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Unit 3 students' life


room fee плата за комнату в общежитии; campus студенческий городок; dispensary профилакторий; amateur performance художественная самодеятельность; extracurricular внеклассный, внеучебный; to accommodate вмещать; facility сооружения, оборудование; ski depot лыжная база; to rent арендовать; grant стипендия; scholarship стипендия; shared room 2х-4х местная комната; grant-in-aid help помощь в виде стипендии; track легкая атлетика ( преим. бег); track and field легкая атлетика

Text 3a part1

After classes students of VSTU have a wide choice of things to do. The Students' Club is the center of extracurricular activities of the students of VSTU. It is placed on the 3rd floor of the fourth building . The Student's Club organizes introduction parties for freshmen, amateur performances, all sorts of concerts and festivals. Student's Spring Contest is one of the most exciting events taking place in the University. Students of all colleges take part in it. Sometimes students invite professional actors from the Drama Theatre to help them in staging plays. The Assembly hall is large enough to accommodate all those who want to see any of these interesting events.

VSTU students can go in for sports. Sport is very popular with the students and many of them are good sportsmen. VSU students can utilize a new sport campus-based center which has three gyms and an outdoor football ground situated between two residential buildings. Besides students have a chance to take advantage of a ski depot, Dynamo and Rodina stadiums and a rented track and field indoor facility(center).

VSTU students can go in for track and field, skiing, skating, volleyball, basketball and football. There are also sport sections for those who want to go in for judo and some other sports.

Students compete in all kinds of sport mentioned above. They also take part in International competitions and in championship of Russia in skiing. The names of Sokovnin Maxim, Kiseleva Nadezhda, figure skaters Korovina Olga and Sadakov Konstantin, skaters Likhachev A. and Shestakov V., skiers Krasnov B. and Malkova E. should be known to sport fans of our University.

ex. 5.1 Find the equivalents

1) посвящение в студенты 2) события, происходящие в университете 3) постановка пьесы 4) заниматься спортом 5) пользоваться новым центром 6) открытая футбольная площадка 7) арендуемый легкоатлетический комплекс 8) упомянутые выше

ex. 5.2 Finish the sentences to make up a story

1) When the lectures and practical lessons are over

2) Students' club is ... .

3) It organizes ... .

4) Students invite ... .

5) ... is large enough to accomodate ... .

6) VSTU students are able to go ... .

7) ... is very popular with ... .

8) ... in the 4th building.

9) Besides students can use ... .

10) Students also have a chance ... .

11) ... skiing, skating, volleyball, basketball and football.

12) They compete in ... and take part in ... .


The out-of-town students live in halls. Room fees are low and no one has difficulties with payment. There are four residential buildings which constitute an integral part of the University's campus. Students live in shared rooms with all modern conveniences. They may take meals on campus or in college buildings. They have to pay cash as there's no meal plan on campus. Sport and medical facilities including dispensary which has the latest medical equipment and highly skilled specialists are always at the disposal of students and teaching staff. The dispensary provides prescriptions, diagnostics, lab work and a wide choice of procedural services.

Almost each student gets a monthly scholarship. Only those with satisfactory performance in a number of subjects do not get it. Students with good an excellent performance are likely to get extra 25 per cent of the common scholarship and those with excellent performance in all subjects i.e. the students who get the highest grades (5) when passing term examinations are sure to get extra 50 per cent. Besides there is additional grant-in-aid help given under special circumstances for students

who require financial aid.

ex. 5.3 Find the equivalents

1) иногородние студенты 2) которые составляют неотъемлемую часть студгородка 3) приходится оплачивать наличными 4)всегда в распоряжении 5) почти каждый 6) студенты, успевающие на "отлично" 7) несомненно получат 8) рецептура, диагностика и лабораторное обслуживание .

ex. 5.4 Answer the questions

1) Where do the out-of-town students live?

2) How many residential buildings are there on campus?

3) What kind of rooms do the students live?

4) Where and how do the students take meals?

5) What medical facilities are campus based ?

6) What kind of services does the dispensary provide?

7) What kind of scholarship do the students with "good and excellent" performance get?

8) How high is the extra per cent added to the scholarship of the students with "excellent" performance?

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