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Video vocabulary

drought [draut] - засуха

to infringe on smb’s rights – нарушать чьи-л права

quarry ['kwɔrɪ] – карьер

tohaveasayinsmth- участвовать в обсуждении какого-л. вопроса, влиять на что-л.

vulnerable- уязвимый

eliminate - уничтожать, избавиться от

fair trade - торговля на основе взаимной выгоды

denial (of) – отказ кому-л в чем-л (e.g. denial of childhood)

speakout– откровенно высказывать свое мнение, высказываться (по какому-л вопросу)

I. Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. How many children are involved in child labour all around the world?

2. What is child labour?

3. What social groups do these children in India come from?

4. What are the factors which make children work?

5. What document was signed in 1991? How should children be treated according to it?

6. In what spheres is child labour used in India?

7. How can child labour be eliminated?

II. Watch the part of the video about the UN Convention again to get more details.

a) What are the four principles the rights of the child are based on?

b) Fill in the gaps (one word in each gap)

The rights are grouped into four key areas:

1. The right to __________________. All children have the right to the _________, clean __________, shelter and _____________ care.

2. The right to ________________. All children have the right to feel ________ and __________. Children are especially vulnerable to ___________ and neglect. This is especially true in times of ___________ and in many types of child ____________.

3. The right to __________________. All children have the right to an _____________ and time to _____________. Children need opportunities to _____________ and _________________ in all aspects of __________________ life.

4. The right to ____________________. All children have the right to be involved in the life of their communities, _________________ themselves and participate in decisions that affect them. This is essential for children to _______________ themselves from abuse and ___________________.


Law and Order in Britain

1 Work in groups of two or three. Look at the words in the box and use them to complete the gaps in the questions.

1 Are you innocent until you are proved to be ____________, or the other way round?

  1. If you're convicted of drug dealing, are you always sent to ______________ or is there sometimes я fine?

  2. Is it an offence to carry a __________________such as a gun or a knife?

  1. If the police arrest you, are you allowed to call a _____________________?

  2. If the police _______________you for a crime, is it legal to remain silent when they question you?

  1. If you're _________________ a crime, are you always kept in custody while you wait for a trial?

  2. If you___________________ to a crime, do you always get a lighter sentence?

8 Are there any crimes which you can be ___________________?

9 Is there always trial by ___________________for serious crimes?

10 Who decides on a sentence? Is it the _________________ or the jury?

Now answer the questions in 1 for your country.

  1. Listen to a radio programme about law and order in Britain. What are the speaker's answers to the questions in 1?

  1. Work in pairs. Complete these sentences about law and order in Britain,

  1. In Britain you are innocent until___________.,

  2. The law Ls different ________.

  3. It is an offence to carry a ____.

  4. When you are arrested, they allow you __________.

  5. You have the right to .

6 When you are charged with a crime, you don't always go__________________

  1. Even if you confess to a crime, the sentence still depends_____________

  2. Treason is the only crime for which yew can _____________

  3. There is always trial by jury for _____________

  4. The jury decides whether they are _________________

LISTENING 7 (6,5 min)

1. Listen to the lecture and explain what are the following categories of crime: felony, misdemeanor, white-collar crime, blue-collar crime.

2. What types of crime are mentioned in the lecture?

3. What methods of solving crime are mentioned?


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