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5.9 Выберите и вставьте нужное причастие из следующих пар слов

(amusing / amused confusing / confused exhausting / exhausted

annoying / annoyed disgusting / disgusted interesting / interested

boring / bored exciting / excited surprising / surprised)

1. He works very hard. It's not surprising that he's always tired.

2. I've got nothing to do. I'm ..……………………………… .

3. The teacher's explanation was ……………Most of the students didn't understand it.

4. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really .......…………… .

5. I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not particularly ……………… in art.

6. There's no need to get ……………… just because I'm a few minutes late.

7. The lecture was …………… I fell asleep.

8. I asked Emily if she wanted to come out with us but she wasn't ………………………... .

9. I've been working very hard all day and now I'm ……………………….. .

10. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite ..........……………… about it.

11. Tom is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very ……………………………………

12. Liz is a very …………………… person. She knows a lot, she's travelled a lot and she's done lots of different things.

Complex Object

5.10 Подчеркните сложное дополнение (Complex Object). Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. You must let me have time to consider your proposal.


2. From the age of five he had come to the studio to watch his own father work.


3. I had seen her eyes glaze over when he was talking enthusiastically.


4. He hated people to argue about things of no importance.


5. At last they got him to write a letter to his brother.


6. I heard the professor mention these facts in his lecture.


7. We can't have them waste their money in this way.


8. "I don't want anyone to know yet, Kate", he insisted.


9. I am always thinking about myself and I ex­pect everybody else to do the same.


10. It would be unfair to expect other people to be as talented as you.


11. Hunger has made him faint.


12. The police considered him to be one of the most dangerous criminals.


13. He wants me to stay.


14. The headmaster didn’t allow us to use make-up at school.


15. He saw the car standing before the door.


16. There was a girl who said at a party that she had once seen a murder committed.


17. She felt her tears rising.


18. I watched the luggage registered.


19. I could almost hear his voice shouting.


20. I felt myself touched on the arm.


21. I had several dresses made.


22. I believe he will want the picture done with the greatest speed.


23. I must get it arranged.


24. I heard footsteps and turning sharply saw Bertrand com­ing towards us.


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