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I love you

Russ: Honey, why are you so sad?

(Janet says nothing)

Russ: Honey, why are you so unhappy? I don’t understand.

Janet: You don’t love me, Russ!

Russ: But, honey, I love you very much.

Janet: That’s untrue. You love my cousin, Sunny. You think she’s lovely and I’m ugly.

Russ: Janet, just once last month I took Sunny out for lunch. You mustn’t worry. I like your company much better than Sunny’s.

Janet: Oh, shut up, Russ.

Russ: But, honey, I think you’re wonderful. You mustn’t …

Janet: Oh, SHUT UP!

Work in pairs.

Situation: A and B are classmates. A wants to borrow a dictionary from B and asks B to send a book for him. Try to speak fluently and naturally.

Sample dialogue:

A: Could you lend me your dictionary?

B: Sure. Here you are.

A: Thank you. I won’t keep it long. I just want to look up a few words.

B: I’m not using it now. Take your time.

A: Thanks.

B: Not at all.

A: By the way, will you be going into the city any time this afternoon?

B: I was planning to. What can I do for you?

A: Would it be possible for you to send this book for me?

B: Sure, I’ll be glad to.

A: Thank you. It’s very kind of you.

Unit 3 Central Vowels

Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear.

Test 1

  1. a. bed b. bud c. bird

  2. a. Ben’s b. buns c. burns

  3. a. ward b. word

  4. a. walk b. work

  5. a. short b. shirt

  6. a. or b. er

Listen and repeat the following words.

turn burn bird heard worst

colonel word worker turn fur

worker doctor dancer professor driver

manager camera water o’clock America

Listen and repeat the following sentences.

  1. What a superb fur coat!

  2. It’s the worst oven in the world!

  3. You weren’t first.

  4. These girls were German.

  5. The curtains were dirty.

  6. These girls were walking to work.

  7. First come, first served.

  8. The early bird catches the worm.

  9. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  10. Birds of a feather flock together.

Listen to the following dialogue and try to imitate it.

// focused

The worst nurse

Sir Herbert: Nurse!

Colonel Burton: Nurse! I’m thirsty!

Sir Herbert: Nurse! My head hurts!

Colonel Burton: NURSE!

Sir Herbert: Curse these nurses!

Colonel Burton: Nurse Sherman always wears such dirty shirts.

Sir Herbert: And such short skirts.

Colonel Burton: She never arrives at work early.

Sir Herbert: She and … er … Nurse Turner weren’t at work on Thursday, were they?

Colonel Burton: No, they weren’t.

Sir Herbert: Nurse Sherman is the worst nurse in the ward, isn’t she?

Colonel Burton: No, she isn’t. She’s the worst nurse in the world!

Listen and repeat the following story. The spelling has been changed to show you when to make the sound //.

Barbr spent Satday aftnoon looking t beautifl book bout South meric.

“I want t go t South meric,” she said t hself.

Th next morning, when Barbr woke up it ws six ’clock, nd h broths nd sists w still sleep. Barbr looked t thm, nd closed hr eyes gain.

Then she quitly got out f bed nd started t pack h suitcase.

She took sme comftble clothes out f th cupbd. She packed pair f binoculs nd h sist ’s camr . She packed photgraph f hself nd one f h mothr nd fath.

“I mustn’t fgt t have sme breakfst,” she said t hself. Bt then she looked t the clock. It ws quart t seven.

“I’ll jst drink glass f wat,” she said.

“ glass f wat,” she said.

“Wat,” she said, nd opened hr eyes.

She ws still in h bed, nd her broths nd sists w laughing t h.

“Tell s what you w dreaming bout,” they said t h.

Bt Barbr didn’t answ. She ws thinking about h wondful journey t South meric.

Work in pairs.

Situation: A is inviting B to walk to the bank with him. But he is refused by B and has to go there alone. Try to speak fluently and naturally.

Sample dialogue:

A: Do you want to the bank with me, George? I need to withdraw some money.

B: Not really, Pam. It’s cold outside. I don’t want to get chilled to the home.

A: Don’t turn me down. It’s not that cold outside.

B: I think it is. I was pulling weeds in the yard this morning.

A: That’s good exercise.

B: So I’ve had enough exercise. I don’t need to walk to the bank.

A: All right, all right. Let’s not have a debate. I’ll go by myself.

