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Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (срс)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення:

  1. щоденне вживааня їжі

  2. тяжкий тягар (ноща)

  3. скорочення тривалості життя

  4. спричиняти передчасну смерть

  5. середня вага тіла

  6. профілактика ожиріння

  7. стримування нормальної ваги

  8. надлишкова вага

  9. звички харчування

  10. надмірна кількість жирної їжі

II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання:

  1. At what age may overweight in obesity frequently occur?

  2. What is the important factor in production of overweight?

  3. What serious conditions does an obese individual usually suffer from?

  4. What can weight reduction in obesity best be provided by?

  5. What branch of medicine studies the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity?

III. Розкрийте поняття: ожиріння


1. Overweight, particularly …individuals past middle life, is a burden which many persons carry about quite without necessity.

a) at b) on c) from d) by e)in

2. In many instances, this heavy burden will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span; they … to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections.

a) are more likely to succumb b) are more likely to be succumb

c) are more likely to be being succumb d) is more likely to succumb

e)am more likely to succumb

3. …, the obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts, much more commonly than do persons of normal weight.

a) Further b) Furthermost c) Furtherance d) Furthermore e) Furthest

4. Thus, the prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of… .

a) prenatal medicine b) preventive medicine c) physical medicine

d) postclinical medicine e) preserving medicine

5. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body — in brief; the fat person eats … rich food.

a) too many b) too little c) too small d) too big e) too much

6. A positive energy balance … a variety of causes: one of the important factors is dietary habits.

a) might be due to b) may be due to c) may due to

d) may to be due to e) may be due

7. People … eat as much as they did at 20, although their activities are greatly curtailed. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

a) over 20 b) over 30 c) over 40 d) over 50 e) over 60

8. Prevention of overweight centers … each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life.

a) teaching b) is teaching c) be teaching

d) to be teaching e) is being teaching

9. The person must be convinced that the … with increasing age is injurious, in a direct ratio to the degree of increase of weight to increasing age.

a) "increased" gain of weight b) "permanent" gain of weight

c) "normal" gain of weight d) "gradual" gain of weight

e)"decreased" gain of weight

10. The other essential educational feature that must be emphasized is that weight reduction … by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance.

a) can best be secured b) could best be secured c) can best is secured

d) can worst be secured e) can best to be secured


Exercise 1. Learn the following words:

allergy, n



exposure, n


піддавання зовнішньому впливу

histamine, n



invade, v



pollen, n


квітковий пилок

hives, n



wheeze, v


сопіти, хрипіти

itch, n


чесатися, свербіти

clogging, n



rash, n


висип, висипання

mold, n



mite, n



swelling, n


пухлина, припухлість

Exercise 2. Choose the proper definitions to the terms:

  1. Sneezing

  1. is an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch to relieve the feeling

  1. Sensitization

  1. is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques on the skin that appear suddenly

  1. Allergen

  1. a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa

  1. Pollen

  1. a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death

  1. Anaphylaxis

  1. is a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing

  1. Wheezing

  1. exposure to allergen that results in the development of hypersensitivity

  1. Hives

  1. is a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants

  1. Itching

  1. a type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations:

Over-reaction, foreign proteins, antibodies, immune response, affected person, to develop allergy, allergen, sneezing, shortness of breath, pain over the sinuses, skin rashes, swelling of lips and face, hives, abdominal cramps, cough, thick mucus secretions, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, life-threatening reaction, clogging up of airways, itching, unconsciousness.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text: