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I. Read and translate the text.

An Englishman was paying his first visit to America having come to see his married daughter and his newly born grandson. If the steamer had arrived in time, his daughter would have come to meet him. But as the steamer arrived earlier than was expected there was no one at the dock to meet him.

The Englishman knew his daughter’s address and in due time a taxi brought him with his luggage to his daughter’s house, which was only six blocks across the town from the dock.

“But, father,” asked his daughter, after he had been welcomed, “did you have any difficulty in getting here?”

“If I had known the value of American money,” he said, “I should not have had any trouble whatever. On the ship I had two pounds changed into American coins. The clerk tried to explain their value to me, but I couldn’t understand him - after dealing with pennies and shillings and half-crowns and pounds, these American terms seemed so difficult to an old man like me.”

II. Translate the sentences.

1.If I knew her number, I would telephone her. 2. Tom would travel if he had more money. 3. If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that coat. 4. If I were rich, I would buy a castle. 5. We wouldn’t have any money if we didn’t work. 6.If I had known that you were ill, I would have gone to see you. 7. We would have gone out if the weather hadn’t been so bad. In case of fire, please leave the building as quick as possible. 9. In case of emergency, telephone this number. 10. We rang the bell again in case they hadn’t heard the first time. 11.I wish you wouldn’t drive so fast. 12.He is going to take his camera in case he wants to take some pictures.13. Travelling by car is convenient provided (that) you have somewhere to park. 14.Providing (that) she studies hard, she should pass the examination. 15. We’ll be late unless we hurry.

          1. Make your own sentences. Use expressions:

If I were you, I …

I wish you wouldn’t …

In case of….


Unit IX.


I. Read and translate the text.

Remember, not so long ago, when the telephone used to be a simple receiver connected by a wire to the wall ? And all you used your phone for was to make a phone call ? Today, new technology has changed the telephone and what people use it for.

Computer-based technology has given us instant connections and clearer conversations over the telephone.

But you don’t need to be at home or at the office to use the telephone anymore. Mobile phones (also known as cellular phones) have no wires. You can carry one in your pocket or keep one in your car. A call from a mobile phone travels along radio waves to stations located in different places. From there the radio signal is connected to the regular phone system. With a mobile phone, anyone who can drive and talk can also drive and phone. This means less wasted time: You don’t have to look for a phone booth or use coins to make a call. So remember, next time you are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there might be a call for you!

Answer the questions.

  1. How have computers improved telephone services ?

  2. How many uses of the telephone can you find in the passage?

  3. How many uses of a mobile phone can you find ?

  4. How does a mobile phone call reach a station ?

Unit X.

Degrees of Comparison.

1. Read and translate the text:

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