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The Functions of the Infinitive

Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the function of the Infinitive as:

I. Subject.

Models. a) ‘To’ + Infinitive before the predicate (It’s formal)

To make mistakes is easy. Совершать ошибки легко.

b) It + the Infinitive clause (‘It’ is a preparatory subject).

It’s easy to make mistakes. Легко совершать ошибки.

1. To solve the equation is to find the numerical values of the unknowns. 2. It’s not difficult to define which of the numbers is less. 3. To evaluate an expression means to substitute the numerical equivalents for the letters. 4. To find the logarithm of the given number means to find its exponent. 5. To prove a theorem in a deductive system is to show that it is a necessary logical consequence of some previous proposition. 6. It’s necessary to determine this distance for further research. 7. It’s difficult to refuse his invitation. 8. It’s nice to be sitting here with you.

II. Object.

Model. You have the right to remain silent.

У вас есть право хранить молчание.

1. They expected to be given complete information. 2. This force caused the body to move. 3. The use of algebra in geometry permits one to speak of a space of more than three dimensions. 4. We were asked to solve the equation in three variables. 5. The students wanted to investigate the properties of square matrices. 6. The word “smooth” is used to suggest that the motion of a point has no abrupt changes of direction. 7. The teacher told me to speak loudly in order that everyone could hear me. 8. She wants to visit a lot of exciting places in Europe.

III. Adverbial modifier of purpose or result.

Models. a) He went to the florist to buy a bouquet of flowers.

Он пошел в цветочный магазин купить букет цветов.

(adverbial modifier of purpose).

b) I woke one morning to find myself famous.

Однажды утром я проснулся и обнаружил, что я знаменит.

(adverbial modifier of result).

с) after too + adjective (слишком…, чтобы)

after adjective /adverb + enough (достаточно…, чтобы)

He is too tired to answer my questions.

Он слишком уставший, чтобы отвечать на мои вопросы.

The text is difficult enough to understand it at once.

Текст достаточно сложный, чтобы понять его сразу же.

1. To understand some formulas, she used the text-book of mathematics. 2. To raise a power to a power, it is sufficient to multiply their exponents. 3. To simplify an expression in two unknowns, one transforms it in the same way as an equation in one unknown. 4. To keep the number unchanged in value, we must multiply it by the same power of ten. 5. He checked the results of the experiment only to find it didn’t agree with the expected one. 6. He looked around to see them coming up. 7. She went to see her old friend only to find out he was away. 8. She is clever enough to win the competition. 9. He is too young to stay out so late.

IV. Predicative or Part of Predicate.

Models. a) His course paper is to be submitted in May. Его курсовая работа

должна быть представлена на рассмотрение в мае.

b) Her dream is to become a good programmer.

Ее мечта – стать хорошим программистом.

(The Infinitive follows the subject expressed by the words: task,

method, plan, problem, aim, purpose and function).

c) part of a modal predicate

He must have studied several proofs of this theorem.

Он, вероятно, изучил несколько доказательств этой теоремы.

1. Fortunately, people can visualize or picture two- or three-dimensional ideas by means of drawing on paper. 2. They should have used some graphs. 3. They might have permitted them to reason from visual pictures. 4. A more general treatment of the whole subject is to be found in the monograph. 5. Our aim is to master this subject. 6. We are to use a similar device in triple integrals. 7. They had to change the date of the conference. 8. Their intention was to win the first prize in the competition.