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Модальное выражение to be allowed to

Данное выражение эквивалентно глаголу may только в значении разрешения и просьбы.

Eg.: You are allowed to stay here. Тебе можно здесь остаться.

Are you allowed to be present? Тебе разрешено присутствовать?

Когда глагол may означает общую возможность (=can), то используется модальное выражение to be able to.


Упр. 12. Переведите предложения. Определите значения модального глагола may/might.


  1. The students may go home after the lesson. He may take my pen. You may go with your friends to the party.

  2. May I go there alone? May he join our group? May we come to you on Sunday?

  3. You may buy the tickets right now. You may hear the news from everybody. He may find it in any shop.

  4. She may know everything. He may be a talented actor. They may study at the Institute. He may come in a minute. Jenny may become a good lawyer. The students may have a test soon. My parents may be shopping now. His brother may be sleeping. It may be snowing. They may have bought a car. The teacher may have come. The problem may have been solved. He may have been doing the homework long enough. It may have been raining.

  5. We might go there together. I might buy it for you. They might have dinner with us.

  6. You might be more hardworking. She might read more. He might drive more careful. You might have come in time. They might have understood it at once. I might have phoned him earlier.

  7. The child is allowed to have an ice-cream. I am allowed to be present at the party. They are allowed to go to the river. The students were allowed to use the dictionaries at the exams. The girl was allowed to play in the yard. We shall be allowed to watch the film. They will be allowed to skate.


1. May I ask you a question? 2. He was allowed to smoke in the room. 3. We might discuss the plans for the coming week-end right now. 4. They may have been waiting for us there. 5. I may come to you on Monday. 6. He may have come already. 7. You might study better. 8. He may arrive at the station at 6. 9. She will be allowed to sit with the elder children. 10. You might have helped us. 11. Bob may be having lunch now. 12. You may find this book in any library. 13. Ann may have a rest now. 14. Ann may be having a rest now. 15. Jane might be more attentive. 16. The train may leave in a quarter of an hour.

Упр. 13. Выразите упрек по поводу изложенных фактов. Используйте might+VI или might have VIII.


I’ve got a bad mark. (study better). – You might study better.

I am sorry, I am late. (come in time). – You might have come in time.

1. He has hurt his leg. (be more careful) 2. May I take your pen? (bring your own) 3. She doesn’t want to talk to him. (be more polite with her) 4. I can’t find my book. (remember where you put your things). 5. I didn’t know how to kill the time yesterday. (help us) 6. The room is so untidy. (do it) 7. My mother usually irons my shirts. (do it yourself) 8. I missed the train yesterday. (come to the station earlier) 9. I visited my grandmother last month. (visit her more often) 10. I couldn’t find you at home yesterday. (wait a little)

Упр. 14. Ответьте собеседнику, выражая неуверенность.


Harry hasn’t returned yet. (return tonight)

He may (might) return tonight.

I can’t find John anywhere. (play football with the boys)

He may (might) be playing football with the boys.

She didn’t come to me on Sunday. (be busy)

She may (might) have been busy.

1. The weather is so nasty today. (change in a few days) 2. I can’t find my shoes in the hall. (leave them in the room) 3. Where is your sister? (do her homework) 4. I tried to explain the rule to her but she didn’t understand. (be tired) 5. It hasn’t rained for a week and the air is so dry and dusty. (rain tomorrow) 6. Why didn’t she call me yesterday? (forget your phone number) 7. He is so happy today. (win the chess tournament) 8. Why is it so noisy in their flat? (have a party) 9. He didn’t take part in the competition last time. (be unwell) 10. She has seen all the performances of our Drama Theatre. (be interested in art)

Упр. 15*. Поставьте предложения в будущее и прошедшее время. Дайте все возможные варианты.

  1. The child may go there alone.

  2. They may stay with us.

  3. I may take the book.

  4. She may play in the yard.

Упр. 16*. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. Поставьте все возможные вопросы к предложениям.

  1. He may write a letter to his granny.

  2. They were allowed to take extra books.

  3. You might help us with the work.

  4. She will be allowed to take part in the competition.

  5. He is allowed to have two sweets.

Упр. 17*. Вставьте глаголы can/could, may/might в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. Переведите предложения.


1. Students … bring books into the examination room. 2. … stand on your head? – I … when I was at school, but now I … . 3. … I smoke here? – No, you … . 4. … you type? – Yes, I …, but I … shorthand. 5. … I come in? – Please, do. 6. I … remember your address. - … you ever remember the street? 7. He … answer the teacher’s question yesterday, but he … answer the same question today. 8. … I come and see you tomorrow? – Of course, you … . 9. When I first went to Spain I … read Spanish but … speak it. 10. He said that we … use his flat whenever we like. 11. There was a lot of noise in the street and I … sleep. 12. … I borrow your umbrella? 13. I … walk ten miles a day when I was a young man but now I … . 14. It is very cold. … I shut the window?


1. She … be away from home. 2. He … have been hurt. 3. It was so dark and we … see anything. 4. … you lend me a shilling? 5. … you hear what he is saying? 6. … this be true? 7. You … go miles in this direction without seeing anybody. 8. … we go to the pictures after we wash up? – Yes, you … . 9. Mother said I … go out. 10. Sorry, sir, you … smoke here. 11. … I have some more tea? 12. The letter … have been written by him. 13. He … be having dinner now. 14. Peter … do sums very well. … he help us? 15. She … open the window, it’s very large.

Упр. 18*. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Можно мне здесь остаться? – Да, конечно. 2. Ты мог бы помочь мне сегодня? 3. Может быть, дождь уже кончился. 4. Может быть, они все еще ждут нас там? 5. Вы можете купить эту книгу в любом магазине. 6. Могу я помочь вам? – Да. 7. Нельзя пользоваться словарем во время зачета. 8. Ты опять опоздал. Хотя бы раз ты мог придти вовремя. 9. Может быть, он уже ушел. 10. Ты мог бы чаще навещать родителей. 11. Нам разрешат купаться. 12. Им разрешили пойти туда.

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