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  1. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group and explain why you think so:

  1. father, mother, sister, brother, cousin

  2. mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-father, sister-in-law, son-in-law

  3. friendly, efficient, generous, selfish, punctual

  4. slim, tall, nervous, broad-shouldered, plump

  5. skiing, swimming, sitting, reading, knitting

  1. Fill in the gaps choosing the right word from the box:

niece sister-in-law daughter nephew son grandparents half-brother parents nurse son-in-law wife husband half-sister stepmother stepbrother brother-in-law

  1. Lucy is Andrea and Joseph's little __________ .

  2. Donald and Rosemary's __________ is an affectionate husband.

  3. Charles's _________ Robin wasn't fond of school in his childhood.

  4. Andrea's _________ David is very enthusiastic about fishing.

  5. Charles doesn't show much respect to his _________ Rosemary.

  6. Being spoiled by his _________ and _________ , Charles grew up to be a very selfish man.

  7. Robin is secretly in love with his __________ Amanda.

  1. Finish the following sentences. Arrange the sentences you have made into a story about yourself.

When I have some free time I like...

At the Institute I have always been good at...

It has always been very difficult for me to...

I would describe myself as a … and … person.

When I go out with friends we usually...

When I am short of money I sometimes...

I am sometimes envious of people who...

I like (don't like) to have pets in my house because...

When I feel out of sorts (in a bad mood) I...

When I want to enjoy myself I usually

1 am not very interested in...

I find it very easy to ...

I learn English because ...

I like people who...

I try to avoid people who...

I like to read books about...

I am very proud of...

One day I hope to...

As a child I used to be afraid of...

I don't like films which...

I think I look like...

  1. Read ties of relationship and fill in the gaps:

  1. Your relatives on your wife's side are: Your wife's sister is your ... , and her brother is your ... , your parents will refer to your wife as their ... while your brothers and sisters will refer to her as ... . Your wife's parents will speak of you as their ... .

  2. Your brother's and sister's sons and daughters are your ... and ... .

  3. Your mother's and father's brothers and sisters are your ... . The children of your uncles and aunts are your ... .

  4. Your mother's and father's parents are your ... and the latter will refer to you as their ... .

  5. Someone's second wife will speak of her husband's children as her ..., and the latter will speak of her as their ... . Someone's second husband will also refer to his wife's children as his ... while the latter will speak of him as their ... .

  1. Text B. Read and translate some jokes:

to have words – посваритись

to call a spade a spade – називати речі власним ім’ям

She: "Jack, I was sorry to treat you the way I did. You'll forgive me, won't you, for being so angry with you all last week?"

He: "Sure! That's all right, I saved 22 dollars while we weren't on speaking terms."

  • Have you broken off your engagement to Mary?

  • She won't have me.

  • You told her about your rich uncle?

  • Yes, she is my aunt now.

"No, thank you, I'll stay at home," — said a man who had been invited to join a party visiting the Zoo, — "My eldest daughter walks as a kangaroo, my second daughter talks like a parrot, my son laughs like a hyena, my wife watches me like a hawk, and my mother-in-law says I'm an old gorilla! When I go anywhere I want a change!"

They'd been "having words" because he came home very late again. "Well, at any rate, I'm a man of my word," he said angrily. "1 do call a spade a spade." "Maybe, Henry," his wife answered, "but you don't call a club a club, you call it working late."

  1. Be ready to speak on the topic.