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2. Read the text again and match the English collocations on the left to their Russian equivalents on the right.

1) to deposit in a bank account

a) срок погашения

2) a commercial or retail bank

b) заёмщик

3) to pay interest to the depositors

c) стандартизированные продукты

4) to grant loans

d) юридические лица

5) a borrower

e) положить на банковский счет

6) to make a profit

f) резервные требования

7) to charge a high rate of interest

g) выплачивать проценты вкладчикам

8) reserve requirements

h) коммерческий/торговый банк

9) to assess a risk

i) условия и обязательства

10) standardized products

j) устанавливать высокую процентную ставку

11) terms and conditions

k) физические лица

12) personal customers

l) предоставлять кредиты

13) corporate customers

m) сопоставлять доходы и риски

14) maturity

n) оценивать риск

15) to balance yield and risk

o) получать прибыль

3. Complete the sentences from banks’ websites using the vocabulary of the unit.

  1. If you need instant access to all your money, this is the ………. ………… for you.

  2. Our products for ………….. ………… include business overdrafts, loan repayments that reflect your cash flow, and commercial mortgages.

  3. Our local branch managers are encouraged to help local businesses and are authorized to ……….. …………. and overdrafts.

  4. We offer standardized loans: you can be sure you won’t get less favourable terms and ………… than our other ……… ………….. .

  5. We can provide you with a choice of ways in which to ……….. your ………. at our bank.

  6. You can use your ………… ……….. from Tesco bank to purchase a new car or make some home improvements.

4. Match the two parts of the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Banks lend savers’ deposits

a) banks have to assess the risk involved.

2. They also create credit by

b) depends on the reserve requirements.

3. How much credit banks can create

c) depends on how risky it is for the bank to lend the money.

4. Before lending money,

d) so they can’t lend all their money in loans with long maturities.

5. The interest rate on a loan

e) lending the same original deposit several times.

6. Banks always need liquidity,

f) to people who need to borrow the money.

5. Find verbs in the text that can be used to make word combinations with the nouns below. Then use some of the verbs in the proper form to complete the sentences.










1. With standardized products, all customers are ………. the same interest rate.

2. Banks generally know from experience how much cash to keep in their reserves for customers who want to ………………. it.

3. Banks carefully study the financial situation of a company to ………….. the risk involved in lending it money.

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