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UNIT 10 Passive Voice (PAST SIMPLE).docx
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8. Insert the right preposition (by, with, of).

1. Macbeth was written … Shakespeare. 2. He was knocked down … a lorry. 3. The cake was made … flour, sugar, and eggs. 4. The window was broken … a hammer. 5. The lion was shot … a rifle. 6. That novel was written … H.D. Lawrence. 7. The garden was dug … a spade. 8. The city was attacked … the enemy. 9. The table was made … wood. 10. The house was built … wood and bricks.

9. Open the brackets to put the verbs into Past Simple Passive or Present Simple Passive.

The Great Pyramid (build) in Egypt about 5, 000 years ago. It (construct) to the west of the River Nile. This area (call) “The Land of the Dead”. The Great Pyramid (make) from huge blocks of limestone (известняк). The wheel (use) then so the blocks of stone (pull) by hundreds of men on a path of wooden logs. The pyramid (design) with a solid core (твердое ядро)of limestone with four sides, and gaps (leave) for corridors and various rooms. Today it (not know) exactly what the pyramids (use) for. Probably they (design) to help the Pharaoh’s spirit to rise up to the sun after death. The pyramids (visit) by millions of people each year.

10. Choose the right variant.

1. The car … last week.

A) is repaired B) was repaired C) repaired

2. The local bank … this morning.

A) robbed B) was rob C) was robbed

3. Hamlet was written … Shakespeare.

A) with B) from C) by

4. The door was locked by me … a key.

A) with B) by C) –

5. London … by the Romans more than 20 centuries ago.

A) was found B) was founded C) was based

6. I was bitten … a huge dog yesterday.

A) with B) by C) –

7. Bad weather … our flight yesterday.

A) was delayed B) delayed C) delay

8. Four people were injured in the accident last night.

A) was injured B) are injured C) were injured

9. Much of the city was destroyed by an earthqake.

A) Небольшая часть города была разрушена землетрясением.

B) Большая часть города была разрушена землетрясением.

C) Большая часть города была разрушена пожаром.

10. He was much talked about.

A) Он много говорил.

В) О нем много говорили.

С) О нем никогда не говорилось.

11. Translate the sentences.

1. Когда был изготовлен первый гамбургер? 2. Где был открыт первый ресторан McDonald’s? 3. Телефон был изобретен Александром Беллом в 1876 году. 4. Мой учитель родился в Англии. 5. Этот дом был построен 100 лет тому назад. 6. Книгу не опубликовали на прошлой неделе. 7. Мою машину угнали вчера ночью. 8. Стол был сделан из дерева. 9. Этот город был основан много веков тому назад. 10. Письмо было написано вчера?