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9.2. Согласование времен.

Таблица 1. - Изменение времен глагола при переходе от прямой речи в косвенную речь.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Present Indefinite (V, Vs)

Past Indefinite (Ved,V2)

Present Continuous

(am, is, are Ving)

Past Continuous

(was/were Ving)

Present Perfect (have, has V3/Ved)

Past Perfect (had Ved/V3)

Past Indefinite (V2, Ved)

Past Perfect (had Ved/V3)

Past Continuous

(was, were Ving)

Past Perfect Continuous

(had been Ving)

Past Perfect (had V3/Ved)

Past Perfect (had Ved/V3)

Future Indefinite (shall/will V)

Future Indefinite in the Past

(should/would V)

Упр. 38. Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени.

  1. I know he will come in time.

  2. We are sure they will recognize us.

  3. She thinks she will get up early.

  4. I hope he will help us.

  5. Do you think they will agree with us?

  6. I am sure she will not refuse to go to the theatre.

  7. Is he afraid he will be ill?

  8. Why do you suppose they will win the game?

  9. Do they promise they will send us a letter?

  1. He is sure she will finish her work soon.

  2. Does she consider they will make a mistake?

  3. Why is he sure they will help him?

  4. Tom feels he will be late.

  5. I can not understand why they will stay here.

  6. We want to know when he will go out.

  7. My doctor thinks this medicine will help me.

  8. He doesn't know when her train will arrive.

  9. We don't suppose she will know the news.

  10. His friend is not sure he will be working at 7 o'clock.

  11. I hope I will have finished working by the evening.

Упр. 39. Запишите предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Tom said, "I'm leaving for France in a few days." 2. Kate said, "I have never been to Brazil. I want to visit it this summer." 3. Mother thought, "We'll have to buy a lot of things for Helen when she goes to school next September." 4. Father complained, "I haven't had a real holiday for the last five years or so." 5. We said, "We hope he will pass his exams successfully if nothing happens." 6. She announced, "We are engaged and going to be married as soon as Harris buys a house." 7. The guide said, "By the end of your stay here you'll have seen all the sights of the town." 8. My guests grumbled, "It has been raining all the time since we arrived here a week ago." 9. Ann said, "I have been working hard the whole day and I'm very tired." 10. She said, "We became friends when we left college." 11. He said, "She was seventeen and I was twenty-seven when we first met." 12. Dennis said, "She was not so young as I expected and not so beautiful." 13. The old woman said, "I've lived in this house all my life and I have never seen any ghosts here." 14. The man shouted, "You don't know what you are talking about." 15. She said, "I have learned Russian for two years but I can read it better than I can speak, because Russian is difficult." 16. The boy said, "I know these places very well so I can act as your guide if you want."

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