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Тема 18 страдательный залог

Задание 1. Сравните формы сказуемого в действитель­ном и страдательном залогах.

arrival. 4. Must I take your dictionary for a while? 5. My children are able swim very well. 6. We have to write a course paper this term. 7. Who may help this man? 8.It should rain tomorrow. 9. Can you play the piano in childhood? 10. Ann asked your daughter but she would answer. 11. Why may we go with you so far? 12. Last winter we often skate.

Задание 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы сможем ответить на ваш вопрос завтра. 2. Ваш сын умеет хорошо плавать, а умел ли он так пла­вать в детстве? 3. Родители, возможно, приедут на сле­дующей неделе. 4. Он мог бы взять мою тетрадь и пере­писать задание. 5. Можно ей уйти раньше? 6. Вам не нужно переезжать на другую квартиру. 7. Тебе следует заботиться о брате. 8. Он должен учиться лучше. 9. Ин­женеру пришлось применить новый метод. 10. Петр знал, что он обязан помочь сестре. 11. Почему я должен де­лать эту работу? 12. Ей не нужно идти туда.

Действительный залог (Active Voice)

  1. We often read books.

  2. Ann closed the window.

  3. He will write a letter.

  4. They are writing tests now.

  5. He was testing new device.

  6. We shall be making re­ports.

  7. I have translated the text.

  8. You had done the task.

  9. She will have finished the work.

  1. He has been doing his les­sons.

  2. They had been watching TV.

  3. We shall have been read­ing a book.

Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)

1. Books are often read by us. 2 The window was closed by Ann.

  1. A letter will be written by him.

  2. Tests are being written by them now.

5. New device was beingtested by him.

7. The text has beentranslated by me.

8. The task had been doneby you.

9. The work will have beenfinished by her.

Задание 2. Определите залог сказуемого: Active voice / Passive voice.

1. This country is washed by 3 oceans. 2. At 9 o'clock I was doing my home work. 3. Rostov on Don was founded in 1749. 4. New experiment is being carried on at the moment. 5. Listen, somebody is playing the piano. 6. Have you seen his new film? 7. All exams were passed well. 8. Their telegram will be received tomorrow. 9. The British exhibition has been a great success. 10. Is it raining now? 11. This term we study many


1subjects. 12. They didn't know that man. 13. The detective had been seen by all. 14. My children attend interesting lectures. 15. He was going home when I met him. 16. Have the operators been working here since the morning? 17. The boys had watched TV before their mother came home. 18. A.C. Doyle is well known all over the world. 19. The Smiths had been living in this city for along time before I moved here.

  1. By the end of the term all course papers had been written.

  2. What were you doing in my room? 22. Have they ever been to the United States? 23. The article could have been written in time. 24. Our teacher will have checked up our papers by the end of the lesson. 25. His new book is much spoken about. 26. The delegation will be met at the airport next Wednesday.

Задание 3.

Выберите адекватный вариант перевода ска­зуемого.


анализируются (обычно) анализируются (сейчас) ' были проанали­зированы будут проана­лизированы 5. будут анализи­роваться


1. The results have been just


  1. 2.

    The results are analysed at once.

  2. The results are being analysed



4. The results were analysed last



5. The results will be analysed


6. The results had been analysedby 9 o'clock.



  1. Текст был переведен вчера.

  2. Текст уже был переведен,

когда пришел учитель.

  1. is translated

  2. are translated

  3. was translated

The results will have been analysed by tomorrow.

  1. were translated

  2. has been translated

  3. had been translated

  4. will translate

  5. will be translated

  6. was being translated

  7. will have been trans­lated

3. Текст переведут завтра на


4. Текст переводили, когда я


5. Такие тексты обычно пере-

водят дома.

6. Текст будет переведен к

концу урока.

7. Текст только что перевели

Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The delegation is headed by the Prime Minister. 2. Your sister can be seen in our library every day. 3. The child was often left at home alone. 4. These houses were built last year. 5. All letters had been posted when we returned. 6. His new film is much spoken about. 7. I am being waited for. 8. At the moment this machine is being tested in our lab. 9. Ann's article has been published recently abroad. 10. Your letter will have been answered by Monday. 11. This task could have been done in time. 12. The experiment was being carried out during 2 hours. 13. Children under 16 will not be admitted here. 14. His book was translated into three foreign languages. 15. Will the course papers have been written by the end of this week? 16. As a rule the terminals are passed at the end of the term. 17. New plans should have been discussed in time. 18. Our car has been just repaired. 19. The house for my parents might have been built in this small village. 20. Nowadays English is spoken by many people in different countries.

Задание 5. Напишите данные предложения во всех време­нах страдательного залога, подобрав соответ­ствующий индикатор времени.

