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XV. Answer the following questions using some of the introductory phrases.

1. What is the text about ?

2. What are power graders used for ?

3. What are power graders used for in winter-time ?

4. What kind of machine is a power grader ?

5. What are the basic operating members of a grader ?

6. What do you know about towed graders ?

7. How can power graders be classified ?

8. What are light power graders employed for ?

9. What are medium graders used for ?

10.What are heavy and very heavy graders employed for ?

XVI. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Прицепные грейдеры значительно уступают автогрейдерам в маневренности и производительности.

2. Прицепные грейдеры не являются перспективными и не разрабатываются.

3. Легкие грейдеры используют для содержания и мелкого ремонта дорог.

4. Средние грейдеры используют при небольших отметках насыпи для среднего режима работ.

5. Тяжелые грейдеры следует использовать при наличии больших объемов работ и в тяжелых грунтовых условиях.

6.Отвал автогрейдера может устанавливаться под различными углами как горизонтально, так и вертикально.

XVII. Read and retell the following text using the introductory phrases.


There are different types of graders. They are widely used in road construction. They can excavate ditches, shape the surfaces and sides of fills, etc. More manoeuvrable grader is a power grader. It consists of a blade and a scarifier. The grader can be used when required with all kinds of changeable pendant equipment such as conveyors, snow ploughs, etc. There are light hydraulically controlled power graders. They have a 65-horse power engine. But medium-power graders have a 100-horse power engine.

Now a new and a powerful grader is being produced. It is powered by a diesel engine. Power is transmitted through a constant mesh transmission to the four wheel tandem drive. The driving axle which is centered between the wheels allows each of the four wheels to easily follow ground irregularities (неровности) and pass over obstructions. This grader has the usual standard features: leaning (наклонный) front wheel which is hydraulically operated and manual steering (ручное управление) with hydraulic boost (усилитель).

XVIII. Learn the following dialogue.

Situation: You are preparing for the English examination and want to discuss the theme “Power graders” with your friend.

A. Would you kindly tell me just a few words about power graders ?

B. With pleasure. They are highly manoeuvrable machines.

A. And what are they used for, I wonder?

B. They are used in road construction to excavate side ditches, shape surfaces and give them the required gradient.

A. I see, thank you. And can power graders be used in winter-time ?

B. Oh, yes, they are employed to clean roads of compacted snow.

A. Thank you.

B. You are welcome.

Урок 10 lesson ten

Фонетика: Повторение чтения буквосочетаний «AU», «AW», «AL» и «OUS»

в конце слов.

Грамматика: Способы перевода слова «MOST». Gerund (Повторение).

Тема: Вращающиеся одноковшовые экскаваторы. Revolving Shovels.

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