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. Quiz: How Green Are You?

  1. Do you read t^e tift of ingredients on the food you buy?

  2. Do you take a shower itistead of bath? "

  3. Have you planted at least one tree?

  4. Do you feed birds or squirrels in winter?

  5. Do you insulate your house in winter to save heat?

  6. Do you switch off lights if nobody needs them on?

  7. Do you use recycled paper?

8 If you ever organized a campaign on environmental issues, score 5.

9. For sliorf journeys, do you regularly walk if you can?

  1. For long journeys, do you regularly use a bike or public transport?

  2. If your family has a car, does it run on unleaded petrol?

  3. If your family doesn't have a car, score 2.

  4. Do you buy ozone friendly aerosols?

  5. If you don't buy aerosols at all, score 5.

15. If you have ever written a manufacture to complain about their products, score 5.

  1. Do you belong to any environmental organization?

  2. Can you name at least one endangered species?

  3. Do you take bottles to the bottle bank?

  4. Do you collect aluminum cans for recycling?

  5. Do you collect paper for recycling?

  6. If you are a non-smoker, score 3.

22. Coming back from the forest or home from the beach, do you al- ways take your litter with you?

How do you score? Very pale green - score under 5 Light green - 6 - 16 Mid-green - 117 -27 Dark green - 28 - 38 Very pale green (scores under 5).

There is a whole green world waiting for you. Read on, read on. Light Green t^.-16)>to ^ ,<-a

You have атеаау began to notice that some parts of your lifestyle aren't very environmental friendly, but you wouldn't think twice about throwing away paper, cans and bottles. You are a bit curious about all the fuss over environmental problems and definitely want to find out more as long as it is not too difficult. You realize that it is a good move to be green and should read on and go greener.

Mid-Green (17-27)

You are really thinking about the way that planets operates and you know that everything you do - good or bad - will return to us sooner or later. You have made some changes to your lifestyle already. You are aware of the most common environmental problems and you feel strongly about some endangered species. Sometimes you eat fast food, but wonder what's in it. You often watch environmental programs on television. You may be thinking about joining an environmental group. Now it's time to take the leap and become an active green!

Dark Green (28-38) аисг/гЬ

You try to live in a way that does not damage the environment. You like to plant trees and take fcare of birds. You use recycled paper but con­stantly frustrated with the lack of recycling facilities in your area. You might be a member of an environmental organization and you have already taken part in some actions. Your friends think you are a bit obsessive but you have noticed that recently they have been coming around to your way of thinking. Be cheerful by the fact, that people are becoming more aware and there will be changes. What you do does count!

UNIT 4 Task 1

Ex. 1. Memorize the following words.

  1. to pond - запруживать

  2. to flow - течь

  3. duration - продолжительность

  4. to convey - подавать, транспортировать

  5. pipe - труба, трубопровод 6)treservoir - водохранилище, резервуар

  1. subirrigation - подпочвенное орошение

  2. underground - подземный, под землей

  1. upward - вверх

Э) furrow irrigation - полив по бороздам

  1. corrugation irrigation - орошение по мелким бороздам

  2. border strip irrigation - орошение методом чеков

  3. basin irrigation - орошение затоплением

i) contour irrigation - орошение с учетом рельефа 5) wild flooding - затопление большими нормами S) a sheet of water - полоса, слой воды

  1. strip - полоса, участок

  2. ridge - гребень борозды J) row - ряд

  1. flat lands - равнины

  2. to fill - наполнять

  3. to dike - перегораживать, окапывать

  4. to percolate - просачиваться

Ex.2 . Translate the following word combinations: a) surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, sub irrigation, flood irrigation, furrow irrigation, corrugation irrigation, basin irrigation, border strip irriga­tion; b) flooding system, flooding pipe; c) flooded crop, flooded condition; c) irrigation water, capillary water, a sheet of water, the flow of water, un­derground water.

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the dif­ferent meaning of the verb to flow:

1. The Don flows into the Black Sea. 2. Rivers flow from springs and lakes. 3. Tears flowed from her eyes. 4. The tide flows twice in twenty four hours. 5. Many excellent results flowed from his actions. 6. Money flows like wa­ter.