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Отглагольное существительное – the verbal noun



  1. We know of his beginning this work.

Мы знаем, что он начинает эту работу.

The beginning of the work was difficult.

Начало работы было трудное.

  1. He failed designing comfor-


Ему не удалось спроектиро-

вать удобную мебель.

The designing of the new furniture took all his energy and


Проектирование новой мебели

потребовало от него энергии

и времени.

  1. The house needs painting.

Дом надо покрасить.

The painting of the house lasted

the whole week.

Покраска дома длилась целую


Сравнение герундия с причастием

Формы герундия совпадают с формами причастия I, поэтому правильно перевести на русский язык и отличить их можно:

а) по функции в предложении;

б) по наличию предлога перед герундием (перед причастием в функции обстоятельства могут иногда стоять союзы when,while):

в) по наличию перед герундием притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном или общем падеже.


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1.Having graduated from the Institute, my brother decided to go to work in the Far East. 2. Having looked through a lot of magazines, she chose only one. 3. Mr. Smith left the room saying that he was in a hurry. 4. Having found out his telephone number, I decided to ring him up. 5. Not having bought tickets in advance, we had to go to the theatre long before the performance started. 6. Having entered the room, he introduced himself to all those present. 7. Having finished the test, the students were allowed to leave the room. 8. Having spent a month in the country, she looked much better. 9. The man making a report is a good speaker. 10. When asked about the exhibition held in the Picture Gallery, the young man said that he had admired it greatly. 11. Being fond of skiing John always joins us for skiing trips at week-ends. 12. Having waited for the manager for an hour, we went away. 13. The performance begun at six ended at eleven. 14. Having been given all the instructions, we began our work. 15. Being a boy the artist was fond of painting his friends’ portraits. 16. If sent away now, the letter will arrive the day after tomorrow. 17. Being pleased with the student’s answer the examiner did not ask him any more questions. 18. Not knowing grammar one cannot speak correctly. 19. Having been tested the device was put into production. 20. The building of the new cinema being built in our street just now is of modern design.

Упражнение 2.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1.Itbeingdark,weswitchedonthelight. 2.The rain having stopped, we could continue our way. 3. My father being very ill, I had to call a doctor. 4. The weather being favourable, we shall start on a skiing trip. 5. The text was not very difficult, many words having been learnt before. 6. The project finished, I submitted it to the Commission.7. The conditions of work improved, we could continue our experiments. 8. The research work fulfilled, we decided to publish the results. 9. My friends living far, I seldom see them. 10. There being no vacant seats, I had to stand during the lecture. 11. There being nothing to do, we went for a walk. 12. We had a good time during the holidays, the weather being fine all the time. 13. We can see a lot of new blocks everywhere each having dozens of flats with all modern conveniences. 14. There being a great deal of people in the hall, we could not enter. 15. The signal given, the train started. 16. The necessary building materials and equipment received, the workers could continue their work. 17. There are many long rivers in the Russian Federation, some of them being among the longest in the world.

Упражнение 3.Переведите на русский язык, определив формы и функции герундия:

1.I prefer going there by air. 2. Seeing is believing. 3. I remember having seen this film. 4. I remember having been shown your project. 5. He likes listening to music. 6. He likes being listened to. 7. Learning rules without examples is useless. 8. She doesn’t like being asked about it. 9. On entering the room, he greeted everybody. 10. I am fond of skating. 11. I’ve finished reading the book. 12. He succeeded in fulfilling the task in time.

Упражнение 4.Переведите на английский язык по образцам:

A.) I can’t help telling you the story.

1.Она не может не сказать ему об этом письме. 2. Он не может не позвонить ей. 3. Когда мы услышали конец рассказа, мы не могли не смеяться (tolaugh). 4. Я не могу не пригласить его на наш вечер (party).

B) Would you mind helping me?

1.Будьте любезны, откройте дверь. 2. Будьте любезны, ответьте на это письмо как можно скорее. 3. Пожалуйста, дайте мне чистый лист бумаги. 4. Пожалуйста, узнайте номер его телефона. 5. Не будете ли вы настолько любезны, чтобы подождать нас немного? (to wait for)

C) The book is worth reading.

1.Книгу стоит перевести на английский язык. 2. Эту статью стоит прочесть. 3. Его доклад стоит послушать. 4. Выставку стоит посмотреть. 5. На эту тему стоит сделать доклад.

D.) Do you mind our having a break?

1.Вы не возражаете, если я закурю? Вы не возражаете, если я включу телевизор? 3. Вы не возражаете, если они придут к вам завтра? 4. Вы не будете возражать, если мы опубликуем результаты нашей работы в этой статье?

E.) It is impossible to discuss a picture without seeing (having seen) it.

1.Они не приняли проект, не обсуждая его. 2. Он прошёл мимо, не заметив меня. 3. Мы разговаривали с ним, не зная, что это ректор института. 4. Он ушёл, не поговорив с нами.