B: Fine with me. I’ll just stay home and continue watching cartoons.

Unit 4 Closing Diphthongs

Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear.

Test 1

  1. a. pen b. pain

  2. a. shed b. shade

  3. a. pepper b. paper

  4. a. let b. late

  5. a. letter b. later

  6. a. get b. gate

Test 2

  1. a. cart b. kite

  2. a. darning b. dining

  3. a. star b. sty

  4. a. laugh b. life

  5. a. hard b. hide

  6. a. Pa b. pie

Test 3

  1. a. corn b. coin

  2. a. bawling b. boiling

  3. a. all b. oil

  4. a. aw b. oi

  5. a. bore b. boy

  6. a. all b. oil

Test 4

  1. a. car b. cow

  2. a. grass b. grouse

  3. a. bra b. brow

  4. a. ha b. how

  5. a. ah b. ow!

  6. a. tarn b. town

Test 5

  1. a. cork b. coke

  2. a. fern b. phone

  3. a. or b. Oh!

  4. a. ball b. bowl

  5. a. burn b. bone

  6. a. walk b. woke

Listen and repeat the following words.

pain shade wait taste buy

like kite height oil boil

coin toy bone phone boat

float cow bow brow grouse

Listen and repeat the following sentences.

  1. No pains, no gains.

  2. Haste makes waste.

  3. Time and tide wait for no man.

  4. Great minds think alike.

  5. Don’t spoil Roy by giving him too many toys.

  6. The smell of oil is most annoying.

  7. Little strokes fell great oaks.

  8. As you sow, you shall mow.

  9. Brown spends hour after hour among his flowers.

  10. March wind and April showers bring May flowers.

Listen to the following dialogues and try to imitate them.

// focused

At the railway station

(Mr. Grey is waiting at the railway station for a train.)

Mr. Grey: Hey! This train’s late! I’ve been waiting here for ages.

Porter: Which train, sir?

Mr. Grey: The 8.18 to Baker Street.

Porter: The 8.18? I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake, sir.

Mr. Grey: A mistake? My timetable says: Baker Street train --- 8.18.

Porter: Oh no, sir. The Baker Street train leaves at 8.08.

Mr. Grey: At 8.08?

Porter: You see, sir, they changed the timetable at the end of April. It’s the first of May today.

Mr. Grey: Changed it? May I see the new timetable? What does it say?

Porter: It says: Baker Street train --- 8.08.

Mr. Grey: Mm! So the train isn’t late. I’m late.

// focused

At the railway station

(Myra and Violet are typists in the library.)

Myra: (smiling) Hello, Mike!

Mike: Hello, Myra. Hello, Violet! You’re looking nice, Violet.


Mike: Would you like some ice-cream, Violet?

Violet: No thanks, Mike. I’m busy typing. Talk to me some other time. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday.

Mike: Never mind. Do you like riding, Violet?

Violet: Sometimes.

Mike: Would you like to come riding with me tonight, Violet?

Violet: Not tonight, Mike. I’m going for a drive with Nigel.

Mike: What about Friday?

Violet: I’m going climbing with Miles.

Mike: Hm! Oh, all right. Bye!

Myra: Violet, he’s put something behind your typewriter.

Violet: Is it something nice, Myra?

Myra: No. It’s a spider.

// focused

Joyce’s Rolls Royce

(Joyce takes her Rolls Royce to the garage.)

Garage boy: What a terrible noise.

Joyce: Eh?

Garage boy: (raising his voice) WHAT A TERRIBLE NOISE! This is the noisiest Rolls Royce I’ve ever heard.

Joyce: (pointing) It’s out of oil.

Garage boy: Out of oil? And look! The water’s boiling. Madam, a Rolls Royce isn’t a toy. Perhaps you’ve spoilt the motor or even destroyed it.

Joyce: How annoying! While you’ve changing the oil, I’ll go and visit my boyfriend, Roy.

// focused

Snow in October

(Joe Jones is sleeping, but Joan woke up a few minutes ago.)

Joan: Joe! Joe! JOE! Hello!

Joe: (groans) Oh! What is it, Joan?

Joan: Look out of the window.

Joe: No. My eyes are closed, and I’m going to go to sleep again.

Joan: Don’t go to sleep, Joe. Look at the snow!

Joe: Snow? But it’s only October. I know there’s no snow.

