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IV. Find in the text the sentences in which the following word-combinations are used. Use them in sentences of your own.

Have no idea; brought him up; got on very well at school; it turned out that; there and then; to catch their train; burst out laughing; by the way; didn’t say a word; went pale.

V. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words, word-combinations and sentences. Use them in sentences of your own.

Не имею представления, воспитала его, хорошо успевал в школе, унаследовал, на черный день, зачем это ему жениться, несмотря на, успеть на поезд, она не ладит со своей мачехой, накрыла на стол, тут же невзлюбила ее, отомстить, рассмеялась, взял дело в свои руки, мне стало жаль ее, я сделал ей предложение, между прочим, медовый месяц, не принимай это так близко к сердцу, будь по твоему, теперь когда она замужем, у него перехватило дыхание, колебался, искушение, мы разговорились, мне безразлично, побледнел, предоставь это мне, повестка.

VI. Who said the following words? Under what circumstances?

  1. We went to one of these hire-purchase places, and now we pay the installments every month.

  2. Pretty my foot! All that paint and powder! Common, that’s what she is.

  3. I am sorry for what I did. It is so silly, quarrelling about a kite.

  4. Then they will just take the furniture away.

  5. If you bring up somebody right, they’ll be a credit to you.

  6. I bought it out of the housekeeping money, and it is mine.

  7. Put your things down and come in. We were just sitting down to supper.

  8. She will never come here again, I tell you this straight.

  9. No, Herbert, I won’t let you go. Let your Dad go, and when he comes back, we shall decide what to do.

  10. Don’t you put silly ideas into his head.

  11. You should see her running down the hill with the kite.

  12. I suppose it all depends on what class of people one comes from.

  13. Don’t speak to him. Pretend that you haven’t seen him.

  14. Do you mean to tell me you fell for an old trick like that?

  15. Everything will be just the same. I mean, we can go and fly the kite on Saturday afternoons.

  16. Perhaps the acquaintance is a bit too short for that.

VII. Answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of woman was Mrs. Sunbury?

  2. What kind of man was Mr. Sunbury?

  3. How did Mrs. Sunbury bring up her son? What were the words she liked to repeat? Why didn’t she allow her son to play with the children in the street?

  4. How did Herbert get on at school?

  5. Why was it decided that Herbert should become an accountant?

  6. Herbert brought all the money he earned to his mother, didn’t he? What did she do with the money her son brought her?

  7. Mrs. Sunbury was quite satisfied with her son, wasn’t she? What did she say to her husband when they were going to bed on the night of Herbert’s twenty-first birthday?

  8. What ideas did Mrs. Sunbury have concerning Herbert’s possible marriage?

  9. What presents did Herbert get from his parents on his twenty-first birthday?

  10. When did Herbert receive his first kite? How did it happen?

  11. Have you ever flown a kite? Do any of you friends or acquaintances fly a kite? In Great Britain flying a kite is a very popular entertainment, isn’t it? Did only children fly their kites on the common where the Sunburys regularly went?

  12. What did Mrs. Sunbury gradually find in spite of her trying “to keep herself to herself”? What did they speak about on the common?

  13. What did the Sunburys mostly speak about at home during the week? What was their ambition?

  14. What change occurred in the daily routine of the Sunburys? What does the author mean when he calls the change unfortunate?

  15. How did Herbert get to know Betty Bevan? Who did Betty’s family consist of? What were her relations with her stepmother?

  16. What kind of girl was Betty? In what way did she remind Mrs. Sunbury? In what way was she different from her?

  17. After Betty left, Mrs. Sunbury declared that she was “common”. Do you understand what she meant by it? What was it in Betty’s appearance and behaviour that she disliked?

  18. Where did Herbert and Betty live after they got married? Where did they take money to buy furniture? Did they pay all the money for their furniture at once? Do you understand the system of hire-purchase? Can you explain it?

  19. Why did Herbert stop coming to the common to fly the kite? Why didn’t he buy a kite of his own? Why didn’t he have money to buy it? How did Betty explain her wish not to work now that she was merried?

  20. Herbert was fond of flying a kite and felt unhappy because he could not do it. Betty did not understand it and called it a kid’s game. Do you approve of Betty’s behaviour when she forbade him to fly a kite? Would you have done the same if you were in her place?

  21. How did Herbert feel after returning home? What did he like at home?

  22. Why did Betty smash Herbert’s kite? How did Herbert revenge her?

  23. Neither the author nor his friend Ned Preston could understand Herbert’s flat refusal to give Betty money. Do you understand? Would you have given her the money if you were in Herbert’s place? Give your reasons.

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