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6. Fill in the missing phrasal verbs.

1. Perhaps you could sound the chairwoman out before the meeting, to see which way she's going to vote?

2. Tell us when and why you started your business and how you went about setting it up.

3. You can easily add riders to a policy to create new conditions under which your insurance will or will not pay out.

4. She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.

5. Economists think that the recession is bottomed out.

6. He's decided to stand down after 15 years as managing director.

7. She has decided to put herself forward as a candidate.

8. The nurse had picked up the information from a conversation she overheard.

7. Find the information in the text and describe:

1) Grace’s visit to Giles;

2) Giles’s reconciliation with his family;

3) Gwyneth Hughes, the impression she made on Giles;

4) Giles’ attempt to get a divorce;

5) Fisher and Virginia’s plan to discredit Giles and ruin their family business;

6) Fisher’s steps to get the Tory nomination and win the seat for the Conservative Party;

8. Read the following summary of the fifth portion and fill in the missing facts and words.

Grace drops in on Giles to invite him to her birthday party. Giles is unable to mask his surprise. He is all ears when Grace takes him through every detail of her plan. When he turns up at Grace’s birthday party in Cambridge, Giles is surprised how quickly he relaxes with Harry, his oldest friend. They are chatting about Peter May as if it were old times, when he first sees Gwyneth Hughes. After that, he can’t take his eyes off her. He agrees to give grounds for divorce to finally get rid of Virginia. Giles doesn’t suspect that Virginia wants to … him for … . Meanwhile, Major Fisher and Lady Virginia get together to discuss their plan of discrediting Giles, who has been recently promoted to the first bench. Fisher agrees to act on Virginia’ s behalf. He wants to contest for a marginal seat and win it for the Conservative party. He also represents Virginia on the board of Barrington’s shipping company and wants to use his knowledge of the fact that Barrington’s is going to build a luxury … . He asks his broker in Hong Kong to sell Virginia’s shares, wait till they …. … and then repurchase any stock available at the lower price. Fisher thinks that brokers won’t become suspicious, or tell the board what they are up to. Virginia is sure Giles will sound everything out, but Fisher tells her that Giles will be very busy, facing a vote of confidence from the local Labour Party executive committee, after they find out about his relationship with Miss Gwyneth Hughes. There’s even a chance he won’t be contesting the next election if Virginia doesn’t sign her decree nisi paper.

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