  1. Such problems are often discussed by students.

  2. This book is written by my friend.

  3. His new film is much spoken about.



  1. New method is widely used at the Rostselmash.

  2. Their house is built on the river bank.

  3. Her book is translated into several languages.

  4. Our dinner is cooked by Ann.

  5. The experiment is carried out in their lab.

  6. Coal is mined by miners.

10. Russian is spoken in many countries.

Задание 6. Определите время и залог сказуемого данных предложений. А.

1. The news will be of great interest. 2. We shall inform you in some days. 3. They were speaking to him when I entered the room. 4. Last term we studied many interesting subjects. 5. The performance was not much spoken about. 6. I am working over my report now. 7. The text will be translated next lesson. 8. The students have already passed their exams. 9. Peter studies at our Academy. 10. Nowadays football is played all over the world. 11. You are playing chess, aren't you? 12. The exhibition has been a success. 13. My article has been recently published abroad. 14. The old man was seen nowhere. 15. Can you play the piano? 16. When we met his son was going to the cinema. 17. Our machine is being tested at the moment. 18. Do you work in this shop? 19. By 3 o'clock we had passed our terminals. 20. She doesn't teach Mathematics. 21. These books are written by our teacher. 22. Have they ever been in the USA?


1. At 10 a.m. we shall be writing tests. 2. Don't be afraid, the work will have been done when your friend comes. 3. Who translated this text last lesson? 4. When did your manager leave for London? 5. These toys are made in Germany. 6. Is anybody working now in the lab? 7. The conference will be held in April. 8. Our city was named after St. Dmitry Rostovsky. 9. I am often asked at the lessons. 10. Where have the Petrovs

moved to? 11. This work should have been done in time. 12. Do they attend these seminars or not? 13. What are you doing in my room? 14. We have been living in this city since 1990. 15. The dialog must be prepared off— hand. 16. The device was still being repaired when we left. 17. There were many children in the park. 18. Who has been working in our laboratory since early morning? Our operators have.

Задание 7. Измените залог.

1. This letter was written by me last week. 2. We often take this book. 3. At 5 o'clock I was translating the text. 4. The teacher will ask you next lesson. 5. New book has been written by V. Shitov. 6. These combines are produced by the Rostselmash. 7. The task had been done by the students in time. 8. The children were asked about by nobody. 9. Some day I shall visit his parents. 10. Her plan was discussed by us yesterday. 11. Various social programs will have been developed by our specialists next year. 12. Both teams are playing football well. 13. Water covers most of the Earth surface. 14. Such books are often read by children.

Задание 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время.

  1. When our mother came home the dinner (cook).

  2. As a rule this operation (do) by hand.

  3. ... new machines (test) now?

  4. All children (give) presents tomorrow.

  5. This music (know) to me.

  6. ... you (invite) to the New Year party?

  7. He (see) recently by all of us.

  8. ... his work (finish) by next Sunday?

  9. This problem (discuss) already.

  1. Your method (use) by us during October.

  2. Whom ...this article (write) by?

  3. His music (hear) by nobody yet.

  4. The doctor (send) for 2 hours ago.

  5. Many languages (speak) in India.



  1. My brother (tell) to buy bread.

  2. Specialists of different trades (employ) at our plant.

  3. The experiment results (discuss) at the moment.

  4. Next year this book (publish) abroad.

  5. When ... our city (found)?

  6. Your letter (post) already, sir.

  7. ... these photos (take) in London?

  8. The Ivanovs (live) in Rostov for 10 years.

Задание 9. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. The experiment is being making now. 2. This task is done yesterday by all. 3. When my parents came home the TV set has already been switched off. 4. Our conference will held next week. 5. His new picture shown to the public today. 6. This photo taken by me in 1990. 7. Our meeting will be hold on Monday. 8. They may be ask next lesson. 9. Your last book is much speaking about. 10. In the East and in the West the USA washed by two oceans.

Задание 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Все операции контролируются роботом. 2. Эта книга была прочитана всеми. 3. Ее часто спрашивают на уроках английского? 4. На ваше письмо ответят завт­ра. 5. Текст переводился вчера с двух до трех. 6. Эти жур­налы будут опубликованы к концу месяца. 7. Работа толь­ко что завершена нами. 8. Где новая машина? Она сей­час проверяется в лаборатории. 9. О вашем открытии будут много говорить. 10. Делегацию следует встретить в аэропорту. 11. Дом можно было бы построить к весне. 12. Незнакомца никто больше не встречал. 13. Когда при­ехали ученые, эксперимент уже проводился. 14. Почему этот рейс был отменен? 15. Наша страна омывается 12 морями трех океанов.