1.

Grammar.The Word Order.The Articles.

Text.Computing History Overview.


1. The Word Order (порядок слов)

Английское предложение имеет твердый порядок слов.

Изменение порядка слов может привести к изменению смысла предложения.

e.g. The system supports these capabilities. – Система поддерживает эти возможности.

Thesecapabilitiessupportthesystem. – Эти возможности поддерживают систему.

Порядок слов в английском предложении показан в следующей схеме:





места, времени, причины, цели и т.д.


что делает?


кого? что?(вин.п.) и другие вопросы косвенных падежей

где? когда? почему?и др.

1. Pascal

2.The history of computers


4.Large businesses

5. These plans


started out



were made

a mechanical calculator

the first hard drive


for a very specific purpose.

in 1642.

about 2000 years ago.

in 1956.

Обстоятельства места и времени стоят иногда вначале английского предложения.

e.g. At Texas Instruments Jack Kilby completed building the first integrated circuit.

In 1833, Babbage described his analytical engine.

Обстоятельство места предшествует обстоятельству времени.

e.g. John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed the BASIC programming language at Dartmouth College in 1964.

Что касается наречий, обозначающих частоту действий (often– часто,seldom– редко,usually– обычно,never– никогда,ever– когда-либо,always– всегда и др.), то они обычно непосредственно предшествуют основному глаголу (за исключением глаголаtobe). При наличии сложной видо-временной формы – после первого глагола.

e.g. IBM also developed printers, monitors and expansion cards for the PC.

Babbage’s computers were never finished.

Indeed, Newman's role in the development of computers has never been sufficiently emphasised.

The first machines were also able to perform multiplications.

Ex.1 Point out the parts of the sentence.

  1. Digital calculations replaced analog calculations. 

  2. The computers designed and constructed then were 'first generation' computers. 

  3. ENIAC weighed 30 tons, contained 18,000 electronic valves, and consumed around 25KW of electrical power. 

  4. The IBM 1401 series used punched cards.

  5. The Lisa ran on a Motorola 68000 microprocessor.

  6. Wilhelm Schickard built the first mechanical calculator in 1623.

  7. Augusta Ada Byron, the countess of Lovelace, met Babbage in 1833.

  8. The PC incorporated both hardware (the Intel 8088 microprocessor) and software made by other companies.

  9. The first electronic stored-program digital computer to be proposed in the U.S. was the EDVAC.

  10. Magnetic drums, magnetic disk packs (пакет дисков), or magnetic tapes were usually used.

Ex.2 Put adverbs into their proper place.

  1. Never - The actual EDVAC project was completed.

  2. Also - The system will contain 50 terabytes of memory (50 trillion units).

  3. Never - The technology reached the marketplace.

  4. Also - 1977 brought competition (конкуренция, соревнование).

  5. Also - Jack Kilby was well known as the inventor of the portable calculator (1967).

Ex.3 Make a sentence.

  1. The, boards, included, two, design, memory, original.

  2. Lisa, 1983, introduced, its, Apple, in. 

  3. The, Apple, launched, Macintosh, company.

  4. The, 300, approximately, machine, vacuum, contained, tubes.

  5. In, of, at, 1935, principle, University, computer, Turing, Cambridge, the, invented, the, modern.

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