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Грамматика Глагол.doc
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1. The earliest inhabitants of the British Isles … men of Celtic race.

a) were b) will c) are

  1. Peter ... an English national flag.

a) had b) will has c) has

  1. The traffic lights in Britain … not like in Europe.

a) had b) will is c) are

  1. If I … difficulties in London, I’ll ask a policeman.

a) had b) will have c) have

  1. A policemen … called «Bobby» in the UK.

a) is b) will be c) are

  1. The British usually … about 5 meals a day.

a) have b) has c) had

  1. Where … Piccadilly Circus?

a) is b) are c) was

  1. The weather … usually rainy in England.

a) were b) is c) was

  1. We … … a tour about the British Isles next year.

a) had b) have c) shall have

  1. I … … an English student next autumn.

a) shall be b) will be c) shall are

Упражнение 27.Выберите нужную форму форму глагола:

Pudding* 1 a traditional English sweet dish with fruit and spices. Puddings appeared in the sixteenth century. There 2 a wonderful legend how such cookery came into being. Once upon a time on Christmas Eve an English king 3 in the forest and lost his way. He 4 little food left. He knocked at the door of the woodman’s house and asked for food and shelter. The woodman 5 very poor too and 6 not much food to offer. So he mixed together all the food he had in the house. It 7 a mixture of flour, eggs, apples, dried plums, sugar and brandy. Then he boiled this mixture in a cloth. So a delicious cookery 8 invented. Later pudding became а customary Christmas desert. But in 1664 the Puritans banned it as a «lewd custom». It 9 George I, who tasted and enjoyed plum pudding, re-established it as a part of the Christmas feast in 1714.

Modern pudding can 10 of some kinds. For example, one of traditional Christmas puddings is a plum pudding with the ring and the bachelor's button. These things are put into the pudding in order to define, who marries in the coming year. Who finds them in his or her piece of the pudding will be happy. It is an art to prepare a real Christmas pudding. It takes a lot of time and is very complicated. Here is the recipe of traditional Scottish pudding , the Free Kirk pudding:

  • 3 tb sps. plain Flour

  • 3 tb sps. Sugar

  • 6 tb sps. fresh Breadcrumbs

  • 5 tb sps. shredded Suet

  • 3 tb sps. Currants

  • 3 tb sps. Raisins

  • 1 little Orange or Lemon peel

  • 1 level t sp. Baking soda

  • 1 t sp. Mixed spice

  • 1 Egg

  • Milk

Combine all dry ingredients, fruit, spice and peel. Add eggs and milk and make a stiff dough. Turn into greased mould and steam 3 hours.


* См.: Глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Великобритании»

To appear [ə‘piə] появляться

A cookery [‘kυkəri] стряпня/кулинария

To come into being возникнуть

To be boiled быть сваренным

A woodman [‘wυ:dmən] дровосек

To ask for shelter [‘ʃeltə] просить о приюте

A cloth [klɒθ] ткань, полотно

Customary desert [,kʌstəməri de‘zə:t] привычный десерт

Lewd custom [,ljυ:d‘kʌstəm] непристойный обычай

To re-establish [,ries‘tæbliʃ] восстановить

To ban [bæn] запрещать

Flour/fresh breadcrumbs/shredded suet мука/свежие хлебные мякиши/ дрожжи

Currants/raisin смородина/ изюм

A stiff dough упругое тесто