Joan: Come over to the window, Joe.

Joe: You’re joking, Joan. There’s no snow.

Joan: OK. I’ll put my coat on and go out and make a snowball and throw it at your nose, Joe Jones!

// focused

A mouse in the house

Mrs. Brown: (shouting loudly) I’VE FOUND A MOUSE!

Mr. Brown: Ow! You’re shouting too loudly. Sit down and don’t shout.

Mrs. Brown: (sitting down) I’ve found a mouse in the house.

Mr. Brown: A brown mouse?

Mrs. Brown: Yes. A little round mouse. It’s running around in the lounge.

Mr. Brown: On the ground?

Mrs. Brown: Yes. It’s under the couch now.

Mr. Brown: Well, get it out.

Mrs. Brown: How?

Mr. Brown: Turn the couch upside-down. Get it out somehow. We don’t want a mouse in our house. Ours is the cleanest house in the town!

Work in pairs.

Situation: A and B are friends. A is inviting B to do some outdoor activities. Use the words below in the dialogue. Try to speak fluently and naturally.

flying driving climbing

ice skating horse riding bicycle riding

A: Do you like ?

B: Yes. It’s quite exciting.

A: Would you like to come with me on Friday?

B: Not Friday. Some other time.

Unit 5 Centering Diphthongs

Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear.

Test 1

  1. a. beer b. beer

  2. a. tea b. tear

  3. a. bead b. beard

  4. a. pea b. pier

  5. a. E’s b. ears

  6. a. Dee b. dear

Test 2

  1. a. cheers b. chairs

  2. a. beer b. bear

  3. a. pier b. pear

  4. a. here b. hair

  5. a. dear b. Dare

  6. a. clear b. Claire

Test 3

  1. a. pier b. poor

  2. a. tear b. tour

  3. a. dear b. duel

  4. a. year b. Europe

Listen and repeat the following words.

ear beer tear pier beard

dear hear air bear pear

hair chair pair square tourist

jewel jury gourmet sure European

Listen and repeat the following sentences.

  1. New Year’s Day is near.

  2. They cheered the hero when he appeared.

  3. She’s sincere, serious and a bit mysterious.

  4. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  5. Wherever there’s oppression, there’s resistance.

  6. Mary’s upstairs, airing the room and dusting the chairs.

  7. John likes to wear his hair long.

  8. He’s a foreign tourist.

  9. They’re fighting a duel.

  10. We’re planning to take a trip to some European countries.

Listen to the following dialogues and try to imitate them.

// focused

A bearded mountaineer

(Mr. and Mrs. Lear are on holiday in Austria.)

Mr. Lear: Let’s have a beer here, dear.

Mrs. Lear: What a good idea! They have very good beer here. We came here last year.

Mr. Lear: The atmosphere here is very clear.

Mrs. Lear: And it’s windier than last year.

Mr. Lear: (speaking to the waiter) Two beers, please.

Mrs. Lear: Look, dear! Look at that mountaineer drinking beer.

Mr. Lear: His beard is in his beer.

Mrs. Lear: His beard has nearly disappeared into his beer!

Mr. Lear: Sh, dear! He might hear.

Waiter: (bringing the beer) Here you are, sir. Two beers.

Mr. Lear: (drinking his beer) Cheers, dear!

Mrs. Lear: Cheers! Here’s to the bearded mountaineer!

// focused

A pair of hairbrushes

Mary: I’ve lost two small hairbrushes, Claire. They’re a pair.

Claire: Have you looked carefully everywhere?

Mary: Yes. They’re nowhere here.

Claire: Have you looked upstairs?

Mary: Yes. I’ve looked everywhere upstairs and downstairs. They aren’t anywhere.

Claire: Hm! Are they square, Mary?

Mary: Yes. They’re square hairbrushes. Have you seen them anywhere?

Claire: Well, you’re wearing one of them in your hair!

Mary: Oh! Then where’s the other one?

Claire: It’s over there under the chair.

// focused

A nice jewel

Joy: Do you like my jewel?

Joe: Yes, it’s a nice jewel.

Joy: Come closer and take another look.

Joe: Oh my! What a beautiful jewel! Is it another gift from John?

Joy: Yes. This is the fifth jewel he’s given me.

Joe: Are you going to ask him for more?

Joy: Sure. I won’t marry him if he doesn’t give me his biggest jewel.

Joe: John must be extremely rich. By the way, how come he has so many jewels?

Joy: He has the biggest jewel shop in the town. He buys and sells all kinds of jewels.

Joe: And he takes pleasure in giving his best jewels to the lady he loves. How I envy you!

Work in pairs.

Situation: A is B’s mother. B is a student. He is going skating with his friends. Now his mother is making some comments about his jeans. Actually she is not satisfied with the clothes her son is wearing. Try to speak fluently and naturally.

Sample dialogue:

A: Tony, you’re not going to wear those tattered jeans, are you?

B: Sure, Mom. Why not? They’re in style.

A: I don’t care. They’re not tasteful and you won’t make a good impression on people.

B: I’m not trying to make a good impression. I’m just going out to have fun.

A: What are you going to do?

B: My friends and I are going in-line skating.

A: Don’t fall down and get any bruises.

B: Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m pretty good on my skates.

A: Well, I guess it’s better you do something active than be a couch potato.

Unit 6 Plosive Consonants

Tick the words you recognize in the sentences you hear:

Test 1

  1. a. pin b. bin

  2. a. Poppy b. Bobby

  3. a. pup b. pub

  4. a. pig b. big

  5. a. pack b. back

  6. a. peach b. beach

Test 2

  1. a. writing b. riding

  2. a. cart b. card

  3. a. bat b. bad

  4. a. sent b. send

  5. a. tarts b. darts

  6. a. try b. dry

Test 3

  1. a. cold b. gold

  2. a. back b. bag

  3. a. clock b. clog

  4. a. curl b. girl

  5. a. frock b. frog

  6. a. clue b. glue

Listen and repeat the following words.

pen pocket passport policeman newspaper

bin bear cab pub brush

tin tennis restaurant assistant student

door card ride drain drunk

Listen and repeat the following sentences.

  1. Peter is picking plums and apples

  2. Barker and Parker bumped into each other in a park.

  3. Basketball is a popular sport in China.

  4. I’m taking a course at a technical college.

  5. He taught at Harvard last term.

  6. I’ll write it down.

  7. All that slitters is not gold.

  8. Cut your coat according to your cloth.

  9. A good beginning makes a good ending.

  10. I’ll score one goal at least.

Listen to the following dialogues and try to imitate them.

// focused

Passports, please

(Mr. and Mrs. Tupman are at the airport. They have just got off the plane from Paris.)

Official: Passports, please!

Mr. Tupman: I think I’ve lost the passports, Poppy.

Mrs. Tupman: How stupid of you, Peter! Didn’t you put them in your pocket?

Mr. Tupman: (emptying his pockets) Here’s a pen … a pencil … my pipe … a postcard … an envelope … a stamp … a pin …

Mrs. Tupman: Oh, stop taking things out of your pockets. Perhaps you put them in the plastic bag.

Mr. Tupman: (emptying the plastic bag) Here’s a newspaper … an apple … a pear … a plastic cup … a spoon … some paper plates … a piece of pork pie … a pepper pot …

Mrs. Tupman: Oh, stop pulling things out of the plastic bag, Peter. These people are getting impatient.

Mr. Tupman: Well, help me, Poppy.

Mrs. Tupman: We’ve lost our passports. Perhaps we dropped them on the plane.

Official: Then let the other passengers past, please.

Mr. Tupman: Poppy, why don’t you help? You aren’t being very helpful. Put the things in the plastic bag.

Official: Your name, please?

Mr. Tupman: Tupman.

Official: Please go upstairs with this policeman, Mr. Tupman.

// focused

Happy birthday

Bob: Hello, Barbara.

Barbara: Hello, Bob. It’s my birthday today.

Bob: Oh, yes! Your birthday! Happy birthday, Barbara!

Barbara: Thanks Bob. Somebody gave me this blouse for my birthday.

Bob: What a beautiful blouse! It’s got brown and blue butterflies on it.

Barbara: And big black buttons.

Bob: Did Ruby buy it for you?

Barbara: Yes. And my brother gave me a hairbrush and a book about baby birds.

Bob: I didn’t remember your birthday, Barbara. I’m terribly sorry.

Barbara: Well, you can buy me a big bottle of perfume, Bob.

Bob: I’ve got a better idea. We’ll get into a cab and go to a pub and I’ll buy you a bottle of beer!

// focused

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